Set to the 16th, for the second Phase of the BWP. @Dacio this could be his moment. @Thelxiope @Easy for reference and @Valiant because he is needed. Tagging Aeryn for reference
The faint rumbling had grown more frequent, the ground shaking more intensely and causing disruption amongst the prey. That was only the icing on the cake of what bothered him. His daughter had never returned as promised and she was a good girl, his kid wouldn't intentionally stay away. He had become frantic, in a constant state of worry and had ceased to patrol, ceased to check in on anyone other than his kids. He had followed @Aeryn's scent to the river where it stopped and that had done it. He ran back to Elysium and called for Thel and Easy and Valiant. He would no longer stay, not while two of his children were missing and in danger.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
September 13, 2019, 04:03 PM
Valiant had been getting to know another of his aunts when his father returned. He and Easy hurried to his call, neither with much hope of good news. He sounded distraught, and so many bad things had been happening lately. Aunt Dawn had just lost their cousins this same way, and Valiant wanted to be out there helping, but Sunny's burly sister had been watching him like a hawk while he was away. There'd been no chance of escaping.
"What happened?" he asked as he reached his father, heart sinking like a stone at the look on his face.
"What happened?" he asked as he reached his father, heart sinking like a stone at the look on his face.
September 14, 2019, 02:05 AM
Since the initial rumblings of the earth that unsettled Elysium's wolves, things had drastically changed. The scarcity of prey throughout the territory suggested the approach of something far more threatening than Winter, and Dacio feared that the park's current leaders and their gentle nature would not see them survive whatever catastrophe might sweep over.
A fresh tremor beneath his feet, louder and more startling than before, only heightened his concerns. The ashen yearling arched his proud tail, hackles bristling with fear and frustration as he furrowed his brow and paced the area on which he stood, studying the trembling stones and grasses as though glaring might cease this unexplained movement.
When at last it did, Dacio remained on edge. He was a weapon, wasted among these gentle creatures who were entirely unprepared for the storm that was coming, and he couldn't handle the stress of knowing he could be beneficial.
Sunny's call went up, and the young warrior began toward it at once, recalling how the sterling leader had withdrawn himself. "I run things around here," Dacio recalled his first greeting when he and his sister arrived on their borders, and curled his lip that such a statement had been disproven so swiftly.
That howl had been meant only for a select few, but that didn't matter to Dacio. He went to Sunny with the sole purpose of removing the title he failed to uphold, all fangs bared and guard hairs on edge, posture confident and tail curled over marred haunches to clearly communicate his intention to challenge despite the arrival of others - one he would've recognised as natrona if he'd bothered to look her way.
A fresh tremor beneath his feet, louder and more startling than before, only heightened his concerns. The ashen yearling arched his proud tail, hackles bristling with fear and frustration as he furrowed his brow and paced the area on which he stood, studying the trembling stones and grasses as though glaring might cease this unexplained movement.
When at last it did, Dacio remained on edge. He was a weapon, wasted among these gentle creatures who were entirely unprepared for the storm that was coming, and he couldn't handle the stress of knowing he could be beneficial.
Sunny's call went up, and the young warrior began toward it at once, recalling how the sterling leader had withdrawn himself. "I run things around here," Dacio recalled his first greeting when he and his sister arrived on their borders, and curled his lip that such a statement had been disproven so swiftly.
That howl had been meant only for a select few, but that didn't matter to Dacio. He went to Sunny with the sole purpose of removing the title he failed to uphold, all fangs bared and guard hairs on edge, posture confident and tail curled over marred haunches to clearly communicate his intention to challenge despite the arrival of others - one he would've recognised as natrona if he'd bothered to look her way.
"Trigedasleng" "common"
September 14, 2019, 02:21 PM
First came his son asking what had happened and causing Sunny's expression to sadden further "Minnow and Aeryn are missing, we are going to look for them" he said this as simply as he could, his voice tight with desperation and heart hammering inside of his chest. Then came the newest member, a male who wore an expression and held himself in a way that was unmistakable. His outrage and anger roared immediately to the surface, tempering the calm on his face as he stared the man down his own tail shooting straight above his back and fur bristling. "Now is not the moment!" the words snapped from his muzzle as he strode forward squaring up in posture only. Sunny was a gentle man, his experiences in fighting had rarely ever went well but he knew he was large and broad and prayed the muscle would be enough to at least cause hesitation "I am leaving Elysium in Thelxiope's care" he said firmly, eyes narrowed. It was then he remembered that Valiant stood nearby and he froze, posture wavering as he shot a nervous glance toward his son. He didn't want to be seen getting his ass whooped, he needed to be strong for his boy.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
September 15, 2019, 09:20 PM
Thanks to the tremors of the very earth, Opalia could be nothing but on edge here. What if this was like what dad had said happened to Drageda once? When Sleeping Dragon had eventually smoked, forcing them to flee the breathing, smoldering mountain? All of this well before her time, of course, so she only knew about it like some old tale from a history, but something deep in her was unsettled by this here and now, unsure of what it was telling them exactly besides beware..
