Silver Moraine gnashing teeth
43 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
issitoq sent his warriors out to prowl and to hunt, although in this case it was not caribou that were the target. kukuvrak saw this as the perfect opportunity to show off his capabilities and that of tartok; this would meet the aim of nagruk, and tikigak.
his trail led north and then bled out across the moraine, but he would not be dissuaded for long. he knew it was a woman he sought by word of issitoq.
perhaps he would return her, living, to him; perhaps he would have his own fun, first. One Eye had desired death to the interloper and kukuvrak was thrilled to mete this out in his way.

warning! mature character
56 Posts
Ooc — reu
the hounds unleashed to track a scent and find a woman. one who dared pose threat to hawk's woman and her children. she would not rest, until the woman was either felled or brought to stand before sun eater. 

tartok man was quick, efficient. hawk trailed his lead with grim determination set in her jaw, her muscles. from the tales she'd heard, tartok were primal kin. she hardly doubted this male would show mercy.

good. there is none to be given. nose to the ground, the woman's scent was faint but there. flooding her senses, guiding her movements.
43 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
the air was still, the clouds broken and scattering. there was little movement across the moraine except for his dark shape, prowling, and then from behind him came the kill-sister. she moved well; as expected of one who trails caribou, there was evidence of a well-honed endurance.
he spun on his heel, bristling; flashing teeth, more in a flehmen response than a warning to her—but, why not both? the scent of the interloper dwindled here and kukuvrak did not know the terrain well enough to know where next to tread.
perhaps she did.

warning! mature character