Rosewater Oasis bloodlines v
24 Posts
Ooc — grim

there she came with long stride, head high.

she stepped over tangled roots, brushing past thick foliage, her dark coat catching the dappled light that filtered through the canopy.

it was not long before the ground beneath her seemed to darken, swallowed by something massive. tamasi’s ears twitched. she looked up—way up. towering before her was a beast of a wolf, his size so absurd she almost thought the heat had finally broken her mind. broad, thick-furred, built like the stone pillars of forgotten temples.

tamasi took a step back, head tilting as she let out a sharp, amused huff.
19 Posts
Ooc — Proxyx
he has never felt much for women. considerably less than his fellow men, who fawn over their wives and lavish their lovers in praise. he much prefers the tinge of masculinity, the thrill of battle and gnashing of teeth. blood has always excited him.

but from the moment he sees her, he is intrigued. muscle contours her body. long limbs carry her with a predatory grace. she is like no man he's met, and the notion of someone new excites him to no end.

he approaches her with raised head, slow gait carrying him to a stop before her. slowly, eyes of gray ice fix upon him, and she exhales, amused.

"i do not believe we've met." he lowers his head for a better look at her, lips twitching in the faintest ghost of a grin. there is an ominous air to it, some semblance of dishonesty which clings to his very being. and yet his gaze is warm- friendly, inviting. living contradiction.
24 Posts
Ooc — grim
tamasi exhales, slow. measured. she meets his gaze, steady, unflinching.

no, we haven’t.

her head tilts, eyes dragging over him—considering. he is a strong beast, the largest she had thus far encountered since coming to vahanet. the pharaoh himself was a large man, but he was made of long, gangly legs and a narrow waistline. this man...

he was built for war. for either shielding from depravity, or conducting it. suffice to say—it did stir a warm feeling in her belly, similar to butterflies. tamasi juts her chin out, though, unwilling to be reduced to fodder for a man.

she tsks and brushes past him, letting her dark fur linger against his. aren't you meant to follow that question up with your name?
19 Posts
Ooc — Proxyx
he grins, all teeth, as she brushes past him with feigned detachment.

"oh, so you seek my name? i wasn't sure i quite held your interest." his muzzle brushes her hip as she passes, and he drinks in her scent with a greedy hum. intoxicating.he takes care to keep her close, following each time she retreats from his touch.

she tempers his interest with a curl of her lip, a warning, and he obeys. patience is not beyond him.

"nectanebo, alay-basi. and who, dare i ask, might you be?"
24 Posts
Ooc — grim
she does not allow the tempting vice that is his snout brushing her hip to tempt her. she continues on, one paw after another, slowly sashaying away from the man; tail ever so often curling, twisting. passing beneath his jaw as she goes.

it evades her why she even indulges this man's arrogance, his clear pursuit of an exchange between the both of them. maybe it was ambition. she knew he was a man of high standing in vahanet, and if tamasi were going to be here permanently—as she couldn't just leave nokht behind—then she sought to rise.

her eyes turn and arkane makes a grim mistake. coming too close, testing his luck. she meets him with a curl of his lip, and is satisfied when he relents in his advances. she was the one to come to him, not him to her. and she does, coming closer, as they now circle each other in a dance of bodies.

tamasi, she breathes, hemetu to the hemet-nesut. she turns sharply then, giving him her backside once more as she begins to stride away again. feigning indifference to him, even though her stomach twirls with butterflies.
19 Posts
Ooc — Proxyx
he trails her with a potent hunger, patiently persistent. her tail beneath his jaw is a welcome treat, however fleeting, and he leans into her touch with a throaty growl.

"tamasi." her name crawls violently from his lips, rotten and cruel and wholly possessive. he will have her beneath him, her teeth at his throat. their union will be a violent one, and he welcomes the trouble she will bring him. he has always savored a challenge. his steps are confident yet tempered as he restrains himself from pouncing upon her like some crazed animal. he is a man of control, and the wait will only make the inevitable end sweeter. she is a strong woman, a snake among a mass of writhing worms, and she will be his.