Gilded Bay But I'm still playing in the sand.
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
AW! Open to anyone who want’s to meet an unfamiliar face, make a friend, help her treasure hunt, etc.

She didn’t want to stray far from her new home, but oh how she longed to feel the sand between her toes, the waves lapping at her paws. She made her way down from the plateau and down to a place called Gilded bay. Little tide pools scattered the shore as the waves rushed into the beach before retreating back to the deep. She wanted to look for treasures, something she could decorate her future den with, coastal memorabilia, so she scoured the pools.
Active weekdays: 
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
The young man was still getting his bearings - while his mind often drifted to Easy and concern for her wellbeing while he was away exploring the coast, he had to admit he was enjoying these lands immensely. The sea breeze was especially spectacular, carrying with it all sorts of novel scents that piqued his curiosity.

‘Mac had just made his way back to the beach when a familiar, gentle scent greeted his nose. A grin broke out on his maw, and on easy, light steps, he followed the length of the shore, hoping to find its owner. Soon enough, her elegant silhouette came into view, and he couldn’t resist giving a few wags of his golden-tipped tail.

“Hello, Raindrop!” Sumac called out on clear tenor notes, his amber eyes practically dancing, “Beautiful day, isn’t it?’

He ventured a few steps forward, seeking to close the distance between them.

“Is it okay if I join you?”
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She turned to the sound of a familiar voice, trailing it was the familiar scent of the man she’d met just recently. She turned her body to better look back at his dark face and golden eyes: “Sumac!” She replied, a smile growing upon her face, reflecting his, “It is indeed, and you’re more than welcome to.” She gestured for him to come with her head, “I’m looking for treasures, trinkets. I’d love to find an oyster shell, with their colored inner shell.”

She was happy to see him again, and when she did, comfort washed over her, a happiness. Perhaps it was because of they history they shared, or their similar age, or something else entirely.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac gave a lopsided grin, tilting his head to one side, “You can call me ‘Mac, if you’d like. That’s what my family used to call me, anyway.”

The Mackenzie nodded eagerly as Raindrop described what she was searching for. “My, that sounds like a sight to see. An oyster shell, huh? Well, let’s see what we can find!”

He dashed off eagerly closer to the water’s edge, enjoying the feeling of the sand between his pads. It was such an unfamiliar feeling, and though he found it more difficult to run on, sand was just so much fun to dig in.

‘Mac got to work, putting his nose to the ground and occasionally putting his claws to work. A stick here, a peculiar bone there, a… Hey! It moved!

A strange little critter that he first mistook for.a rock popped out of a concealed hole in the sand. The pale creature had two black… eyes? On a pair of stalks. It waved a large claw at him menacingly, and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of the display. Was it a spider? Some sort of bug? No, no… it kind of looked like a crayfish!

“You’re a funny, round crayfish,” he muttered to it, daring to stick his nose too close. “Ouch!” He was rewarded with a pinch! “Guess I should’ve known better,” Sumac grumbled, rubbing his sore nose with a paw as the crustacean skittered off.
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“Thank you, ‘Mac, I will.” She replied, returning his smile, and gave a brief description of an oyster, “Yes. They’re kinda of gray with ruffles, but the underside is white. They’re also long.” 

He dashed off to the shore, and she followed behind. They both kept their noses to the sand, smelling for any scents leading to treasures. They both had dug into the sand in certain spots, getting deeper into their search. Raindrop grabbed the stick head found and the bone, putting them in a pile. She had just finished her small hole when she heard an “ouch” come from ‘Mac. She trotted over, her head lowered, staring at the cause of ‘Mac’s sound: A ghost crab, on those little stalks for legs, and sharp claws. Obviously he was disturbed the wolves, and ‘Mac payed for it. She chuckled lightly, “Are you okay? Gotta watch out for those little snappers.” In an act of kindness, she quickly licked his nose, no doubt it was sore. 

“I collected the stick and bone, but I have a hunch we may find what we’re looking for over by those rocks.” They were about 20 feet away, and there was plenty of seaweed adorning them. “Come on ‘Mac!” She exclaimed, gaining a small head start. 

