Otter Creek Malvado
87 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Intended for @T.K. ^^

The lowlands had occupied his attention for some time. It had a plethora of the herbs he would need to keep his stocks full and the residents happy. At around midday, Juárez ventured north. The cut of the mountain range was his guide, leading him further toward the inevitable coastline. Miles from it, though, he could see nothing but the shift from red rock to green lush forests and valleys.

On the edge of the water, Juárez stopped and drank. Water dribbled from his scarred mouth, down his chin. His tongue swiped to collect the remains before he waded into the chilly creek and breathed heavily through his nose. Birds twittered overhead, flying above the jaguar with rapid beating wings.
147 Posts
Ooc — Bees
notice: heat


nonsensehotness came back again, which now made sense because it was summer and it always always came in summer, so it made sense nonsensehotness was actually summerhotness that got under paperthin greyhound skin and heated body from inside out so tk spent every moment panting heart beating looking looking looking.

for what?

tk couldn't tell, but legs still moved following following was heshe following? maybe yes because tired hot panting runnerdog came to cool cool rushing water that would yes definitely cool horrible heat of body. 

thinking of nothing but coolness of liquid, ignoring even otters scattering off the shore, shehe lapped at water in cooling tree shadow.
87 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The buzz of life that surrounded the source of water was appealing. The land near the river would make for promising hunting grounds. From what they had heard from passing travelers, these northern lands were rich with hunting opportunities and packs. It would take time to establish themselves - he and Soto - but they would have a handle on their plan in the near future.

The jaguar’s predatory stare latched fast on a peculiar shape that had moved into the water beneath the shade of a nearby tree. The distance did nothing to conceal the scent that wafted from her. Juárez had never passed an opportunity to sate his masculine desire. Still… the creature was a strange one - thin and spindly and peering with peculiar round eyes.

Juárez sunk deeper into the water, pushing against the current so that he would draw nearer to the oddity.
147 Posts
Ooc — Bees
lap lap lap yet no matter how shehe lapped at the water, the deeper hotness wouldn't cool wouldn't go away. 

thinking, maybe issue was not enough water collecting in belly, tk stepped with forepaws up to ankles in the creek, gulping greedily.

... immediately thinkin abt how jaguars r known to ambush prey from underwater (◉ω◉)
87 Posts
Ooc — Teo

Strong kicking legs propelled the pantherine figure forward. He looked at the creature’s slim legs - like sticks strapped to a lean haunch of meat. It would not have much of a chance of fighting him off. Juárez blew bubbles to the surface of the water, aiming to draw the spindly little thing’s attention before he struck.

A moment of hesitation gripped him. He did not know if this thing would make for a good meal. He also did not know if it suffered from a condition that had created this eerie little body.

The sensation of lust did not apply. He had scented it. It had lured him from the shade of the trees, after all. Strange as it was, it still had enough for him to hold. When the bubbles had died away, freed on the surface of the water, Juárez surged toward the little thing. He reached with his arms to pin it and his fangs aimed to hold its narrow throat in a dangerous clasp.
147 Posts
Ooc — Bees

tk saw in a second, saw a shape move under sky reflected in gentle shallows, thought-


- then fast fear gripped herhim from the inside at thought of alligator, made then nothing small when PANIC so massive contorted hisher body into backwards jump prevented from happening because--

FORCE on body sending little sprinterdog onto herhis back, water SPLASHING from fall from the kicking to reach ground to run from danger body trying to twist again prevented by WEIGHT on shoulders pinning pushing into cool muck at shallowsbottom and try to screamyelp stopped by TEETH at throat applying pressure just above martingale collar hisher always one source of comfort and happy thoughts when sad and alone.

sad and alone like now whining at high pitch eyes wet from water or water or water.

87 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Juárez snarled at the slender creature’s struggle. He aimed to latch his glistening teeth into the back of the little beast. His body pushed, forcing it under the water until he could get his control. The warning lash of his teeth snapped, mindlessly, trying to keep the sighthound from wiggling from his grasp.