The process to acclimate to Elysium's way was not going nearly as smooth as she might have once hoped. When even retaliation from the enemies they had stirred seemed a distant concern, that was how she knew this was just so much, so quickly. They had an oncoming winter to think about, bodies to mend, and strong structure lacking--all while the mountain range itself quaked deep in the depths Opalia, did not care to even fathom.
All the same.. Sunny's howl was worth a tilt to an ear, mainly because she was not far away when it sounded in the first place. It was Dacio's scent that really drew a response from the yearling, and she perked, following after his fresh trail immediately to find Sunny and him both, perhaps seconds after engaging. Judging by her brother's posture, and the leader's hardness to his responding words, she could have a pretty good idea what had gone on so far. Still, Opalia stayed back, though poised herself confidently near enough to Dacio's vicinity to truly gauge the situation for herself. Whatever this encounter was bound to become, unquestionably, she knew her best bet was there.
The process to acclimate to Elysium's way was not going nearly as smooth as she might have once hoped. When even retaliation from the enemies they had stirred seemed a distant concern, that was how she knew this was just so much, so quickly. They had an oncoming winter to think about, bodies to mend, and strong structure lacking--all while the mountain range itself quaked deep in the depths Opalia, did not care to even fathom.
All the same.. Sunny's howl was worth a tilt to an ear, mainly because she was not far away when it sounded in the first place. It was Dacio's scent that really drew a response from the yearling, and she perked, following after his fresh trail immediately to find Sunny and him both, perhaps seconds after engaging. Judging by her brother's posture, and the leader's hardness to his responding words, she could have a pretty good idea what had gone on so far. Still, Opalia stayed back, though poised herself confidently near enough to Dacio's vicinity to truly gauge the situation for herself. Whatever this encounter was bound to become, unquestionably, she knew her best bet was there.
September 16, 2019, 01:03 AM
Easy came not far behind her nephew and was surprised to find Sunny and a stranger bristling at each other -- especially when she realized it was not, in fact, a stranger. "Dacio?" she said in surprise, hurrying over to hold her hulking form protectively over her nephew. "What's going on here?"
"He's angry with Dad," said Valiant, his voice much softer than she was accustomed to from him. A moment later, she caught a sour scent and realized that the poor boy had peed in fear. "And Minnow and Aery are still gone."
The news made her heart sink, but there seemed to be more present issues to worry about. She stood by, a flinty look in her eyes but a decidedly neutral cast to her stance and features. Whatever was happening, she hoped it could be resolved without bloodshed -- but if that was what it took to get things taken care of quickly, she had no qualms about using force. They had children to search for, after all.
"He's angry with Dad," said Valiant, his voice much softer than she was accustomed to from him. A moment later, she caught a sour scent and realized that the poor boy had peed in fear. "And Minnow and Aery are still gone."
The news made her heart sink, but there seemed to be more present issues to worry about. She stood by, a flinty look in her eyes but a decidedly neutral cast to her stance and features. Whatever was happening, she hoped it could be resolved without bloodshed -- but if that was what it took to get things taken care of quickly, she had no qualms about using force. They had children to search for, after all.
September 16, 2019, 02:48 AM
He squared his shoulders, charcoal guard hairs erect along the length of his dorsal and proud tail coiled dominantly over tense hindquarters, determination smouldering in the mossy shade of his eyes as they bore into Sunny's own. He stormed angrily into Dacio's personal space and he rumbled, welcoming the first attack by bracing himself for impact. Fight me, his sharp stare willed, but teeth nor claws were not presented, prove me wrong.. The ashen leader barked his outrage, seemingly furious that someone would think to challenge for his title at a time like this.
Dacio tilted his dark chin upward in a wordless response, too proud and too invested now to back away. Sunny carried on, announcing his abandonment of his pack to the paws of the wolfess who'd greeted them at the borders, and the young Drakru felt his blood boil. Traitor. Natrona. "You're leaving Elysium in my care," he hissed, leaving no room for argument as he pushed in close, moving to roughly shove shoulder against shoulder, testing Sunny's boundaries in the hope of finding a worthy opponent in him.
