Dragoncrest Cliffs I speak in many tongues to many men
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Etiiiiiiiii," Suzu called, when she caught sight of him. She was a slow runner- and could only really keep up with other wolves if they jogged, so she preferred to hustle along at a speedwalk. All of the whale meat she'd eaten had helped give her a great defense against the cold, but now she found herself regretting all of the time she'd spent, eating because she was bored, or because it was simply there. Now that the whale carcass was gone, she actually had to hunt for her food- and found herself frustratingly out of shape. 

She panted as she hurried to catch up with him, and when she did, she pressed her shoulder against her brother's. "@Etienne, Mama has told you, yeah, dat we be havin' little brot'ers an' sisters dis year?" She asked.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti heard the call of his sister and he stopped in mid movement and looked behind him to meet her eyes with a gentle smile on his face.

'ello Suzu. 'ow you be today?

His sister had a tough time catching up to him, but he waited for her. His sister, he loved her so much.

His tail wagged and he yipped in delight. Yes m 'er did. I even got to feel dem movin' in dere! Dey gonna be so cute Suzu!

He didn't know what they would look like not really, but he and his sister and brothers had been cute. So that stood to reason that his younger siblings would be cute as well. It was an exciting time in their family. They'd have littles and get past their grief with help of small lives.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Truth be told, every day she awoke to find her brothers had not yet abandoned her, as they were foretold to do, was bound to be a decent day. She heaved a sigh and shrugged, but nodded. A quiet way of saying that she was managing with their grief, while allowing silence to quietly indicate the existing hurt. 

But the news of having new siblings breathed life into her. She felt part of Erzulie and Sobo might show up in them- either in their looks or mannerisms. 

”Of course dey will be cute, dey are related to me,” she chimed with a laugh. ”I want for dere to be t’ree of dem, maybe four…I want to have a little sister just like me!”
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne would never abandon his littermate sister. He couldn't and the thought was enough to make the air leave his lungs. But sometimes he wondered if she would leave him? She was so much more curious than he was for things outside of the cliffs. He was content to stay within the borders. And not speak with anyone, but family. He had even stopped meeting wolves at teh borders unless it was absolutely needed.

Eti chuckled. Refusing to correct his sister, that there were other genes at work too. Including that he and his brothers. Though Suzu was cute enough for all of them he supposed.

I jes want dem 'ere. he didn't care what they looked like or what gender. He just wanted them here so he could shower them with love.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
”Oh come onnnnnnnn!” she complained, laughing lightly. Her brother was so sweet and gentle-hearted, but his sister wasn’t going to let him get away without dreaming of what he would like to have for siblings.

”How many do you want Maman to ‘ave? Can you imagine if we got four new baby sisters? What about four baby brot’ers? Now dat would be crazy,” She said with a laugh.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti really didn't know what he wanted. Granted he had a special spot for his sister, and there was no denying that if he had sister's they'd be treated a little better in the pack hierarchy. So, it made sense to want sisters.

I t'ink two is good number. Not too many, not too little. I t'ink sisters.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She giggled (quietly!) merrily, and lifted her paws to frame Etienne's cheeks, giving his face a gentle squeeze as she grinned at him. "I knew it!" She whispered excitedly, setting her paws back down. Her bushy tail thumped against the ground. "I knew you would want sisters, because I am your favourite sister, an' because of dat, you must want more!" She grinned, shimmying her shoulders.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne chuckled at Suzu's delight. She was his favorite and only sister. And Theo was probably his favorite brother, because he didn't know the other one well enough to even call him as such.

Of course i want more, but there will be only one Suzu for me. He teased gently and gave her a gentle lick to her cheek.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She tilted her head up proudly, with a smug grin. She knew, of course, that siblings wouldn't be competition for her. They would be loved and cared for, just as she, Theo and Etienne had been. Growing up sometimes meant that responsibility could get in the way of bonds, but she felt that even if her mother was busier with her next batch of children, she would still have time for her current ones, and they would still have time for each other. 

"Suzu II would be a cute name, though," She teased. "Whatchu t'ink, Eti? Someday, you want to 'ave children too?" She asked. They were a year away from even being able to have them- but for some reason, Suzu knew already that she wanted children- and lots of them.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne never doubted that his family loved him and that they would make time for him. But he as of late felt taciturn and a bit sad. Given how he looked and all of that. But he was fast learning how to juggle the inside with the outside and not let other's worry for him.

