Forward dated a few days <3
The absence of Val could not have gone unnoticed. The wolves of Sapphique wandered sometimes, it was true, but Lucette had often trailed the scents idly past the borders — and never had she found one that did not fade out into the great beyond, but cut away abruptly in salt and stone by the sea. Quietly Lucette thought that Val could not have left Sapphique. Not by land.When days had passed she roused @Lafayette, whispering to him with Val's name on her lips and uncharacteristic worry in her eyes. Together they slipped down toward the sound, wordless. At some point she lost track of him in the searching, but Lucette was unconcerned. They were near enough to shout to one another.
She was grateful, too, that her twin was not with her when she discovered the body. Dark and still, too small to be Val surely. Too frail. Lucette stepped closer with dry eyes, and discovered quickly that death makes puppets of us all; loose, empty things, shrunken without the light of life behind the eyes. His green eyes. They should not have looked that way.
Lucette did not weep, but sat beside him and turned her eyes toward the sea. She didn't know if she ought to weep for him, just as she'd never known whether she ought to call him father.
January 01, 2025, 09:34 PM
(This post was last modified: January 01, 2025, 09:35 PM by Lafayette.)
wolves had come and gone from his life, but the core members remained—one of them being papa val. that was why, when the dark-furred man went missing, he knew something was deeply wrong here.
lucette had decided to look for him herself, and of course he would follow.
she went on ahead while lafayette nosed at every nook and cranny of the neighboring sound, trying to pick up any trace or hint. though he was able to find a few tasty morsels in the rocky tide pools, none of them offered answers pertaining to their quest.
he had just swallowed a slippery oyster and was licking the salt from his chops when he saw lucette pause, way down the beach—something dark and limp at her paws.
driftwood? or perhaps something dead, from the sea.
onward he went, and when he reached his sister's side, ice replaced the blood in his veins and every part of him froze in shock.
but this wolf was dead, dead as the one he'd discovered long ago, and grief burst from him like a summer storm, sudden and savage and frightening. lafayette cried out, a guttural moan, and fell to his knees in the wet sand, his tears pattering down upon val's vacant face.
lucette had decided to look for him herself, and of course he would follow.
she went on ahead while lafayette nosed at every nook and cranny of the neighboring sound, trying to pick up any trace or hint. though he was able to find a few tasty morsels in the rocky tide pools, none of them offered answers pertaining to their quest.
he had just swallowed a slippery oyster and was licking the salt from his chops when he saw lucette pause, way down the beach—something dark and limp at her paws.
driftwood? or perhaps something dead, from the sea.
onward he went, and when he reached his sister's side, ice replaced the blood in his veins and every part of him froze in shock.
papa val?he said blankly, half-expecting the man's ear to cock and his heavy-lidded eyes to widen in recognition.
but this wolf was dead, dead as the one he'd discovered long ago, and grief burst from him like a summer storm, sudden and savage and frightening. lafayette cried out, a guttural moan, and fell to his knees in the wet sand, his tears pattering down upon val's vacant face.
January 02, 2025, 03:49 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: trigger warning: mention of suicide
Chacal made her way back to Sapphique by way of the ocean’s long, slim shore. Where it curved in a long, crescent-shaped bay she found that spectres sung to her, as if those who had once claimed these shores whispered, sharing their stories with her.
One moaned- too loudly, though, for it to be the voice of the dead. Ahead on the shoreline, two figures recognizable because of their shared countenance- and near them, a shadow.
From a distance, she felt no concern, only curiosity. It was often that the sea gave up her bounty, and left them with gifts upon the shore. Perhaps it was a barnacle-covered piece of driftwood, so waterlogged that it was black. Perhaps it was a pile of seaweed, full of crabs. She did not quicken her step, until she realized that there was something troublesome about the sound of Lafayette’s voice.
Fur as dark as an oil slick announced that it was a body, but even when she realized that the twins had found a corpse she did not panic. The sea often gave up bodies- usually, those of sea creatures. It seemed so likely that they had found the body of a melanistic seal that she did not show any sign of concern until she was close enough to realize that it was a wolf-
And as Lafayette crumpled forward in grief, she realized that lying there was the last earthly remains of Valravn.
No blood seeped into the pale sands, and while he was misshapen and limp she knew the signs of the ocean’s savagery well enough to know that it was the waves that had battered him lifeless.
A stark and cold realization came over her as she looked down upon the man who had turned his back upon the ocean, had refused their rituals, who had taken up a role of leadership amongst them and yet who could not place one foot in water salt or fresh, because of his fear. Here he lay, this man so violently opposed to open water- slain by the mother of all oceans.
The only reason Valravn would have set foot in the ocean, or come close enough for it to strike him down and drag him in, was to end his own life.
Grief was swept aside by bitter betrayal. She looked down upon him with hard, shimmering eyes and moved to nudge her niece and nephew away from the corpse; a flagship of nothing but despair. She grunted, and was none too gentle as she began to force her way between them in the corpse, willing to pry them away if she must, and herd them back to Sapphique.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
March 05, 2025, 03:32 PM
stepping in here for one last post
probably due to the racket he was making in grief, chacal arrived, and to his despair, began to nudge him away from the body.
no!lafayette cried, wriggling out from behind the protective shield that was his aunt. no matter her intent, he was insistent on staying near his uncle—or what was left of him, at least.
he turned a tear-stained face toward chacal, placing a paw upon the still, dark shoulder.
i'm stayin' wit' 'im,he declared firmly.
he'll be buried wit' de rest of our family. but i wannae stay here. . .at least for now.
he wasn't yet ready to say goodbye.
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