The water sloshed around him and over him. He did not seem impacted by the touch of it. Juárez demanded control. He demanded this vile little thing hold still.

¡Quédate quieto!

Another snap of his teeth.

Hold still or I will drown you.
147 Posts
Ooc — Bees
hisher heart beating quick quick, but it wasn't the beat of a hunt, of play, of joy - sickly little scared quivers of terror, worse than flight, prevented from flight by threat and push.

water. water going where air was supposed to, causing jerking coughs and tries to make paws touch ground to run away but there was no running away there was-

a growl.

words with so much anger they didn't make sense, but tk understood in a dog's way the meaning of them. order given when noises are made too loud for rigid ears low on skull.

but tk couldn't keep so perfectly quiet! insides lurched against hardness of bone and there was barely a breath taken. the scared little hound, trying so desperately, couldn't recognize nor hold back own sobs.

wah, forgiveness! 

nothing coming out of this is always an option but i.... i realized juarez is based on a jaguar. and tk is a brindle sighthound.

therefore, cheetah baby and tiger baby :')

[Image: juarez-pups-concept-1.png]
87 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I may have messed this up for you, Bees... ;w; I had stinky boy go inactive. I mis-timed the checker. But please let me say that I love the designs you came up with. They're stunning. You fantastic little whimsical artist.

Juárez felt the little creature obey him, just as it should. 

The man kept the dog beneath the water for a long while, only allowing it to come up and fill its nose with air so that it would not die. When he'd had his fill, he aimed a vicious bite into the spindly creature's scruff and attempted to pull the used little body out of the water and toss it on the bank. 

The jaguar didn't feel entirely satisfied. Not enough to hold onto. Not enough struggle.
147 Posts
Ooc — Bees
EDIT: aa posted the wrong draft! srry!

worry not, only the dam is required to stay active for the duration of the pregnancy! we'll see how things go...

there was fear often so many times in herhis past, shadows in-between treetrunks and teeth on the throat but never never never like this.

heshe wasn't a diverdog, a retriever, and so shehe gulped and inhaled water until it came back up through the nostrils in sputters and spasms ejecting it from insides. lack of air - and yes yes the distress - left himher lightheaded and sluggish as some part of the self greater than an animal cooed herhis racing thoughts into slowness then stillness then nothing.

when the brindled body hit the shore soaked through, there was enough mind left to look up at the alligator - redeyed facescarred - and wail a whine, looking for mercy yet numbed to refusal.

what did tk do to deserve this?

was tk not a good dog?
87 Posts
Ooc — Teo

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: For speech. He's yucky.

The jaguar regarded the limp-noodle animal with a cold stare. It hadn't been good, necessarily. But it had gotten him off well enough that he didn't feel the weight of need in his stomach. 

No eres la cosa más fea con la que me he follado. 

Maybe that would be a compliment under a different light. Not that the impish little spawn would understand him. He did not care. The jaguar drew his tongue across his dark lips and then left the ugly little creature with a gift - the gift of drug. If it decided to eat what was offered, it would experience a mind-bending high. And then he shook his coat and prowled away into the trees to hunt for something that would fill his belly.
147 Posts
Ooc — Bees
tk wasn't there.

tk was in warm box, overlooked by the sweeping wetness of a tongue in favor of three others.

tk was awake at the foot of the bed, listening to the masters stirring awake before going away for another day.

tk was curled in the quiet corner of the kitchen, wrinkled old hands wiping away toddler fingerprints from painted fur.

tk was shoving shoulders, trying to reach the bowl as bigger and tougher dogs ate first.

tk was curled under a dumpster, hiding from seeking lights and flinching at the calls.

tk was in the woods, and there was fear but there was freedom.

tk was racing over the plains, where the chase lasted as long as wanted and always ended with a reward.

tk was with rodyn, and all was well.

tk wasn't there.