Moonspear The painful tears of goodbye
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He and @Ariadne had run. The children @Rolayne and @Panuk nestled tightly in their furs. He had run as he never had before. Each step took him further from his beloved, the beautiful queen of his heart. Who would forever reside there, but not in the realm he now inhabited. From his snow daughter who had lain still and quiet, but beautiful as her brothers.

Each step had brought more tears than he could contain. He was certain this is how salty rivers were made. He didn't think he'd ever be okay. The tears would never cease and that was okay.

His Samani she deserved them all. She with her beautiful heart, and beautiful soul. The way she laughed and ran. How she loved to run. So he ran faster just for her. Maybe she added wind to his paws. Keeping them all going just for now. Just for now.

Upon the borders of moonspear a desperate, broken tearful howl. Everything was in it. All of it. He called for @Sialuk and @Njord and his heart broke again. All over again. But his sons, his sons were alive. He'd pepper them with kisses. He'd love them for both of them and for their sister. Their little sister who hadn't had a first breath, but had gone with her mother.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
A powerful summons, bereft with grief, cast a spell on the redtail’s blood. He stood and moved without pain or hesitation, despite the hellcat’s marks upon him. No wounds, no matter how severe, could have stopped Njord from swiftly answering Rodyn’s cries.

It was an odd hour and Njord knew, by the tone of the man’s howls, that something was terribly, horribly wrong.

At the time, he had been asleep with his family in the Sveijan-Corten Ulaq. Njord kissed @Meerkat’s cheek as they quickly exchanged words with hushed voices. Seal and @Orca II began to rouse, but they were quickly reassured and lulled back to sleep, watched over by their mother.

Then, he departed in his friend’s direction. Njord’s journey bowed in an arc toward @Sialuk’s ulaq and he managed to cross paths with his leader on the way. Yet, there wasn’t time for words. A worried glance was all he could exchange as the pair arrived together before the Moontide man.

A Dia! Njord exclaimed when he saw Rodyn’s prodigiously broken mien. Accompanying him was a young woman and in both of their grasps were two bundles of furs. And somehow, someway, Njord just knew.

His heart sank. “Come in, come in,” his voice, tainted by worry, welcomed as he shepherded the pair towards Sialuk. Get them situated, he thought. There would be a time for explanations later.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
There was much to prepare and do before they would sing, and most of which would be handled by Kukutux. She was thankful for this; her mother’s guiding light was needed in these dark hours.

Ariadne remained silent as they traveled, staying mindful of the children and their father who openly wept. Her grief was different—she hadn't known Samani like he had—but similar in some ways. They both loved the moonwoman deeply and had lost a part of themselves.

Her tears ebbed and flowed like the sea—her cries and wails coming and going as she went through the motions that were nessecary to get them to Moonspear safely.

When they made it to Moonspear, they were greeted by a rugged man whose intuition served him well. She dipped her head, sniffling and shedding a few tears as she silently thanked him, and followed.

These weren’t the gifts that Ariadne wanted to bring to Sialuk’s hearth—but given the circumstances, this was all she could offer.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne

The force of Rodyn's voice woke Sialuk from a feverish dream, one she could remember nothing about except that it pierced her spirit and left her empty. For him to be here so soon before Samani's birth-giving day—but Sialuk's stomach dropped when she realized that was likely his reason for coming here. Something had happened, and it was not a good thing. Sialuk kissed the two children atop their heads, then Elentari and Argent, and merged her path with Njord in silence as they answered the call side-by-side.

Rodyn and—to her surprise—Ariadne stood with two small bundles. Sistraa was nowhere in sight, and Sialuk felt her heart searing with pain. She had sung the songs for her father and brother all those many months ago, and now she knew she would sing them for her sister. Her chest tightened and her legs felt as though they had been replaced with solid rock. Njord was the only one brave enough to break the silence, and Sialuk thanked him with her pained eyes. Without their mother, the new children would need nourishment from elsewhere, and the moonwoman realized now that this was why the spirits had blessed Elentari and herself with only one child each.

Jaw set, Sialuk began leading the them toward the ulaq where the two children slept soundly.
Atkan Aleut
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
@elentari you can still post if you want <3

When he saw his friends face a new wave of tears began and his chest hurt from the effort to quiet it. His jaw locked around the precious lives he had left of Samani and his love. The precious boys that were now his world.

