Blacktail Deer Plateau Ensemble
190 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Pack Activity 
Pack meeting! no posting order. Second round will start around December 23 unless everyone joins in before then. <3
@Rusalka @Greyfalcon @Tamar @Meadow @Reyson @Granite @Leifa @Rhonen and Deja
(trying not to double-tag)

Sunlight spilled into the massive cavern in the hill, spilling in like a golden beam through the circular hole at the apex of the chamber. Winter had come, but the moss growing on the walls remained spongy and soft, dampening the acoustics softly, so privacy would not be stolen from whispers. 

The wolves of Epoch had come before night had fallen, and after making herself available for questions and tours, she let them rest for the night, with offerings of food to help them settle in. She would have preferred a great and joyous affair- a feast! An evening of storytelling and songs! A chase through the meadow followed by a soak in the hot springs! She longed for these things but she knew that with time, they could come to pass and it would be more beneficial for their newest packmates to have a good night of sleep before they broke bread together, and settled a few housekeeping matters. 

With her husband crowned as king, she reveled in the prospects which lay before them- a pack strengthened with new numbers so they might harbor the winter together and find some delight in the long nights. She was opportunistic, optimistic. 

She called them together once dawn had warmed the land and light shone down into the chamber where they could talk in low voices, and be heard, and where her raucous laughter could be tempered by the moss that grew upon stone. She sang to both her old packmates and her new ones, so they might come together and speak for themselves and find themselves at home.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
raventhorpe was beautiful.

while solveig celebrated her husband, tamar mourned softly the blurred edges of her marriage. arsenio remained with her, eternal, devoted to their sons, but there had been no talk of a future.

and now, with this merger, tamar did not think the permission would come so easily. 

quietly, quickly, desperately, she counted back the months to realize in quiet horror that the fire would be on her in less than a month.

shame, frustration; she turned her attention somewhere else.

solveig had welcomed them so graciously that tamar had no time to ruminate; filled with good food and great cheer, she had fallen asleep for several hours.

rested now, she sat near the former epoch wolves and watched the others gather, her new packmates, a genuine if small smile wreathing her mouth.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson stayed to the outskirts. He didn't know them well here. Tamar had begged them move, had meshed their two packs together. And it made him wary. He tried to stay calm, be well. But he knew enough to admit when memories came creeping. It had only been a few short months since his life had been upheaved and now here more changes.

He was not cruel enough to say that these pack members were anything like the Germanicus or the pharoah. On the contrary they were nothing like them. They were good and thus far kind. However he couldn't fight the ugliness that snuck through his unglued cracks, unmooring his thoughts.

So he took it slow. He moved about on the edges. Staying near Meadow, his children. Ever present, but so vigilant. And part of him hated himself for it.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen didn't want to be here. And part of him was angry with mother and father and auntie tamar. But a deeper part of him was ashamed of himself. Of his own personal failings. He didn't want these wolves to know his handicaps.

So he found a dark corner and pressed into it. The only thing seen was his blue eyes peering at the new faces. Though he would dip his muzzle to the boy that treated him well in the hot springs.
bravo six
184 Posts
Ooc — delaney
celebration and a grand feast marked several occasions, spilling into one: the merger of epoch and raventhorpe and his ascension.

and as revelry faded into embers, his queen wife called them together.

his routine sweep of the borders ends as he sweeps towards the meeting place, not the first to arrive but not the last either. he moves to stand besides solveig, taking a moment to study the wolves of epoch and how they tend to bunch together; refugees not yet sure of their new home.
we own the night
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Deja was oblivious to his father and brother’s reticence. He thought today was the second most exciting day of his life (the double pack hunt was first, of course). A new home! New things to explore! Other kids!

He was especially excited to see Baldr and Leifa. Deja wanted nothing more than to show off and brag about all the things he had learned since their last meeting.

Unfortunately, his denim-colored eyes first met @Granite’s, who gave off a low growl. Deja sidled up next to @Rhonen. “What’s with that guy?” he whispered.
38 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Granite’s demeanor had only marginally improved since his arrival at Hljordrfell, now Raventhorpe. He was still uncivilized as ever and often skulked around the Plateau alone. No amount of nurturing could change the weave of genetics… however, he had come to understand and cohabitate with the rest of the pack.

