Neverwinter Forest quietam flumen
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
velia had gone on to earn herself a living, breathing parasite of a piercing. a tick, fat and well dug-in, clung to the edge of her ear where it had been quite literally sucking the life out of her for the past few days.

she wasn't a stranger to the unwanted guest, but removing it from such a location proved to be tedious.

she took to the pastures, a bundle of dried seeds carried in a pouch she had crafted from a hare's hide. her plan was simple; bribe a lingering crow to pluck the little beast from her ear. she'd become free from it's bite, and the bird got a two for one meal.
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Pangur was out and about, seizing the day, scoping the territory for whatever the gods would put in front of her this time. Vigour oozed from each step she took as she skipped through the forest on light feet.

Hazel eyes caught the figure of another slipping through the brambles, stepping into the light- and it would've simply been rude not to come say hello! ...and perhaps Pangur was simply nosey.

Hallo! Would you like some company? She called from the thicket, ears swivelled forward and a curious stare on her face.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
a soft, startled, "oh," slipped past the nymph's lips when the words of the other woman caught her off guard. she halted, turned to catch her cream hued company as the bundle was placed to the floor, and let out a cheerful, "hi!"

"ah, yes!" she decided after a beat, sliding over so that the náttfari had a place beside her. "am going to make trade with the birds," she shared as she leaned down to pluck the bundle between her teeth once more.
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Trading with birds? Pangur had to see. Her ears perked as crows chattered in the distance, unaware of the free meals coming their way.

Ah. And what will the birds give you- Oh. Before she could finish she caught sight of that nasty tick, burrowed into a particularly annoying spot. oh- I see. She leaned inwards, debating whether or not to offer trying her own hand at its removal...

But the birds could try first! Pangur wanted to see this trick in action. good luck.. I will try not to scare them. She assured, letting a shiver roll through her body as they walked through open pasture. Maybe I will try this next time one gets me.

Emphasis on maybe. She wanted to see it work, first.
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
bundle stowed carefully between her jaws, velia did little speaking as the pair moved toward the edge of the pasture, near a particularly tall group of sentinel like trees. the nymph placed the bundle back upon the ground, splaying it open so that the seeds might be fully exposed to any sky-born eyes. 

she cleared a small space of snow before laying near to the offering quietly, giving a soft tap of her paw beside her where she hoped her companion might rest too. 

"some birds do not trade," she shared, head titled upward to try and pick out those who would not dare to take the seeds. "others," she started just as a loud caw was cast through the air, "be more willing."
sterkt hjarta
109 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Pangur came to sit where she was invited, listening as Velia spoke while her own eyes followed the crows, seeing if she could guess which ones were muddy sticks or however the saying went, and which ones might've been more willing.

Alas she could not tell much. The ones who watched from the trees, maybe.

Sprinkle some on me, too. She grins mischievously, coming down to rest on her belly. She had no ticks but perhaps crow beaks and claws would've been nice back scratchers. I imagine we must stay still, ja? They might be more confident that way?
44 Posts
Ooc — metic
an ear shifted in the woman's direction as she asked for some seeds of her own. velia happily shared, standing again to sprinkle some atop the length of the náttfari's back. both now speckled by an abundance of seeds, velia returned to her original laying spot and glanced upwards to watch the trees. 

"mmm, yes. be still and speak soft words," she let out in a whisper. 

a small congregation of birds had gathered along the branches, curious, but hesitant. it was a cardinal who braved the wolves first, landing upon pangur's back to begin sifting through the seeds. a crow joined next, swooping down to hop near the arrangement of seeds that had fallen among the floor, it's beak chattering with ample curiosity.