Sunset Valley [m] you'll be godlike
21 Posts
Ooc — grim
@Svalla — backdated for the night of march 7th

amongst other familiar scents, one had drawn him: the scent of womanly musk. senses palpitating, nostrils flaring. heathen dragging himself through brush, into open land, where dark pelt roams.
bloody eyes coming upon a white pelt. a high tail arced, slicing air. her scent flooding his senses, filling his veins with gooey warmth. a tongue coming to loll from his blackened, bloodied jowls.
a bark, loud, demanding. then, he bears down upon her. roughly, violently. seeking to nip at her flanks, her back legs, whining lowly in desire. a crooning call.
eyes pooled with hunger circling her feminine curves.
45 Posts
Ooc — reu
her first advance ruined by a crowd of pesky pack wolves, svalla continued her search for a man worthy of her time, her body, her pleasure. she would not take just anyone; she was not that desperate, and her standards are high. 

thankfully, she did not have to wait for much longer. 

a deep, guttural bark beckons her. and the man who it came from a vision. tall, dark, handsome. fearsome. a force to be reckoned, and a man that would take. and that is what she wanted; to be taken. 

svalla's sharp, assessing gaze shone with her approval. scars marred his face, but she cared not, for his body was his prowess. when he came upon her, beastly and wanting, she would accept with a dance. 

circling him, too, though keeping such close distance for her side to graze his. for her tail to caress, to tease. she grinned; sharp and wicked. oh, he will do.

and better yet, he didn't speak. good. she wished not for false sweet-talk and bullshit words. she had one thing she wanted. that she needed. and he would provide. 

but, not so easily. she purred as she leapt from his nips. wielded herself with powerful grace to nip at his cheek, teeth pinching fur. not to harm, but to entice.
21 Posts
Ooc — grim
muscle shakes, trembles, quakes. spun beneath a black of ink and shade, twitching with the every flaunt of this woman. she turned, spun, danced; her tail flicking, wafting that delicious, fragrant scent towards him. tied like a bow about his neck, tugging him closer.
he had never been a man to dance. he took, he hunted, he killed. he devoured. but this woman thwarted him. she injected his mind with curiosity. with thoughts. with temptations. he drinks in her high and he reels forwards.
she dances away. he dances closer. closing the distance. snaking around her, teeth finding her scruff; not taking, but biting softly, at first, wetting her fur with his red-wrought saliva. pressing his taut side to hers. growling in her ear, huffing a heavy, sultry breath. hooking a foreleg over her back to tempt her downwards.
wishing now to tangle with her in the grasses.
45 Posts
Ooc — reu
he is temptation incarnate. the resist his allure would be a grave mistake. and oh, how his scent would mingle on her for days. how it would reach faust, whenever she flaunted near. 

she hopes he leaves more than just a scent. she wants his bite, his marks—everything. greedy she feels, so eager to have the man take her in a way faust would not. could not. 

it was for a night only, but gods knew she would indulge in him. the fun they could have...her eyes gleamed with seductive delight. a temptress, toying with a beast. 

she welcomes his bite, and is only slightly disappointed it was not harsher. she was no dainty, fragile woman for him to take with care. she wanted his storm and his strength. 

and until he'd give it, she would not relent. slipping from beneath that heavy arm of his to wheel around, to sink her teeth into the flesh of that sinew and muscle. to draw blood, in hopes of igniting the fire so obviously inside of him.

tail swaying with playful, coy delight. everything was a game; and she was hoping he'd conquer it, secure his win.
21 Posts
Ooc — grim
he feels her teeth and delights in it. she is rough, goading him to do more. to take more. and dark fang does not deny.
he relents. snapping forward, teeth rumbling with fervor. he angles to snag her by the scruff, to drag her towards him brusquely, slamming paws into her side. toppling her like a great stag.
teeth in her scruff forcing her downwards. she bucks and he seeks to condemn her beneath him. his tongue lolling, he pants excitedly, feeling the rise of heat in him.
playfully slipping his hips against hers once, twice; seeing if she will seek out the connection herself.