Lion Head Mesa Took my last breath, like the smoke from my lips
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Before he would go, there was one final task he was drawn to. His final service to Akashingo. At least, what good was left of it.

The word would be out soon. But as of yet, not to everyone.

While the mazoi and healers were away, Khaba snuck into the den in which @Nazli often stayed.

She had been sleeping when he found her. Gentle, but eager, he prodded with his nose. Nazli...
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

602 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
[Image: luke-skywalker-im-here-to-rescue-you.gif]

It was easier to ignore the goings-on. To work until she couldn't; and unlike before, Nazli could not keep up with her duties in her current state, no matter how much she tried. She was relieved soon enough and returned to her personal alcove for a rest.
She dreamt of open fields, of being watched by golems made of red stone, and the laughter of a girl.
Nazli did not often remember her dreams. As the laughter pealed in to the sound of rain, it became a voice, and her eyes fluttered open, to see a looming shadow. For a split-second she thought she still dreamed.
The golem said her name, and she blinked, and saw it was Khaba. She sat up immediately with a confused expression on her face; he was not to be here! Khaba! Her voice was almost a whispered hiss, and she looked to the entrance to the alcove, certain someone would see him.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She woke, perhaps startled. But when she saw him, it was clear she knew.

He wasn't supposed to be here. I know... but I had to— Something difficult to admit.

I could not leave without first coming to you. Akashingo has wronged you in many ways, as it has most of us. The sacrifices you have made... you shouldn't have had to... Not only because of her youth. But none, any age, should have endured what she did.

I want you to come with me, Nazli. Rid yourself of this place, as I am doing. You will be safe with me. I would never let anyone harm you—!not as Makono has done. For she failed to protect the girl. Someone she once called friend.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

602 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
What was he saying?!
He wanted her to go away with him? This was not some love-struck boy, but a once-esteemed warrior of the mesa. He had wronged Makono somehow and been banished for it; he was no longer jodai, no longer welcome here - and yet he lingered - !
Khaba—! this time his name came as an exasperation, a gasp; this was a lot to process and she knew that the longer it took for her to grasp this, and to make a decision, the more danger he was in. But Nazli couldn't think straight!
He was right. Akashingo had wronged her. It was her home, though. Everything she knew was right here! There was no time. Anyone could find them, and then what? She thought of Medusa slinking through the hallways; she thought of the way the eyes of the fellahin had watched her grow bloated on the seed of a dead king —
She slid from her bed and gave a nod, breathless.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
fade after your last post? I will get another up shortly! 

There was hesitancy. But still, she accepted.

She rose, ready to follow him.

Surprised and relieved all at once, he made sure she found her feet properly before preparing to lead her from the palace.

The mazoi have been dispatched. If we take the back way, we will not be spotted. But before they went, he looked to her a final time. Was this really what she wanted? Was she ready? If not, he would not force her to go.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

602 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
if nothing else, nazli knew the palace. she knew the catacombs. she knew the many winding halls and its secrets that only the fellahin could know; and when khaba paused to give his warning, she knew immediately where to go and how to best help.
that would be her purpose now; nazli could be of use in this way.
she hushed him and then reached, tugging at his furs to redirect their path — leading to these secret passages that they would use. khaba was her friend — she did not want to see him hurt.