For @Milan
Like a shadow, she streaked across the great white blanket of snow. Cutting through what was but a small section of the valley. In front of her, cloaked in an ivory coat, a snowshoe hare ran for it's life. Spooked from it's hiding place, now fleeing so as not to become one hungry wolfs meal.
Dark ears pinned to a golden necklace, the budding hunter put on a fresh burst of speed. Tried to close the distance while snowy dust kicked up behind her. Even if she failed, this would if nothing else, serve as hearty exercise.
December 29, 2024, 08:59 PM
These days Milan never seemed to cease movement. She was always out and about, walking with a pep in her step and hopping through the snow as she worked through the tasks she had set for herself that day.
Rabbit pelts gripped in her gentle muzzle, she passed through in the direction of Cole's den when a streak of ebony and honey-blonde fur ran by. Head quick to turn, she recognised the fast-moving figure to be one of Ameline's daughters.
Interest painting her sapphire gaze, she followed at a trot. She was curious of where this may go.
Rabbit pelts gripped in her gentle muzzle, she passed through in the direction of Cole's den when a streak of ebony and honey-blonde fur ran by. Head quick to turn, she recognised the fast-moving figure to be one of Ameline's daughters.
Interest painting her sapphire gaze, she followed at a trot. She was curious of where this may go.
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Powerplayable by Frederick
January 02, 2025, 10:41 PM
What she hadn't counted on was how nimble the little hare was, even in the snow. Or it's internal map to one of many bolt holes scattered far and wide. As it dashed down for safety to one such gaping, snow crusted mouth, the young hunter was rudely surprised.
Not by the sudden plunge of her prey into a recess, but the sudden tilt of the earth hidden beneath the snow. The ground seemed to give way sharply under foot. She stumbled and slipped. Frantic to regain control, only to tumble head over tail to land in an ungraceful heap.
Not by the sudden plunge of her prey into a recess, but the sudden tilt of the earth hidden beneath the snow. The ground seemed to give way sharply under foot. She stumbled and slipped. Frantic to regain control, only to tumble head over tail to land in an ungraceful heap.
January 08, 2025, 11:49 AM
Ears perked in clear surprise, she is quick to trot to the side of the other.
It must have been rather disappointing to miss the hare - and in front of a packmate too. Milan would have been mortified; she could only hope that this pup would be a bit more forgiving.
Are you alright? That was quite the fall.She frowns, no amusement in her tone - though she had to resist.
It must have been rather disappointing to miss the hare - and in front of a packmate too. Milan would have been mortified; she could only hope that this pup would be a bit more forgiving.
Please read my player preferences here!
Powerplayable by Frederick
January 19, 2025, 09:32 PM
She was a sturdy young girl. Despite now getting a face full of snow, she bounced right back up. Someone's voice called out in concern. A side glance showed Milan coming to stand nearby. Athella didn't look particularly upset. Although, she did look quite disheveled, with her cocoa brown fur now a patchwork of snow.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine. Was just a lil tumble." She remarked, shaking off any loose snow clinging to her hide. And perhaps the after effects of her spill as well. "Wasn't expecting the ground to give out under me like that. Heh, guess it happens when you can't see beneath all this snow."
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine. Was just a lil tumble." She remarked, shaking off any loose snow clinging to her hide. And perhaps the after effects of her spill as well. "Wasn't expecting the ground to give out under me like that. Heh, guess it happens when you can't see beneath all this snow."
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