Granite respected Solveig and Rusalka and did his best to not cross them. Day by day he became less aloof towards Baldr and Leifa. Yet, he continued to give them a wide berth and preferred to observe the siblings from a distance.

But now, his fragile connection with the pack was about to be shaken up. He heeded Solveig’s call but was surprised to see the wolves of Epoch at their meeting place. Granite paced uncomfortably. When one kid looked at him in the eyes the boy growled as a warning to stay away.
46 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Baldr felt fantastic about more wolves coming to join them- especially when it meant that there were two other kids that were his age. Like his mother, Baldr had wanted nothing more than to run off with the other boys as soon as they arrived and celebrate with games and spars, but his mother had reined him in, assuring him that they could play tomorrow. He'd whined a bit for the evening, sulked a little, but had eventually fallen asleep and the night passed by quickly enough. 

And naturally, he was difficult to wake in the morning. His mother had tried to rouse him before sunrise, but he'd waved her off, rolling over onto his other side. He was allowed to sleep in until eventually, a solid nudge rolled him over onto his back, and his older sister's whiskers found his belly. Jawing and grumbling, he flailed his paws to push her away, and picked himself up with a yawn. Once he remember that there was going to be a meeting, his spirits lifted, and he shook away sleep's veil. 

He found a place with Deja and Rhonen, though, he hesitated for a second when he heard Granite's warning growl. Quick to shake it off, he planted himself beside the boys. "Do not mind Granite," Baldr said reassuringly. "He does not like to be crowded. Or bothered. And...Not always does he like being spoken to, but- he is good, yah; he will grow on you." He said with a placid smile.
573 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
They were gathered—as only made sense, when two packs merged.

This felt less like a merge, though, and as if Epoch had simply been consumed into the ranks of Raventhorpe—adopted by them, so to speak. Epoch’s culture was not here—and Tamar was not at the mantle alongside these other leaders.

Fatigued—emotionally and physically—the silver waif did the best she could to placate her children and husband, eager to keep any turmoil in her emotions from cresting her features, lest they see how much trepidation truly rest within her.

Tamar had wanted this, and Meadow had seen it in the woman—if Tamar had not gained this… had not been given some semblance of a fresh start, or something new… It would not have ended well, she did not believe.

When they gathered—Meadow was near her cubs at first. They murmured to one another—heightened emotions began to play out, and the mother cast a sharp glance to them all before moving away, reaching to her husband, preening at his side but only after placing a kiss upon Tamar's cheek.

“I don’t know,” she whispered to him—a quiet reprieve where they had a hushed moment.
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Gyr looked around, her feather son on her nape. There were many a new wolf here, and just as equal opportunity to find some new confidants. She walked around, greeting people with a tail wag and friendly nod.

She watched the young’ins playing and socializing with each other. Glad to see her chosen family enjoying themselves. Change was new and uncertain, She noticed a silver and warm she wolf, who seemed deeply frightened and nervous…. She walked over to greet the woman, who she heard her name was @Meadow, and offer her some condolences and introduce herself.

“I am Greyfalcon, a friend of solveig and scout in training,” she said, in a calm civil tone, as anything loud would frighten her most sensitive companion. “May I show you around, or anything you may need? Perhaps I can lend a steady ear?” She hoped this offer would strike the woman.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There was a stab of homesickness in the girl who only realized come morning light that the home she had been lovingly raised in until now was no longer their own.

A small frown marred her features—and while she felt the stab of unsettled misery within at this abrupt change in their life, there was a certain allure of the adventure that awaited them. New pups to play with—a new home to explore!

So when her parents took her and her siblings to the gathering, she was sure to brush close to Reyson at first, and only when they settled to the area of meeting did she move away, honeyed eyes warily cast upon the one pup that growled at her siblings—her own fur bristling in response before she sat protectively beside Rhonen and Deja.

A sideways glance was given to the other boy who spoke to her brothers—for now, the girl was quiet, her shoulder brushing against Rhonen’s in quiet solitude.
190 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Round two! Sorry about the wait- holidays, haha! <3

Once the light chatter had quieted, Solveig stepped forward, so that the pool of light that spilled through the top of the cave fell down upon her shoulders, highlighting her with a faint, golden halo. 

