She sprawled in a snowdrift overlooking the caldera, her aching leg pressed into the pack in the hopes of numbing it. Towhee rolled partly onto her back while she rested, wondering whether she might reach a point where she wanted to just chew off the damn thing. If @Phox could rock three legs and travel the world, there was no reason she couldn’t do the same damn thing.
Her mind drifted from her brother to her son. Bushtit had accompanied her to the caldera a couple days back but had wandered off yesterday. For the first time in his life, he hadn’t returned to her by nightfall. Nor had he appeared at breakfast. Towhee didn’t often wish she could hear, though it would be nice if she could call out to him just to know his position. If she had to guess, he’d probably gone south again. That kid was hooked on the lowlands.
Those words hung on the frigid winter air, heard by absolutely no one. Towhee huffed out a sigh and rolled, deciding it was time to get back on her feet. She was sure Bushtit was fine—he was probably just hanging out with his dad, a phenomenon Towhee still hadn’t fully accepted—but she would feel better if she located her son.
Her mind drifted from her brother to her son. Bushtit had accompanied her to the caldera a couple days back but had wandered off yesterday. For the first time in his life, he hadn’t returned to her by nightfall. Nor had he appeared at breakfast. Towhee didn’t often wish she could hear, though it would be nice if she could call out to him just to know his position. If she had to guess, he’d probably gone south again. That kid was hooked on the lowlands.
Only he’s not much of a kid anymore,Towhee mumbled to herself.
He’s the same age as Meerkat when she left me.
Those words hung on the frigid winter air, heard by absolutely no one. Towhee huffed out a sigh and rolled, deciding it was time to get back on her feet. She was sure Bushtit was fine—he was probably just hanging out with his dad, a phenomenon Towhee still hadn’t fully accepted—but she would feel better if she located her son.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
January 31, 2025, 04:32 PM
Things were well enough upon the Moonspear that Killdeer thought he'd take a little trip to the caldera for old times' sake. He was enjoying the diversion until a still figure caught his eye, and the spinning world came to a staggering halt.
Was she dead? Oh, fuck, she was dead.
Killdeer's heart was lodged firmly in his throat as he came closer, the sight of her distinctive coat against the snow sending him into a panic. He broke into a trot, and then a slow gallop, breathing coming fast and ragged.
And then she moved.
Was she dead? Oh, fuck, she was dead.
Killdeer's heart was lodged firmly in his throat as he came closer, the sight of her distinctive coat against the snow sending him into a panic. He broke into a trot, and then a slow gallop, breathing coming fast and ragged.
And then she moved.
Oh, thank God,he exclaimed, slowing his pace and shaking his head.
What are you doing laying around like that?! I thought you were dead, Gramma.
February 02, 2025, 12:13 PM
Her belly flinched reflexively against the cold touch of snow, which made the sudden flash of heat in her bad leg all the more noticeable. Towhee froze in place, wondering at this peculiar symptom even as it subsided as suddenly as it had come.
Hot flash? she wondered, two seconds before she looked up to see her grandson coming toward her. Her heart leaped at the sight of him. Forgetting all about the queer sensation, she jumped onto all fours. She caught Killdeer’s affectionate scolding and pressed a laugh into the side of his neck as she hugged him.
Hot flash? she wondered, two seconds before she looked up to see her grandson coming toward her. Her heart leaped at the sight of him. Forgetting all about the queer sensation, she jumped onto all fours. She caught Killdeer’s affectionate scolding and pressed a laugh into the side of his neck as she hugged him.
Not dead,she joshed,
just old. Old enough that I officially have a bad leg. I was resting it,Towhee explained as she pulled back to see his face.
What’re you doing here?she asked in the next breath, her delight obvious.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 03, 2025, 11:56 PM
(This post was last modified: February 03, 2025, 11:57 PM by Killdeer.)
Better bad than gone, though?he remarked, cocking his head and also thinking of Phox.
Anyway, glad you have all your legs and you're not dead. I came around for old times' sake,Killdeer added.
He glanced around, finding the trail down to the frozen waters of the caldera. Not too far away was the Hobbit Hole, and other favorite haunts of his youth.
