Northstar Vale My love, are you the devil?
Montagne de Ciguë
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Ooc — Xenon
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She supposed herself grateful that he had chosen her over another. She had always wanted children. But then again, it was love she had hoped for too. She knew well that Chaudry was incapable of such a thing.

It was obvious from his predatory stare, his indifference, the way he had left and demanded that she come back separately as though ashamed of her. He had not been gentle, nor caring after the fact. His complete lack of empathy was not reserved for her, however. That fact only unsettled her more.

Now Pala could only hope he would keep his promise; that when her belly was swollen, her legs sore and bladder unforgiving, he truly would ensure her care. If he did not, what was to be done? Maybe she would just have to do something to hurt him too.

But now it was not a concern. It had only been a few days; the scent of her heat was still lingering, for all she knew it may not have taken. Laid in her den, she cringed at the idea of laying with him once again should that be the case.
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