"Hael og sael!" She said, her voice booming lightly in the cavern's natural acoustics. She cleared her throat, realizing then that her usual speaking voice was likely a bit much for this sort of space. She chuckled softly, and then lowered her volume, to speak in the best 'inside voice' the shieldmaiden could manage. "Health, and happiness, to all. It is how we greet one another, to wish prosperity and joy into the lives of all those we meet." Her eyes scanned the crowd. She knew her own family would understand- but the clarification was intended as a reminder for all of them. Raventhorpe was a welcoming place, and she hoped that her new packmates would be received well. 

"We are pleased to receive you here, in Raventhorpe. I hope to know you as I know my own kin. For this- I would like to have each one introduce themself, so we may all hear your name, as well as your trade, or skill, of choice. Children too- if you have something you would like to learn," She said, looking to the younger members present. While they would be ranked as Bjor for some time, they could begin training with older members of the pack already so that they could be placed at the appropriate rank when they came of age. 

"I am Solveig Cairn, mate of Rusalka. Shieldmaiden of Soldalr; I come naturally to trade of guarding, and now to leading from when our pack lived on the mountain." She stepped out of the sheath of light, and looked to see who might introduce themselves first.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
30 Posts
Ooc — Orion
She was late to the crowd, having slipped away to find something to gift the newcoming pups and perhaps make them feel more at home. When she arrived it was to the tail end of her mother's speech, cheeks flush from embarrassment of her tardiness.

Gravitating naturally to her brother, she squeezed herself between him and Deja, offering the pretty blue-eyed boy several banded partridge feathers she clutched between her teeth. "Give one to your brother," she spied a quiet girl sat close to Rhonen, "and your sister too - or they might get jealous!" 

Her eyes met Granite's briefly, surprised he had even shown his face! While she knew he liked to be left to his own devices, it was good to see him here.
bravo six
184 Posts
Ooc — delaney
solveig speaks first, naturally; and rusalka spies liefa as his daughter slides in late; flushed and with gifts that he watches her distribute. his heart swells with great pride and only a small pang of sadness. how quick his children grow!

i am rusalka cairn, he greets in turn, peering at solveig for a moment with a warm, affectionate grin. husband of solveig.

father to baldr, leifa, granite and nazair. he gestures to the raventhorpe children gathered with a soft motion of his muzzle; adding granite to his list of children had not necessarily been impulsive, for rusalka thought of the young boy as his own, even if he was the only one who felt that way.

and warrior and guardian besides.
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,149 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson shifted.curling his larger body into Meadow. His head around her side.

Me either. But we will make the best of it.

Another wolf came to them speaking to Meadow. He said nothing just watched with quiet wakefulness. His very bones wary of what was to come.

Then the leader spoke and he lifted his head. Blue eyes studying those among them.

I am Reyson Ebonywood. Mate of Meadow father to Deja, Rhonen, Lotus and Niccolo. I am a decorated warrior and guardian. Ambassador and i can hunt well enough.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
97 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhoenen offered the kind girl a smile and curled his paws protectively around his sister. He knew she could take care of herself she had three brothers, but he still wanted to offer that support. He stated up in horror.

He nuzzled Lotus ear and whispered. Dddo wwwe nnneed tto ssspeak i dddon't wwwanna.
38 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The blue-eyed boy moved away, which offered Granite some reprieve. He diffused his stress by idly sniffing the ground as he sat alone, though his gaze shifted to Solveig when she spoke.

The shieldmaiden was confident and eloquent. Kin, she called them all. This meant the outsiders were here to stay? Granite did not like this very much and his ears splayed to telegraph this sentiment.

It was then Leifa who snuck in at the eleventh hour. She carried small gifts for their new packmates: beautiful, dusky-colored feathers. Granite, a selfish creature, felt envious and eyed Deja, Rhonen, and Lotus with resentment.