It's weird, not having anyone living here,Killer remarked, returning his gaze to Towhee.
It doesn't feel right, given all the history.
He settled to sit, giving his grandmother a soft look.
You've been around for like, fuckin' ever,he teased, grinning.
Tell me more about this place. What was it like when you were a kid?
Hopefully she'd be able to remember that far back.
February 04, 2025, 06:20 PM
His words made her think of her brother too. He’d been on her mind a lot lately. Towhee missed him but she didn’t hope for his return, if only because she really believed he’d found his happily ever after out there with Heph. Maybe those two had settled down someplace more peaceful than the Teekon Wilds and were even now rearing a litter. She could only hope.
Her attention returned to her grandson when he mentioned the caldera’s lack of habitation. She looked around a little dubiously. Towhee was fond of this place despite herself. But it had always been just a piece of land. It meant nothing at all without wolves to people its slopes.
Before she could comment on this, Killdeer pointed out her age and posed a question. Towhee’s mouth clapped shut as her head reared back a little. Her face grew thoughtful. Of course she had many memories that might make good stories. But she had to consider her specific audience here.
He’d probably appreciate a comedy, though Towhee found herself going for heartwarming when she said,
She took a moment to gather her thoughts. That wasn’t much of a story, though Towhee had given up on being a historian long ago. It wasn’t that she couldn’t remember—she still felt pretty sharp, all things considered—but she wasn’t the best storyteller, especially not on the spot. And a lot of details had faded and frayed at the edges, she realized the more she sifted through her memories.
Her attention returned to her grandson when he mentioned the caldera’s lack of habitation. She looked around a little dubiously. Towhee was fond of this place despite herself. But it had always been just a piece of land. It meant nothing at all without wolves to people its slopes.
Before she could comment on this, Killdeer pointed out her age and posed a question. Towhee’s mouth clapped shut as her head reared back a little. Her face grew thoughtful. Of course she had many memories that might make good stories. But she had to consider her specific audience here.
He’d probably appreciate a comedy, though Towhee found herself going for heartwarming when she said,
I’ve lived a lot of life here. But one of the highlights was the day I became a grandma. You were such a chunk… and loud too, according to the lore,she said with a huff of laughter.
She took a moment to gather her thoughts. That wasn’t much of a story, though Towhee had given up on being a historian long ago. It wasn’t that she couldn’t remember—she still felt pretty sharp, all things considered—but she wasn’t the best storyteller, especially not on the spot. And a lot of details had faded and frayed at the edges, she realized the more she sifted through her memories.
You know what’s even better than reminiscing about old memories? Making new ones. You should totally stake your familial claim on this place, find you a woman, pop out a dozen kids and keep the Redhawk legacy going, fam.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 05, 2025, 04:58 PM
(This post was last modified: February 05, 2025, 04:59 PM by Killdeer.)
Killdeer leaned forward in anticipation, only to have her recount memories of his birth. He smiled to hear it, although he was really hoping for older tales—to hear of Towhee in her youth. The energy she still held to this day; she must have been a firecracker back then!
And then she offered some thoughts that touched a tiny nerve in him, somewhere deep down. Not in a negative way. . .but it would leave him pondering, nonetheless.
Treepie certainly wouldn't, anyway, and Tiki would go where her sister did. But about that 'woman' thing—
And then she offered some thoughts that touched a tiny nerve in him, somewhere deep down. Not in a negative way. . .but it would leave him pondering, nonetheless.
I can't say I haven't thought of that,Killdeer replied, nodding. He looked around and sighed.
Ma and I thought of starting our own pack, once. It didn't work out, though. And now, I'm loyal to Moonspear. I mean, my kids are there. I don't know if I could leave just yet.
Treepie certainly wouldn't, anyway, and Tiki would go where her sister did. But about that 'woman' thing—
I did find someone, though,he went on, his face splitting into a sheepish grin.
Did you ever meet Amalia, from Brecheliant? Black fur, green eyes, super nice. . .