Etienne didn't know how to answer his sister, he bowed his head. He didn't know if he wanted children or if he would even be allowed to have them. he was of the family yes, but he was also a boy and leaders and women got first choice in this pack, his home.

He gave a light chuckle. One Suzu is enoug' One Suzu is jest perfect.

Then he shrugged a shoulder. I'm not sure Suzu. I 'aven't tought about it.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne never doubted that his family loved him and that they would make time for him. But he as of late felt taciturn and a bit sad. Given how he looked and all of that. But he was fast learning how to juggle the inside with the outside and not let other's worry for him.

Etienne didn't know how to answer his sister, he bowed his head. He didn't know if he wanted children or if he would even be allowed to have them. he was of the family yes, but he was also a boy and leaders and women got first choice in this pack, his home.

He gave a light chuckle. One Suzu is enoug' One Suzu is jest perfect.

Then he shrugged a shoulder. I'm not sure Suzu. I 'aven't tought about it.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"No?" Suzu was surprised. For someone who was as gentle and loving as Etienne, she felt certain he would have already set his hopes on having many children of his own. "Why not? I t'ink you would make a great Dad, Eti! An' I want to be an auntie, Etienne," She said, brushing her shoulder against his. "I don' care if dey come from you or Theo, but I want to 'ave little nieces an' nephews dat I can spoil rotten someday," She said with a light laugh.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was much of himself that Eti didn't wish to share. Only because he didn't want to cause anyone in his family sadness. HE loved children, but he was shy and backward. Didn't even know any females his own age with which he could even potentially have a future family.

His goal was to be as useful as he could for his family and his pack. And that didn't necessarily mean children.

Eti chuckled. Only if I can be spoilin' your little 'ellions too Suzu.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Hellions? Impossible! She tossed back her head and laughed, almost in the same way a gull might cry out happily. She was careful, however, to laugh quietly, knowing her brother would appreciate a bit of restraint. "Mine will not be 'ellions, Etienne!" She whispered gleefully, her cheeks wreathed in happy wrinkles as she smiled broadly. "Mine will be fluffy an' lazy, like me," She said, as though she had already determined the qualities of children she had yet to have. She imagined them- roly-poly little creatures like herself, some who might look like her brothers, and perhaps one or two who were a throwback to their great-grandmothers. 

She sensed a hesitant sadness in her brother, and had for some time. "But you 'ave all my permission to spoil dem as much as you would like." She would count on it.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He loved his suzu as much as a brother could, possibly even more so. Because he'd lay his life down for hers in a minute and not even think twice. But she herself was a bit of a hellion. So he knew her children would be too. But that was okay. He loved her anyway and he'd love them too. His ears perked up as she whispered to him and even kept her laugh in check. It was so hard to convey how much that meant to him. So he gave her a lopsided smile, sweet and happy.

I woulda done it anyway, Suzu. Even wit' out your permission. He teased, golden eyes alight with laughter.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Of course," She said, rolling her eyes. She wouldn't have been surprised at all if Etienne gave her (hypothetical) children more lenience then she might, as he had a soft heart and she knew he would want to do everything to make other wolves happy.  She felt a twinge in the back of her neck, and stood up so that she could stretch, feeling a soft pop in her joints as she did so. She heaved a happy sigh. 

"Well, I t'ink I am going to go check de fishtrap to see if I 'ave caught anyt'ing. Would you like to some wid me?" She asked.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
853 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was a good hearted wolf. But he also had a sense of duty and higher than normal worries. So he wondered if perhaps he wouldn't worry constantly after his sisters children.

I'll come wid you.
364 Posts
Ooc — Jess
<3 Going to fade this here, but I hope they get to thread again in the future!!

She wasn't surprised. To her, it felt as though Etienne would follow her anywhere, and while she loved him with every bit of her heart, she'd only learn after he'd left just how much of her identity and security had been tied to having brothers like Etienne to lean on. She gave her heart completely to her family members, without realizing the risk of heartbreak that would come when they were lost. 

She would babble to him delightly as they went to check the fish trap, and relish in the little time they had left together before their world would fall apart again.