Redtail Rise Aunt Jennifer's tigers
101 Posts
Ooc — H2O
All Welcome 
AW! Currently, she's about 2 months old and is still MINIMALLY verbal 

Saturday was growing, as any wolf child did. But these days, her sister has become more of a blur in the background while the headstrong girl grows interested in the outside world. she has begun a transformation, a metamorphosis in her growing body and bones. she was starting to lose just a hint of the pudgy puppy fat and was beginning to place her weight into reasonable areas of her build. she would be a tall mountain, just as her father is. and now even her blonde hairs were being replaced with a silvery sheen all too familiar.

this evening, Saturday was just outside of the den opening, fighting-- err, perhaps more like terrorizing, a poor little garden snail. it was an attempt to play with the snail at first, though she grew incredibly interested when she saw the little bug suck up into its shell when frightened.

so now, here she was, screaming and barking and yapping for the snail to come back out and let her play with it. for the snail's sake, it was certainly much safer in its shell as Saturday would eventually lose interest if it hid long enough. but until she hit that wall, the girl was stopping around, even tapping the shell with a single toe or two to try and coax it out, tail whipping around in a frenzied wag.

Sunrise is a nonverbal character and communicates using facial expression, body language, and primitive vocalization. Please see her pawprints for more details on threading with her! 
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
this poem is amazing. I had to join just because of the thread title haha

With a gut full of half digested rabbit, she made her way not toward Avicus' den, but toward where Augur and Snow had been keeping their newest brood relatively quiet and calm. At least, from what she could tell. She'd given the pair a fair bit of space in the weeks following the birth, but now that she knew the pups would be old enough to be out with some supervision, she felt a bit more bold about stopping by with some meat to feed the pups. 

She licked her lips together as she approached, as though signalling that she was the regurgitator primed for service- but noticed that one of the little ones was currently quite investing in a snail. "He'll come out when it'th good an' ready," She informed the girl. She lowered her head so the pup could smell meat at the corners of her lips "You hungry? i got thomethin bettuh than ethcah-go," She said with a laugh.
101 Posts
Ooc — H2O
its one of my favorites, I think her thread titles are gonna be based on poetry/lit that I like to read :D

most kids would hit a sense of childhood shyness when meeting others, they're seen hiding behind their parents and peeking from behind here and there. but Saturday had come to a realization in her youth; Mom was picky about who she allowed near, and so far, everyone who has come to visit has smelled of her and Augur. in a very simple way, Saturday made herself a logical statement that made sense in her head: if they smell of the rise, then they are not strangers. they are family.

so far, there have been no cases of strangers that Saturday was meant to be afraid of. and until that pinnacle of a moment happened where she learned to be afraid of the unknown, the girl would continue to grow into the path of taking life by the horns. 

she was almost beginning to grow bored of the terrified snail, though the sound of a voice and the scent of another (plus something delicious) catches her off guard. despite the lack of making her own words, Saturday was actually getting really good at understanding others as her ears were coming to stand and perk on their own. if anything, she wondered why this one was talking so funny compared to the Caru! and when the other comes closer, Saturday impulsively comes to press her own head against the other in a greeting of sorts, tail still wagging merrily. though she can't fight off the very visible salivation dripping from her black lips as she smells the enticing meat, hopeful that this one ay be willing to share.

Sunrise is a nonverbal character and communicates using facial expression, body language, and primitive vocalization. Please see her pawprints for more details on threading with her! 
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia chuckled as Saturday came toward her happily, and felt the feathering of the child's breath along her cheek. A wet smear of drool along Lilia's cheek was enough to tell her that the child was hungry, so after pacing in a circle a couple of times, she lowered her head and regurgitated a pile of half-digested meat for the kid to have. She licked her lips and sat back, eyeing the gross pile of red meat with a mild hint of amusement. "Have at it, li'l jitterbug," She said with a chuckle.
101 Posts
Ooc — H2O
wolverine, as this one was silently referred to by her parents, was just as kind as Masquerade when she had come to first visit Saturday. there was certainly a perk to being the younger kids on the block and having a bunch of neat and hardworking family members keeping the rise afloat. though, Saturday was too young to truly appreciate any of this. she was just happy to have visitors who kept her happy and entertained (and this time, fed).

so when the bigger girl comes to offer her meat, Saturday wastes no time gorging herself. a few pieces here and there would take a few more big bites and chews to get through, the obvious smacking of her lips and teeth was enough of a sign that she quite enjoyed the taste of meat. the more New Snow continued to wean Saturday from milk, the more the girl grew hungry for something else to dine on.

but eating with too much exuberance would cause some struggle for young Saturday. from wolfing her food down, Saturday accidentally inhaled her a rather large piece of the meat and now is caught choking. the several guttural coughs and hacks in an attempt to free the small clump in her throat did little to free the piece lodged,  and now the girl was scared because she couldn't breathe! in a feeble attempt to curb her fear, she runs and presses herself against wolverine, a terrible wheezing noise coming from her as she struggles to suck in any air.

