Great Bear Wilderness [wp] tukstal
sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
All Welcome 
oxen fur draped over his broad shoulders was both a symbol of his heritage and a reminder of the hunt that had marked the union. callyope had departed to speak with her mother, and though he missed her presence at his side, he understood the importance of the moment.

the chieftain’s gaze swept across the mingling crowd, catching the glances of those who turned their heads to watch him. a soft hum of curiosity and pride settled in his chest, his senses attuned to the energy of the gathering. but it was a flicker of movement at the edge of the crowd that drew his attention—a familiar figure, lithe and delicate, slipping between the shadows and light.


the forest nymph, as he had named her, stood just beyond the others, her ethereal presence both grounding and otherworldly. sólhárr straightened, his eye fixed on her as a slow, inviting grin spread across his face. with a slight tilt of his head and a beckoning motion of his muzzle, he called her closer.

velia, he rumbled, his voice low and warm, carrying over the hum of the feast. there was something in the way he stood, the oxen fur accentuating his already imposing frame, that made the invitation impossible to ignore.
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norse“ · common · “islenka
við erum öll undir sama himni.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
amongst the chatter and sway of bodies velia caught a glimpse of the beacon that was solharr, his presence not easily missed even in the company of commotion. she answered his invitation with quick steps and a mirthful smile, slipping alongside others with soft apologies for every brush against them she might have caused. 

when she reached the man there was nothing but joy to be found in her eyes, a warmth even the night could not steal away radiating off of her in waves. "you have been wed," she stated with cheer, tail swaying to a gentle beat. "this is a happy day!"

marriage was not a thing of her home village, and until today she had not known of it's delight. never before had she thought of such a thing for herself but now she wondered, perhaps selfishly, if she might one day have a wedding of her own.
sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
her cheerfulness was contagious, a lightness that complemented the festivity of the day.

it is a happy day indeed, he said warmly, his tail giving a faint, approving sway. the oxen fur draped over his shoulders shifted slightly as he inclined his head to her, acknowledging her words.

his gaze lingered on her for a moment, catching the warmth in her eyes before he spoke again. tell me, velia, he rumbled, his voice carrying both curiosity and a touch of amusement, have you ever been to such an excursion before? a feast like this?

his question was laced with a lightheartedness, his demeanor open and inviting as he waited for her answer, keen to hear her thoughts on the spectacle around them.
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norse“ · common · “islenka
við erum öll undir sama himni.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
his question finds a look of thoughtful reminiscence streaming across the yearling's face, her brow tugging upward with interest. "no, not one like this," she reveals with a glance around to the hustle and bustle around them, the crowd a buzzing song in the background of their conversation. 

"my home village was not so...," she paused, trying to find the appropriate word in their shared common language. "...lively." celebrations were a thing she'd grown in, though they were more ceremonial than they were extravagant. most days she'd been content with these idle ways, but now she'd tasted unrestrained festivity and her heart hungered for more. 

most days the nymph would simply be happy in the shared company of mushrooms and woodland creatures. but for her to see so many faces of joy and hear their booming laughter — it made her appreciate the fond company in which she shared.
sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
her words painted a picture of a quieter life, one removed from the wild, roaring celebrations she now stood amidst. when she finished, he gave a slow nod, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

your life will change, he said, his tone both firm and warm, as if the promise itself carried weight. in a good way.

he gestured subtly to the bustle around them, the voices raised in laughter, the scents of roasted meat and fresh herbs mingling in the air. this is what it means to live among a strong pack, to share in its victories and its joy. to celebrate not just life, but the bond we all share.

his gaze softened, and his voice dipped lower, carrying a note of quiet encouragement. you’ll see, velia. this is only the beginning. there’s more to come—more for you to be a part of. and in time, you’ll find your place among it all.

he paused, watching her as the hum of the feast swirled around them. enjoy it, he added simply, his smile deepening just slightly. this is your moment too.
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norse“ · common · “islenka
við erum öll undir sama himni.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
velia consumed the words of ingwë, as if she'd been sand-bound to a desert and his voice was the gentle trickle of rainfall. he spoke of growth, of strength, of a future she'd not dreamed of before now. and she wondered, deeply, if the man who stood before her had always known this would be the life he lived. 

