keeping vaguey vague <3 tag for reference: @Yura
she arrived alongside the long slant of weakened morning sun, silvery motes of respiration curling over her dark muzzle.
the tangle was quiet; not even winterbirds lent their jovial twitter to the thorny place. sobeille drank in the still air, her throat raw and senses heightening as a realization seized her.
there were no scents here.
sobeille’s steps took on that of a fox — with alarm seizing her heart, she made for the rendezvous with every blade of fur along her spine lifted in unease.
can be cameo! <3
Sobeille had acquired a shadow.
She'd remained almost glued to her shorefriend's side since the incident, loath to let the auburn girl out of her sights lest the beast show itself again. Each snapping twig made her jump, each rustle of leaves had her certain the glint of teeth would soon follow.
Here in the quiet, Yuralria was as alert as Sobeille, and sensed the change in her demeanour as she might a startled caribou. Something was wrong. Her noise of concern broke the silence as she moved after her, fur fluffed as much from the sea breeze as it was from the worry of what they might find.
speech like this denotes Inuktitut
March 05, 2025, 10:58 AM
some’ting be off.sobeille informed moongirl, rifling her gaze over yura’s bladed fur.
she paused at the foot of an old sequoia and tilted her thin muzzle back with deep breaths. saltwind flooded her senses, but little else.
should she howl? she scanned the tree cover above in careful thought: calling would let her family know she was home — but it would also potentially broadcast her location to anyone else here.
someone — or something — had to happen to thin out sapphiqian presence here. sobeille sniffed at a stale odor at the base of the tree and realized not even val’s scent lingered among the leaves.
she looked to her friend in mutual dread, but then pressed on towards glintwater lake.
March 05, 2025, 06:59 PM
Astera arrived home, albeit too late. Bleak scents, strange scents. All the same meaning; hardly a soul happened to be home. She had sense enough to be vary. The seacliffs had been home to the saltwater band long before her time, and yet today they were silent.
And yet it seemed all was not to be hapless, a familiar breeze on the wind. Astera picks up her pace, abandoning caution as she raced on through the bluepeace. "SOBEILLE!!
And yet it seemed all was not to be hapless, a familiar breeze on the wind. Astera picks up her pace, abandoning caution as she raced on through the bluepeace. "SOBEILLE!!
March 07, 2025, 11:18 PM
So much had happened since Sobeille had went missing (but we're being vague). Actually, only really one major thing that had happened. Something which would change the lives of all Sapphique.
Shadess and Lafayette had left their home in search of their allies in the moon wolves, with every hope that their all noble and good vibes would ensure their help in saving the Sapphique women.
In Sapphique, were but Pepper and Tousaint when they left. The journey had no been an easy one and when Shadess returned home and had fallen into slumber deep within the outskirts of their home in the tangled. The place where she had been born. The place she began to learn her home from. She didn't leave for days.
She didn't go to the sea, for fear that spirits there would be angry with her for not doing more. For fear the sound and smell would make her miss her family more. For fear she might just decide to toss herself off the cliffside.
Then, at some point, where she had stored herself away in a dark hole, she would hear others, smell others. The others she did not know and as she creeped into their direction she would know the voices were not familiar to her either. Only one mattered:
Shadess and Lafayette had left their home in search of their allies in the moon wolves, with every hope that their all noble and good vibes would ensure their help in saving the Sapphique women.
In Sapphique, were but Pepper and Tousaint when they left. The journey had no been an easy one and when Shadess returned home and had fallen into slumber deep within the outskirts of their home in the tangled. The place where she had been born. The place she began to learn her home from. She didn't leave for days.
She didn't go to the sea, for fear that spirits there would be angry with her for not doing more. For fear the sound and smell would make her miss her family more. For fear she might just decide to toss herself off the cliffside.
Then, at some point, where she had stored herself away in a dark hole, she would hear others, smell others. The others she did not know and as she creeped into their direction she would know the voices were not familiar to her either. Only one mattered:
Sister!She called out between the distance that still filled between them.

March 10, 2025, 08:11 AM
since yura mentioned being a cameo ill post again! but let me know if you’d like to hop back in <3
she and moongirl searched in silence soon interrupted by the tread of galloping feet.
flashbacks to their altercation with black scar and sivaak; sobeille pressed flank to yura and bared her teeth, the yammering of her heart slowing only as she realized astera approached. relief surged within her as she rose to meet astera, brushing her nose to the ivory pelt of her longest friend.
astera! what ‘as ‘appened?!pressed sobeille, searching for any fresh wounds on her friend.
again came the bracing of her body as more footsteps arrived, this time belonging to her younger sister.
shaddess!she claimed the space between them in fluid strides, nosing her sister all over; her pelt lacked the familiar tang of saltweave, prompting her to wonder if they were all safe, just somewhere else. but why?
what is goin’ on, shaddess?and then back to yura and astera.
yura — dis be my sisters, astera an’ shaddess. bot’ of you, where is everyone?
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