Setting: Morning — 09:45
Weather: Sunny, clear skies, slightly breeze
Tags: @Nyra @Simmik @Aerin @Arlette @Hemlocke @Vein @Leigh @Whrist @Patroclus @Ramesses @Endre @Fig
Forward dated 1 week!
Weather: Sunny, clear skies, slightly breeze
Tags: @Nyra @Simmik @Aerin @Arlette @Hemlocke @Vein @Leigh @Whrist @Patroclus @Ramesses @Endre @Fig
Forward dated 1 week!
This is a glorious day in the history of the Saints and what will soon be the Archangles. They must expand and Kyn has already spoken to Nyra of this. Offering his permission and blessing to creat an extension of their family that the pale warrior will lead herself. He’s proud of her and she deserves it. She will make an excellent leader and together they will crush their foes. They will begin their conquest of the Teekons and make their fellow packs bow to their power. Just as he did in the Abbey. He has become powerful once again and a sickeningly sadistic and prideful smirk makes its way to his maw.
He stands with his beautiful wife, Simmik. The pair had ushered their pups to the meeting spot, he wanted them to witness this. Even though they’re still so young, they’d understand sooner or later.
He takes one last look at his strong boys and his smile becomes a bit softer and less maliciously prideful. Bumping the crown of his head softly to Simmik’s, he steps away and with a puff of his chest and a tilt of his head, he calls upon the entirety of his pack. The might of the Saints is unachievable by others and they will prove their worth in this dog-eat-dog world they live in.
First to the call is the Queen herself.
@Lotus has only just been born by this point, and Nyra could not leave her sole daughter alone, not when the call was for the entire pack.
So, the pale Queen carefully took her child in her jaws and descended from her whelping den, soon joining Kynareth and Simmik on the tall rocks and placing her daughter as close as she could to her body, sitting and gently pushing her into her fur for warmth.
Nyra had a feeling what this meeting was about, and she herself sat tall, proud, noble.
Now, for their numbers to fill in below.
@Lotus has only just been born by this point, and Nyra could not leave her sole daughter alone, not when the call was for the entire pack.
So, the pale Queen carefully took her child in her jaws and descended from her whelping den, soon joining Kynareth and Simmik on the tall rocks and placing her daughter as close as she could to her body, sitting and gently pushing her into her fur for warmth.
Nyra had a feeling what this meeting was about, and she herself sat tall, proud, noble.
Now, for their numbers to fill in below.
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
May 06, 2021, 02:05 PM
Hemlocke comes to the call, but he does not draw near. A new bright, clear morning was upon them and the shadow nearly hissed in the irritated knowledge of his downfalls. He remains back, hidden within the shadows of the forest around them, eager to heard what would be said even if he would not be settled among them. After all, the shadow was just as such, a shadow...
May 06, 2021, 02:49 PM
It doesn't take long for the boy to arrive at the call, his head bowed low and chartreuse gaze glued to the 'overseer' and his brood—stagnent and wandering in depth of thought. He has still yet to formally meet the lady of this band, but seeing her together with the man—child hugged close to her breast leaves a lump in Fig's throat.
Standing before them like a shadow, disdain quickly settles on his tongue, and with a hissed sigh through clenched teeth Fig feels his blood simmer; rising and rising through collapsed, attention-starved veins before he's decided he's had enough with looking at the ugly picture upon the rocks.
Fig instead turns his attention to the others around him.
Standing before them like a shadow, disdain quickly settles on his tongue, and with a hissed sigh through clenched teeth Fig feels his blood simmer; rising and rising through collapsed, attention-starved veins before he's decided he's had enough with looking at the ugly picture upon the rocks.
Fig instead turns his attention to the others around him.
May 07, 2021, 03:03 PM
When the morning came, it was golden and clear, a beautiful day for gardening. The woman had turned to the plots at sunrise to tend their stock of growing herbs and abandoned her work only when the call of their king rang from the assembly of stones where the Sainthood met for public gatherings. The healer spared a moment to duck into their stone dwelling, rousing @Vein if the howl had not already woken the slumbering shaman, before cantering steadily towards the rendezvous -- unable to move with the same freedom now that her stomach had begun to swell with the slightest of baby bumps. The fretful midwife was determined not to lose these pups, taking measures not to move wrong or push herself too hard.
@Hemlocke went unseen as she breached the fringes of their group, gaze meeting the verdant jade of @Fig's for a moment -- The Priestess allowing her lips to curve faintly with welcome for the newcomer. Moonstones drifted away and up to the Grandmaster next where he perched with his family and Nyra, with the pale blip of her tiny daughter tucked against her underbelly, between and beneath the Phoenix's huge paws. Aerin settled near her mate's side, thinking of the last pack meeting she had attended and all that had occurred since.