He couldn't think of Moonwoman as she prepared his beautiful peachy queen and hia little snow princess.

He followed behind tears and whimpers deep in his throat and chest. Not ashamed in the least of his grief.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Sialuk, stricken into silence, led the procession into Moonspear’s heart towards her ulaq. Njord watched as Rodyn and his companion followed, bassinets carefully cradled in their jaws, before he fell into position at the end of their line. Though Njord was no stranger to Death, he would never become accustomed to greeting Them, no matter how many times they met.

There were no words in heaven or earth that could begin to mend the grief that husband, father, sister, and family endured now. Simply being present was all the man could do for his friend who did not deserve such loss. The sadness passed through him – flooded him – but the Elder did his best to be strong like an anchor in rough seas, and walked with the broken Father in commisery so he would not have to do so alone.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She waited at the ulaq, with Maggak and Acrux tucked close. The painful, grief filled cry that came from the borders, paired with the faint scent of blood and birth, set a twisting feeling in her gut.

Something had happened. Something tragic. She knew Sialuk's extended family to be large. Several of the women in sister clans expecting children of their own. She could not stand to think of the pain of the loss of a sister. Of a grown daughter. Of newly born life. Of the two lives that would never know the love of their birth mother.

Her lips moved in a silent prayer. Fighting back the wetness at the rims of her eyelids, she gathered herself. Made sure her son and daughter were settled and content. She did not know what to expect, but prepared for the worst. She waited, her inky head peeking outside. Tense with concern.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Skippable unless she’s directly addressed!

Sialuk materialized at Njord’s side, and then proceeded to lead them towards her ulaq. As they started climbing, Ariadne remained by Rodyn's side, and brushed her shoulder against his to comfort him.

She walked silently, processing, and stifled a sob.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Silence swallowed the wolves as they made their way to the ulaq which held so many happy memories. This would not be one of them, Sialuk knew, but she knew that she must be strong for her sister's children. For Rodyn, their father. For Ariadne, her sister.

Elentari awaited just at the mouth of their home, and Sialuk greeted her with a brief embrace and a whisper beneath her breath, My sister's children need milk. She made her way to the deerskin, Maggak and Acrux awaiting her. Sialuk found a spot away from them, not wishing for them to compete with their nephews who were too young to wrestle for a spot. Then, she beckoned both Rodyn and Ariadne to bring the babes to her, fighting the urge to call her sister's name. No, sistraa's name would not be spoken again, lest it hinder her journey to the land of the dancing lights. Sedna bless her spirit.

A numbness settled over her then, and Sialuk looked to Elentari for support and comfort. The mother to Maggak and Acrux would now be mother to these two babes as well, if she could spare the energy.
Atkan Aleut
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn gently relinquished the small bundle in his maw. Though he didn't realize it would cause a sharp pain in his chest.

He spoke with hoarse voice, a stutter there. This is Panuk and the babe that Ariadne carries is Rolayne. Your..sssistra chose their names.

A broken sound from him. They had little milk before before.

He couldn't finish and closed his eyes. He tried to breathe. I'll hunt as soon as i can do so without crying. a soft hiccough.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Elentari could be seen at the mouth of the den. No doubt she had heard the bereft summons – who in Moonspear hadn’t?

Njord gave Rodyn some space as he, with fresh tears running down his cheeks, settled in his children with his sister-in-law. It was not supposed to be this way… but Njord knew the world took just as often as it gave. He prayed Rodyn would be delivered happiness in the near future to bring harmony back into his life.

When he heard the man speak, Njord interjected. Even during the worst circumstances, Rodyn continued to practice selflessness. “Nae, rest friend,” Njord urged. “You’ll no be huntin’ long as Ah can stand. Ah’ll bring food from a new cache, an’ then my family will set out to hunt fresh meat for ye. Dinna fash, Rodyn.”
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

58 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Quick post <3 Feel free to skip me

The newborn plump pup had been mostly quiet, save for a few murmurs of protest when he was jostled. Once he was released from what held him, he began to squirm. Instinctively, he mewed and searched for a nipple. Tiny feet wiggled, and his head bobbled to and fro as he released a loud agitated scream that let the world know he was hungry. Suddenly, his tiny open mouth found what it was looking for and he latched on for dear life, suckling greedily as his paws shoved on the warm surface to release more milk for him.