If Raindrop can’t find her Oyster shell, at least she found a new friend to play and explore with.
Active weekdays: 
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac would have blushed had he been human as she gave his raw nose - and his injured pride - a gentle lick. “Th-thanks,” he stammered, his lips curling into an embarrassed grin, “I guess I learned my lesson.”

His golden sunshine eyes followed Raindrop’s focus to where there was a natural gathering of surf-soaked rocks, draped generously with seaweeds and various other detritus from the deeps.

With a laugh, ‘Mac followed after her on jaunty steps. It was funny - usually, there was still a hint of melancholy perpetually plaguing the man’s mind, a residue left by intense trauma that prevented him from fully feeling alive anymore. But now, just below the level of his awareness, it was absent, and Sumac felt as though he was just a youngster playing with his family again.

With a sort of boyish bounce, he bounded onto the rocks and began putting his adept nose to work once again. The number of different scents that greeted him was staggering. After some time, something caught his attention, and with an eager gasp he put a paw between one of the cracks. Liberating it with his teeth, he placed it at his paws  proudly… only to then mutter, “Oh… this one’s black. They’re supposed to be grey and wavy, right?” Oh well, back to the search!
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“Of course. No better way to learn than by doing.”  She chuckled, and they continued to search the rocks. ‘Mac had climbed up onto the rocks and she snooped around the bottoms, stick her muzzle into little crooks and nannys. She had managed to pull out another stick, a clam shell, a seagull feather, and she piled them into her treasure pile, of which she would sort out later. Then, she heard ‘Mac muttering. He had found a shell, long, but black, and much smaller than an oyster shell. “Ooh! That’s a mussel! They like to cling onto rocks in the water, they’re very strong.”

She motioned an offer to him to toss it down by her pile, and started to stick her nose into one more rock crack…. She glared down in between the dark rocks, and finally, she spotted it.
She laid down flat on her belly, and reached her thing leg as far as she could, just barely making it: She pulled out…. An oyster shell! She yipped, holding it in her teeth, tail wagging like a puppy.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
"A mussel, huh? ...Oh! It's purple on the other side," the male exclaimed, turning the shell this way and that as he admired its unique colors. After he had thoroughly examined it to his satisfaction, he carried it to Rain's treasure pile and gently placed it among the other trinkets they'd discovered.

Padding back over to the rocks, 'Mac resumed his careful scrutiny of each nook and cranny, until he heard a sharp cry. His head shot upright, ears erect with concern, until his mind registered that what he was hearing was pure joy. His sunny gaze found Raindrop proudly holding the object of her search - a grey, oblong shell with an uneven surface.

"Oh! Oh! You found it!" Sumac yelled, his tail upright and waggling furiously at his rump. He bounded over and joined her in her celebration, laughing exuberantly. He hadn't felt this much excitement in quite a long time, and his spirit felt refreshed. 

With a somewhat enigmatic expression on his face, the Mackenzie suddenly darted back behind the rocks. He could be heard rummaging for a moment before he reappeared, a large swath of seaweed wrapped around his neck.

"Hey, Raindrop - do you think this brings out the color of my fur?" he teased, adopting an exaggeratedly regal pose even as he remained unable to resist the large, lopsided grin working its way up his maw.
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He came to join her in her celebration, and the two laughed heartily, enjoying themselves. She dropped it into their pile, a big smile on her face, “I did!”  She then watched ‘sumac disappear behind the rocks, rummaging through something in the other side. He then emerged wearing a scarf of green seaweed, and he wondered if it brought out the color of his fur. “I think so! It really suits you!” She told him, then thought for a moment, “What now?”

Hmm, that was a real good question. Maybe Sumac would have a better answer, ‘cause right now, she didn’t have one.

This is fun, I’m loving it. :D
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Same! This is such a light, fun thread!

'Mac laughed. The seaweed had a very peculiar smell which was most certainly leaving its impression on his fur, but he didn't care. If it brought them laughter, he'd risk smelling like a briny pool!