Sunrise is a nonverbal character and communicates using facial expression, body language, and primitive vocalization. Please see her pawprints for more details on threading with her! 
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Lilia made herself comfortable on the ground outside the den, where the children would never have to move more than a few paces to get back to the safety of the underground. Unfortunately for Saturday, the underground wasn’t what needed.

She heard and recognized the sound immediately and was glad the child didn’t panic and run. Her airway was restricted, likely by a mass of food still slippery with slime from her own bowels. Lilia sat up abruptly and with a movement deft, she shoved one forepaw beneath Saturday’s belly, raising her hind end a bit.

”Don’t hate me fer thith,” She grimaced, before she swung one paw back- and smacked the kid soundly on the bottom, hoping to dislodge the meat from her throat.
Redtail Rise
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
She was glad Wolverine had come. New Snow rumbled to her soulchild, pleased to see her and glad that she looked so well! And then she rest, taking advantage of this time where anothers eyes were upon her young.

New Snow cautioned her daughter from wolfing the food too quickly with a rumble. But she did so anyway, as children would. The choking perhaps ought to have brought fear, but New Snow had seen this before. And Wolverine had the right of it. That was good; if someday she had her own cubs, Wolverine would need to know such things.

Still, now she stood to intervene and assist if needed; past Wolverine's own maneuver, New Snow worked the girls body with her tongue and muzzle to dislodge and coax out the object in her daughters airway. Between both their efforts, something would surely work!
101 Posts
Ooc — H2O
it certainly took a few heavy swats against her rump and the working magic of New Snow before Saturday finally coughed up what appeared to be a congealed meatball of flesh, covered in saliva and reeking of many scents. after clearing the blockage, Saturday takes a deep breath before making a shrill sound, one equivalent to a little kid scream-crying out of fear.

This was the first time that Saturday had felt fear. and she didn't like the feeling, not one bit.

so she goes between Wolverine and New Snow before settling on the ground in the middle of the two, tearful and cry-howling as she bundles herself in an attempt to self-soothe, paws coming to cover her misty eyes as she continues to feel fear in all of its horrible gloating glory.

def some healthy fear finally instilled in her!

Sunrise is a nonverbal character and communicates using facial expression, body language, and primitive vocalization. Please see her pawprints for more details on threading with her! 
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
As soon as she realized she was basically spanking New Snow’s child right in front of her, her mouth fell open and she fumbled to try and explain that this wasn’t punishment, it was all she could think of to do- but New Snow had been watching, quietly, the whole time. When she stepped closer, it was to help out- and finally, with a yucky slurping noise, Saturday dislodged the piece of meat from her throat. 

The inhale Saturday took was like music to her ears- followed swiftly by the equivalent of the sound of bad music when the child screamed. She was scared; not being able to breathe was terrifying. 

Lilia scooted closer to New Snow so the kid would feel safer, cuddled between them. ”Hey, hey, huh gonna be alright, li’l bug, huh gonna be fine,” Only then did she realize how shaky she was, and how fast her heart was fluttering.
101 Posts
Ooc — H2O
it is a moment that lives in infamy, as she feels like time stretches itself longer just to make the moment all more embarrassing and scary! but she feels the warmth of something, and peeking through watery eyes, Sunrise looks towards both New Snow and then Wolverine.

while the words are not understood to their fullest degree, Sunrise can pick through the tone and can see that there is a form of comfort trying to be brought from them. her cries quiet down eventually from all the soothing she receives, and now Sunrise sits quietly as she collects herself.

sniffle, sniffle, wipe of the snotty nose and then the eyes (pretty sure it's supposed to be the other way around).

and through it all, a gurgle is heard in her tummy. she looks towards the meat pile once again, but this time her ears fall against her skull as she looks towards her paws, same as a toddler may. eating sounds great, but not if there is a constant risk of dying!

Sunrise is a nonverbal character and communicates using facial expression, body language, and primitive vocalization. Please see her pawprints for more details on threading with her! 
Bearclaw Valley
918 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Going to polish this one off and archive it <3

The child settled, and Lilia's nerves began to relax once again, only flaring slightly when the child looked over to the regurgitated meat again. An ear flicked toward the child's rumbling tummy and she rolled her eyes, smiling faintly. Well, at least now she knew how to stop a child from choking, thanks to New Snow's help. 

"Heah," She said, lifting then and shaking the stress out of her joints. "I'll chew it up into thmaller bit-th for you, huh? Only little bite-th nektht time," She said, before she began to pull the meat into small strands, which the girl could then eat without the threat of choking again.