Dacio tilted his dark chin upward in a wordless response, too proud and too invested now to back away. Sunny carried on, announcing his abandonment of his pack to the paws of the wolfess who'd greeted them at the borders, and the young Drakru felt his blood boil. Traitor. Natrona. "You're leaving Elysium in my care," he hissed, leaving no room for argument as he pushed in close, moving to roughly shove shoulder against shoulder, testing Sunny's boundaries in the hope of finding a worthy opponent in him.
"Trigedasleng" "common"
September 16, 2019, 08:55 AM
His temper caused the fur along his spine to rise, a low growl shaking his chest as he had to hold himself back. He had to find his children, every second wasted could be a second too much. Easy arrived but he didn't pry his enraged gaze away from the challenging glare of Dacio, who shoved against him. He snarled and stood firm holding his ground and baring his fangs in warning "What do you want with them? We have children who are traumatized, adults who just want to live their lives in peace? Why would you want to ruin that?" he asked quickly, tone angry and full of disbelief. The scent of fear and urine reached him and he turned to look at Valiant, his gaze softening "Nevermind the reasons...I have to look for my children, they matter the most. I can't speak for Thelxiope, you'll have to demote her if you want to run it alone. Good luck" his voice was like ice as he submitted to the challenge, lowering his tail and slowly backing away toward his frightened son. He lowered his head and gently touched his nose to the top of Valiant's skull to comfort him "Let's go, this isn't our home anymore" he whispered and stood up, looking to Easy questioningly as if he was unsure if she would follow.
September 16, 2019, 09:46 PM
Even faced with the display before her between the two males, Opalia was just waiting patiently, her mismatched eyes tracing the likes of them both. She had the utmost of faith in her brother, so did not worry about him--it was what Sunny was going to do that she couldn't predict, and it seemed, there was not much to be said for it. She only flashed a glance over to the other wolves, the youngest one there included, with a mixed sort of scrutiny.
Then, her eyes narrowed back on the leader at his words. She was in no place to deny that his misplaced kids didn't matter right now, but all that had led up to them being lost in the first place.. how much of that stemmed from their illusion of peace? Opalia did not sense a strong backbone here, not in their ranks, or their head. What did Dacio want for them? He wanted them safe and cared for for the winter, trained to hold their own right to a claim and defend what was theirs--just like Drageda's training had taught them to do from a very young age. She doubted they saw it this way, looking at them...
Evidently, that would upset their peace, but she did not believe such idealism would survive the winter here like this. After hearing it all, she bristled subtly, and then felt a spike of irritation as she watched Sunny retreat without a single ounce of a fight to go collect his family.
Then, her eyes narrowed back on the leader at his words. She was in no place to deny that his misplaced kids didn't matter right now, but all that had led up to them being lost in the first place.. how much of that stemmed from their illusion of peace? Opalia did not sense a strong backbone here, not in their ranks, or their head. What did Dacio want for them? He wanted them safe and cared for for the winter, trained to hold their own right to a claim and defend what was theirs--just like Drageda's training had taught them to do from a very young age. She doubted they saw it this way, looking at them...
Evidently, that would upset their peace, but she did not believe such idealism would survive the winter here like this. After hearing it all, she bristled subtly, and then felt a spike of irritation as she watched Sunny retreat without a single ounce of a fight to go collect his family.
September 24, 2019, 10:44 PM
Easy was surprised when Dacio didn't acknowledge her at all, and instead continued to bristle at her elder brother. It was a tense situation, she supposed, but she still couldn't help feeling incredibly slighted. Still, the shewolf tried to shake it off when Sunny turned to leave. She nudged Vailant after him and then flanked the two of them, keeping one ear turned toward her old packmates in case they decided to attack.
It obviosuly wasn't the best way to part -- Easy wanted to explain that they had to go and find her niece and nephew, and that they would've loved to try and help Elysium by their paws were tied. It seemed to her, however, that Dacio preferred to rabble-rouse. She just hoped that the others would be able to carry on without them since, apparently, they weren't to return.
It obviosuly wasn't the best way to part -- Easy wanted to explain that they had to go and find her niece and nephew, and that they would've loved to try and help Elysium by their paws were tied. It seemed to her, however, that Dacio preferred to rabble-rouse. She just hoped that the others would be able to carry on without them since, apparently, they weren't to return.
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