But the feeling was fleeting, for Granite was surprised when Rusalka introduced himself as a father to the boy. He went slack-jawed and his tongue stuck out the side of his mouth. Granite didn’t quite know what to think as this notion buffered, but a spark of belonging lit a small light inside of him.
we own the night
24 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The meeting commenced and Deja focused as well as he could for a young boy. However, Leifa stole all of his attention when she joined the party a little late. She joined Deja, sliding between him and Baldr, and gave him welcome gifts of beautiful feathers.

Thanks!he whispered excitedly, not wanting to disturb what the adults were saying. He passed one feather to Rhonen and another to Lotus. Then, he turned back to Leifa. “Will you stick it in my fur?” he asked and turned his head to give the girl a good patch to place the ornament, just behind the ear.

After, his father’s serious and baritone voice captured his attention. Decorated warrior. Guardian. Ambassador. Deja was incredibly proud of his lineage and stuck his chest out a bit.
46 Posts
Ooc — Jess
His mother stepped forward, but Baldr's attention was with the other children. His sister came, and carried several feathers in her mouth and he watched as she brought them to Deja, who seemed the more confident of the brothers. He felt lightly disappointed that she did not share feathers with her own siblings, but when he heard Deja ask her to put the feathers in his fur, another mood struck him. 

He tried to hide his grin, and as discreetly as possible he shuffled slightly closer to Granite, whose expression (for once) looked a bit more lighthearted. He gestured toward Leifa and Deja with a little cant of his muzzle, and tried to whisper in his brother's ear. 

"Leifa and Deja, sitting in a tree," He hissed musically, before falling prey to a whispery giggle.
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess

Thyra overheard what her younger brother had said and while she absolutely agreed with his speculation, she didn't want him to be embarrassing Leifa just because she was being friendly with the newcomers. She whisper-hissed the boy's name, but couldn't help the mischievous smile that caused her eyes to glint. Realizing that she had potentially drawn some attention to herself in the meantime, she planed her ears, and stepped forward with a somewhat sheepish smile and a bob of her head. 

"Ehm, hello," She said, clearing her throat. "And welcome," She said, looking around to those who had come to Epoch with smile that was a bit more brave now. "I am Thyra, and I am the, ehm, 'smith,'" She explained. "I do the work of folk; I work with pelts to make bedding, useful things, and help with making dens. I deliver messenges, as well, to friendly packs." She said, though her true calling was to be a homebody, crafting away quietly.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
190 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Going to keep this round going- just looking for trades for Meadow and Tamar before we re-start the round again. <3

She looked to her husband, who had been perhaps more thoughtful than she, to also name their children. Alas, she could not get everything perfect but her husband proved himself well worth the rank and status he had earned. 

The next to proclaim their trades was Reyson, and she had expected nothing less from him. She appraised him and found he wanted for nothing, for what they expected from a warrior or guardian. She assumed that by 'decoration' he likely meant his scars- which were indication enough that he had not only had training, but had been put through battle as well. 

The children murmured, and she thought she heard something singsong from her son. 

"Reyson, I name you Vorðr; guardian and warrior. If you excel at this, you may one day be called to become Herknunger, commander of the guard," She explained. She would want to see him in action before giving him the rank, and the pack would need to have multiple guardians in order to need a commander at all. 

She knew Thyra's trade, and while she wished her daughter might be more ambitious, she accepted her daughter's chosen trade nonetheless. 

She looked next to the other women of the pack. Greyfalcon had already been named as a scout- but Tamar and Meadow had yet to be assigned a rank that might fit them more suitably. 
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Quote:Back from the temporarily dead….
She felt the warmth of the green eyes upon her, and turned her head to share a reassuring smile. 

Maybe she would be able to speak more of her trade and go in depth to more than just practice every now and then. Though she did cherish her training time along the borders and it gave way to also training her companion is his own right and skill. Mayhaps she would have a talk with Solveig when all was said done, and everybody settled in.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
they named their children.

and hers were not here.

the acoustics of the cave cupped the accented voices so beautifully that she forgot she had said nothing.

at last she stood; "i am tamar, wife to arsenio." she fought the tremble of her mouth. "mother to zosime, zulema, antigone, saleem, and sylianos. they have made their way into the world."

and she would have no others. arsenio's voice moved then beside her but she was overcome, and wanted only to retreat with him to a quieter place.