her thoughts found a quiet voice, "did you know?" she asked, realizing after a breath that more context was needed to her question. "did you know you would be leader? husband? teacher?"

moss green eyes grew with the expectancy that he would have all the answers she could dream of, but the song in her heart whispered to her that he could not tell her this in the way she wished. 

she had hoped, naively, that one day she would wake and hold all the answers to her life.
sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
after a pause, he gave a slow nod, his expression softening. this was my path, he said, his voice low, carrying the quiet certainty of a man who had walked through both fire and frost. one carved for me long before i could understand it.

his gaze shifted briefly, glancing toward the bustling crowd of wolves behind them, the remnants of the feast still alive with warmth and laughter. but i did not always know, he admitted, his tone quieter now, as if speaking a truth only for her. not at first. it revealed itself in time. with each choice, each step, the path became clearer.

he turned back to velia, his gaze steady but kind. you will find your path too, he said, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. not all answers come at once, skógnymfa. some we discover as we walk forward, as the light of máni guides us.
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norse“ · common · “islenka
við erum öll undir sama himni.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
there was some relief found in the discovery that even solharr at one point did not know what purpose fate had carved for him in the threads of time. velia had known this for herself, had been reared to understand that she would grow in grace and the teachings of the forest. 

but she was a girl yearning for all the answers, and she feared as any young adult might as they found their place amongst the world. 

her attention drifted then to the warm bodies surrounding them as the man spoke of máni and light. she rounded her focus back upon solharr, the motion of others in the background no more than a blur. he spoke of his god, he'd taught her this. 

máni — light, protector, spirit, nurturer. but in this moment it was not his god who velia thought guided her. 

"you be a light too solharr."

for his wife. for those he led. and for those he did not. the nymph could see this in him, and she hoped he could see this for himself too.
sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
he had never thought of himself that way, but hearing it from her—a forest nymph with a heart full of curiosity and wonder—stirred something deep within him.

no, no, he rumbled softly, his voice carrying a warmth that seemed to echo her sentiment. it is máni who guides us all. her light shines through those who choose to see it.

he leaned closer, his expression steady but inviting, as if sharing a secret meant only for her. i would like to teach you her ways, he said, his tone both kind and resolute. to show you how her light touches everything around us. the land, the hunt, the bonds we share.
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norse“ · common · “islenka
við erum öll undir sama himni.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
his voice rumbled a humble disagreement to her words, spinning then to praise his moon god as the light who shone through him. but if máni was the light, then velia would have thought solharr a stained glass window. what light beamed through it was more vibrant and rich than any ray would have been on it's own.

she steadied herself as he leaned near, an ear shifted in his direction as the man went on to share his words. she pulled back ever slightly, a curious and spirited smile stuck to her lips.

"i will learn this," she accepted, ever the scholar eager to soak up what knowledge and beliefs were offered to be shared. "but, you may find you learn what i teach too." her words were playful, teasing, but held some resolve behind the air that pushed them from her lungs.

she thought even solharr, as wise as he may be, might learn a thing or two from a country bumpkin like herself.
sólr rísa,
449 Posts
Ooc — honey!
okay, he said simply, his voice steady, resonant. i will learn.

there was no condescension in his words, no doubt in the possibilities she hinted at. he was a man who had long walked the path of tradition and strength, yet he knew the value of humility. velia's spirit, her willingness to both give and receive, intrigued him.

it is a fair trade, he added, a faint curve to his lips—a smile meant only for her. máni’s light guides us both, but skógnymfa has her own wisdom. i would be a fool not to listen.

his tail gave a single flick, a subtle gesture of invitation, as if to say: teach me, then. let us walk this path together.
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norse“ · common · “islenka
við erum öll undir sama himni.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
a smile beamed from her at his acceptance with a satisfied sway of her tail. "come then!" she cheered before bounding off toward where a group of individuals still swayed to a soft beat. 

"first i teach you and these sunshine folk how the forest dwellers dance," she announced with lighthearted ambition. and with that she was leaping from one body to the next, hoping to spur them to join her as she went about teaching them a simple dance of her people. 

there would be time for them to truly share in what knowledge they each held, but today was a day of celebration, and so velia sought simply to enjoy it as that. 

fade here?