A warm blossom of happiness unfurled in her chest, the wisp of feathered snow brushing her temple to Vein's shoulder before straightening to turn her full attention towards their leaders.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
May 08, 2021, 10:28 AM
reference to this thread
Vein awoke with a start it was rare thing for the saints to be called, his tongue snaked out and caressed the cheek of the light of his life, his beautiful wife. Quickly he stood and stretched, kicking his hind legs way out behind him, he drew in a deep breath and held it, his ribs still not fully healed complained, yet there was nothing he could do except take herbs for the pain, he considered it but Aerin was not waiting for him and he did not want her traveling alone in her state. It had become very clear to both of them she was pregnant and a fierce protectiveness bloomed in him, stronger then he had ever been prepared for.
As he exited the den he glanced longingly at the poppies but he grabbed the midwife bag instead, slipping his head through the vines he had tied to either end and slipping it over his head like a collar. The collection of items inside the rabbit pelt clinking lightly as he moved to catch up to that beautiful silky tail that lead the way toward the call. He didn’t need to think as he followed his beloved and that was a good thing as very quickly the fast pace made him ache and his tongue loll from the effort.
When they came upon the gathering pack he Nodded first to The Grandmaster and though he was surprised to see Nyra, a mother usually stayed in their den for the first few weeks, she was ever loyal and true to her pack, Her gave her a respectful nod as well. His golden orbs looked at the bundle tucked close to her and though he panted lightly, he still smiled fondly, his healer eyes searching for anything wrong but he found nothing.
He considered digging through the midwife bag for some pain relief for himself, but forced himself to hold off. No one save Charles and his wife knew his injury, he wanted to hide it as best he could.
The over large white brute settled in beside his Priestess and lay down shifting subtly to ease any pressure from his ribs before nodding in turn to each other wolf present and any that might come.
May 14, 2021, 05:55 PM
so sorry guys my muse died, perhaps we should hold a funeral...
She ran hard coming to the call for the outskirts of the pack lands having been paroling the boarders, she began to flag her rounded sides heaving. Irritated she slowed for a trot seething at her own body for all these odd changes.
As usual she trotted into the pack meeting and made her way to the Grandmasters side to bump her head against him in solidarity. She was about to do the same to her Overseer but she froze before touching Nyra Her front paw lifted unsure wether to flee or continue toward Nyra like she had planned. Unable to help herself his licked her lips staring at the young pup eyes wide jaw agape, Whrist shook her dark head then turned and fled to the outskirts of the gathering looking for all the world like she wanted to flee the moment the reason for the call was spoken
Take your time,
Just don't waste mine
![[Image: cd8fe6534b017c725839ace0d9b274b3_w200.webp]](
May 18, 2021, 12:26 PM
Kynareth’s prideful look and devious gleam in his eyes shows what he’s thinking. He watches as, one by one, his packmates roll in. Even some of the newcomers. He watches and makes eye contact with each individual that shows themselves to him. Even Hemlocke, which Kyn knows by now that he doesn’t share his love for the sun, he finds him in the shadows. He smirks pridefully at his pack and finally with a final inhale he prepares to speak.
“Saints,” He begins strongly, that handsome smile of his never faltering. “our numbers continue to grow and we’ve become powerful. You all play a part in this pack and I value you for that. Now, it’s time for us to expand further. Nyra will be branching off to expand our rein over these lands with a sister pack we will be calling the Archangles.” He takes turns looking at all of them before continuing. “She will be taking three of us with her to get it started. From then on, those who go with her are expected to attempt to gather new recruits.”
He looks to Nyra then, seeing if she wants to add anything onto that. Hoping the packs reactions are positive about the expansion of their fucked up little family.
“Saints,” He begins strongly, that handsome smile of his never faltering. “our numbers continue to grow and we’ve become powerful. You all play a part in this pack and I value you for that. Now, it’s time for us to expand further. Nyra will be branching off to expand our rein over these lands with a sister pack we will be calling the Archangles.” He takes turns looking at all of them before continuing. “She will be taking three of us with her to get it started. From then on, those who go with her are expected to attempt to gather new recruits.”
He looks to Nyra then, seeing if she wants to add anything onto that. Hoping the packs reactions are positive about the expansion of their fucked up little family.
May 26, 2021, 02:59 PM
Sorry for the holdup guys!
As Kynareth speaks of the news after everyone had filled in below, Nyra listens and watches for the reactions of the others.
Before she knows it, her co-lead is silent and looking at her. Ah, yes, she should say something.
Here, the Empress noses her daughter lovingly and lifts her head once more to address the pack.
"Once my daughter is old enough to take the journey, the Archangels will be making their home in the Copse North of here, by the falls. Until then, are there any volunteers to get our numbers started?"
Fury is in peak condition
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
May 26, 2021, 03:31 PM
There had been whispers of it, ideas... He thought he heard such. When one spoke little and with ears his size he caught many a word. The pack had grown large, prosperous, powerful and so much enough they could split into two sister packs and cover more claim.
I will go.Comes the gravely vocals, not used much in some time.
Begin marking our new claim.The shadow speaks up and had it not been for a wolf's good hearing, likely he may not have been heard by the masses. Little had paid him mind as he kept out of the open gathering and in the shade of the forestry around. The thought of affection, of longing, it brought him back to Leigh, to Dove... he saw very little of them now.