"What now?"

That was a good question. 'Mac tilted his head to the side, his mind searching for a suitable answer to that question. His eyes widened, sparkling with an almost mischievous glint as he opened his mouth to say something... and instead, adopted a shocked expression. The man's gaze was firmly planted out over the water, his body stock-stiff and ears so erect they almost turned inward on themselves.

A massive jet of spray erupted suddenly from the water's surface, followed by another... then another... and then another! That's when he saw the massive - head? - break the surface, followed by a long, white flipper, and the rest of a sinuous, dark, massive body. Finally, a giant tail with two big white flukes emerged. Other giants began their own movement, cresting the bay and bobbing their unbelievably large heads out of the water.

"Oh, Mother Moon, WOW..." 'Mac managed to gasp out loud, transfixed with awe by the sight before them, "Raindrop, do you see this?!"
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Good surprise twist.

Mac had titled his head in thought, but just as he was about to speak a possible answer, a shocked expression grew on his face. His eyes were planted out at the sea, his body stiff and ears overly erect. Quickly trotted to his side, facing out toward the sea, mirroring his position, “What? What is it?!”

She squinted her eyes, and sure enough, out emerging from the depths, were a group of giant swimming creatures. Could they be? Whales! The two of them were in awe of the giant whales, watching them keenly as they spouted mist from their blowholes, their tails gracefully breaking the water as they dive back down. 

“I do! ‘Mac, this is amazing! We finally got to see whales! And listen….” If they listened close enough, the song of the whales could be heard. She had decided to sit down next to him as they view this spectacular scene.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac couldn't hide his joy as Raindrop came to join him in watching the giants frolic gracefully amongst the waves. The tales didn't come close to doing them justice, to describing them accurately. No, they were as dragons in a fairytale, only real and vividly present. They seemed simultaneously mysterious and strikingly familiar, as if they were estranged family members that had finally returned home.

"They're amazing," he murmured before angling his ebony ears and straining.

The sounds were soft, almost illusory at first. Then, they rose to an immense chorus, filling the air with an indescribable harmony that took 'Mac's breath away. His spirit soared, and if he'd had the capacity, tears would have filled his eyes. It was a beauty he'd never experienced, and he'd surely never forget.

So moved he was by their singing that he lifted his maw to the sky, adding his own surprisingly resonant baritone notes to the choir:

A fond hello!
Welcome, friends,
Returned from far away!

We'll sing a song of mirth and cheer,
And bid our good fortunes stay!

He was too enthralled by the sight to be embarrassed for spontaneously belting out one of his father's clumsy old songs. He gave a soft laugh and smiled at Raindrop.
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
They sat there upon the shore, listening to the chorus of whales. The waves, the wind and the seagulls on high all added to natures symphony.
And in the midst of it, Sumac had began to sing, in baritone notes, a song. Her eyes turned upon him, and didn’t leave him, and when he finally brought his maw down, turning to look to her, her gaze just stayed. He gave a laugh, and she reflected it and It was as if the two wolves were in their own world.

“They are.” She replied softly, “And so are you.” After this, she said no more, enjoying everything around them, and this moment beside him.

Ready to fade?
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac's smile took on a warmth rarely seen on his maw, and could he blush, he surely would have. His ears relaxed and his tail gave a soft swish at his hocks.

"Ah, you humble me, Raindrop," he muttered almost sheepishly, "I'll never forget this moment, ever, especially 'cause you're here. It made it all that more special."

With a surprising burst of courage, he outstretched his maw to give hers an affectionate bump of the nose. It was true - he'd keep this amazing adventure close to his heart always and remember the time he first heard whale song.

I'm good with a fade. <3
…Even in the darkest night
237 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
His words gave her a warm feeling, true happiness. He’d said she’d humbled him, and that he would never forget this moment, this time shared, especially since she was here with him. He gave her a bump of his nose to hers, and she returned it, her tail swaying against the sand.“Neither will I. Thank you, ‘Mac.” She almost wished it didn’t have to end… but when one door closes, another opens, right?
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