May 27, 2021, 10:06 AM
totally missed this thread as Charles' tag was missed :') I'm here now!
Charles arrived a tad late, but just in time to catch Kynareth's speech. He looked at Nyra then, who hadn't told him at all about her plans, but then again, they hadn't spoken much in general. Charles brought her food occasionally, though it was rarely fresh (Charles wasn't the best of hunters, so usually he just picked something from a cache) and he hoped that was.. enough? for now? He wasn't sure how to even be a father, but the least he could do was provide Nyra with nourishment.
Volunteers. Charles was usually one to back off a bit when asked for volunteers, but he knew he had to say yes to this one. What sort of lousy father would he be if he stayed right here? It would be too convenient. He was sure that the wolves here wouldn't take kindly to that kind of 'fatherhood' either, however rough around the edges. Charles' gaze flitted briefly to Kynareth, and he promptly looked away as he found himself thinking forbidden thoughts.
So he turned to Nyra instead. When Charles spoke, his voice started alright but ended in a high-pitched squeak that could be either a rough throat or nervous jitters.
I'll go.He swallowed thickly before adding:
When she is old enough.Because what kind of father would he be if he up and left now? That was too easy. That would seem like running away. Oh, how badly he wanted to run away...
May 29, 2021, 04:01 AM
OML I’m so sorry idk how I forgot Charles’ tag
Kyn is pleased to see Hemlocke volunteering. He would be happy in a place that has less light and more shade. He knows how the sun irks him so. The place Nyra desires to go would have just that; many dark nooks and crannies for him to hide in, it would be to his satisfaction.
Then Charles shows up. Kynareth doesn’t mind that he’s a bit late and rather smiles at him for joining them. It’s soft and genuine and becomes even more so when he too volunteers to move along with Nyra and Hemlocke.
He nods evenly to them all. “Then it is settled. I will skulk around and find one more to follow them, but until then, return to what you were doing. Our might will become great, but not without a little work.” He chuckles with a wink to them all, as charismatic as ever.
May 30, 2021, 10:09 AM
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2021, 10:17 AM by Vein.
Edit Reason: wrong post I thought I was in a birthing thread, fixed it up
throwing Vein in here My brain can't figure out the posting order. if you want me to change or remove it let me
Vein stared blankly at some trees thinking about the herbs he would take for his fractured ribs at the earliest opportunity mayhaps some poppy seeds, he was low on those he'd have to seek out one of the other healers to obtain some while his matured
He shook his head and tried to think over the words spoken around him, so he decided to add the the last words he had heard "Archangels? Well... I will go where ever my wife takes me"
His sun golden orbs fell toward his mates painted ones with a warm affectionate smile. "You'd have to convince her not I"
May 30, 2021, 10:29 AM
Whirst looked toward Charles as he spoke his intention to leave and she felt her heart sink a little. She was infatuated with him and she didn't want him to leave. She also enjoyed the warrior woman Nyra however much she tried to hide it and even lie even to herself.
She might make try to keep appearances up in both packs, if that were allowed, her eyes moved to the stocky build of the Grandmaster and a mischievous smile lit in her visage. She'd hang close to him for as long as she could, she couldn't help her pink tongue peeking out from below her lips as if to taste him upon them again.
Indecisive she said nothing and hoped she wasn't called upon to speak.
She might make try to keep appearances up in both packs, if that were allowed, her eyes moved to the stocky build of the Grandmaster and a mischievous smile lit in her visage. She'd hang close to him for as long as she could, she couldn't help her pink tongue peeking out from below her lips as if to taste him upon them again.
Indecisive she said nothing and hoped she wasn't called upon to speak.
Take your time,
Just don't waste mine
![[Image: cd8fe6534b017c725839ace0d9b274b3_w200.webp]](
June 02, 2021, 03:20 PM
assuming there's no post order, lmk if i need to edit/remove this
The announcement was not one Aerin was expecting, who stood with her lips parted lightly in shock. She'd never stopped to consider that Nyra would ever leave, that she wouldn't always have the Battle Phoenix to look up to as Overseer. Her mind whirled to wrap itself around this new development, feeling a stab of poignant loss to think that her friend, and Lotus too, would soon be departing -- though she tried to comfort herself with the fact that they would be close by, sisters-in-arms and neighbors.
Her pale gaze moved to Vein's, and for a moment she really considered speaking up to volunteer and go with the forming Archangels, but then her eyes slid down to the slightly rounded curve of her belly. She shook her head sadly, moonstones flitting back to the leaders. "I zink it vould be best to remain vith ze Saints, it vould nae do to be travelling or forming packs right now." She shared a knowing look with her husband, thinking of the children she carried.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
June 11, 2021, 08:19 PM
One other wolf suggested he may come, but only when little Lotus was old enough. Vein and Aerin would not move until it was safe for their stoll brewing litter which was understandable. The rest were silent and as it were it came down to Hemlocke being the only one ready and willing to help with the expansion. The realization that for the time it would be left to him left the wolf with mixed emotions. But he would go and as Kynareth told everyone to get back to it, Hemlocke did just that.
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