February 06, 2025, 01:06 PM
She wasn’t being totally serious, though it was still gratifying to know Killdeer had contemplated it before. Towhee fought a frown when he mentioned Fennec, nodding absently when he mentioned his loyalty to Moonspear. His children were there, though they were young adults now. Would they stay? Treepie was a homebody, she knew, but…
She fell silent when Killdeer mentioned finding someone, though her orange eyes brightened. The look on his face was so endearing, she sort of wanted to reach out and pinch his cheeks. The name he mentioned struck her as familiar, though it took Towhee a moment to place it.
You could ask them to go with you. If Pie isn’t onboard, we can just have Bushtit coax her. She would do anything he asked of her, pretty sure,she posited with a light laugh.
She fell silent when Killdeer mentioned finding someone, though her orange eyes brightened. The look on his face was so endearing, she sort of wanted to reach out and pinch his cheeks. The name he mentioned struck her as familiar, though it took Towhee a moment to place it.
I met her that one time, when I had that message from, uh… why do I want to say his name was Tree? That can’t be right. Anyway, not important. She seemed like a sweetheart. You’ve known her a while, haven’t you? Friends to lovers?she queried, her gaze inviting him to share any and all details.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 11, 2025, 11:57 AM
(This post was last modified: February 11, 2025, 11:58 AM by Killdeer.)
He nodded along thoughtfully, pursing his lips in contemplation. Pie was awfully smitten with Buttshit, that was true. Still, it had been difficult enough for Treepie to journey down for the recent wedding in Forneskja, and that was just a territory away.
Oh, well. One thing at a time.
And again, time enough for all that—though he did wonder when Amalia would go into heat.
Oh, well. One thing at a time.
Friends to lovers,Killdeer confirmed, though the finality of it gave him pause. That wasn't quite true, was it? Not yet.
Well, I've told her I love her, anyway,he went on.
And she loves me, too. But we haven't discussed kids or anything. Haven't. . .you know, done it.
And again, time enough for all that—though he did wonder when Amalia would go into heat.
How is little Bushy, anyway?Killer asked, smiling.
Old enough to be out on his own, eh?
February 11, 2025, 12:52 PM
Towhee barked a laugh when he volunteered what some might consider too much information. It made her glad that Killdeer would share that with her without batting an eyelash. Anyway, it wasn’t very surprising to hear otherwise. Many wolves didn’t make the beast with two backs until mating season came along.
Before she could make a likely lewd comment, her grandson asked about her son. Distracted, Towhee’s lips pursed as she gazed off into the distance. No, she wanted to say, though she knew that she was in denial. Bushtit was definitely coming into his independence these days, his disappearance just another flag waving in her face.
Before she could make a likely lewd comment, her grandson asked about her son. Distracted, Towhee’s lips pursed as she gazed off into the distance. No, she wanted to say, though she knew that she was in denial. Bushtit was definitely coming into his independence these days, his disappearance just another flag waving in her face.
Suppose so,she acknowledged.
When you and Amalia do have kids, make sure to savor them a little extra. I know everybody says this all the time; you’ve heard it before; and it’s beyond a tired cliche… but they really do grow up too fast.Towhee sighed.
I kinda wish he’d had your upbringing, or mine. Instead, I raised him to be a frickin’ vagabond,she grumbled under her breath.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 11, 2025, 10:47 PM
There was an unmistakable look of wistfulness upon his grandmother's face at the question; he felt a bit bad for asking. Of course, it had to be difficult to see Bushtit out on his own. He might well be the last child she was able to have—biologically, anyway.
And as for his own children. . .
He shrugged and reasoned,
Oh, yeah,Killdeer murmured, nodding.
Although, Gramma, I did go off with Caracal for a while as a kid—maybe too young. Lil' Buttshit will be okay.
And as for his own children. . .
I've gotten lucky with Treepie; she's such a homebody,he remarked.
Tikaani is more adventurous, but still sticks around. The rest have come and gone—and even though sometimes I wonder if I could have done something differently, to make them stay, I guess they're just more independent.
He shrugged and reasoned,
Going off on my own early never meant I loved my parents less.
February 12, 2025, 09:10 AM
Of course, Killdeer knew all this from experience. Towhee felt jealousy spear through her at the mention of Treepie’s tendencies. It made no sense to feel that way, particularly as she hadn’t even given Bushtit the option of a proper home. Besides, even the most die-hard homebodies tended to strike out on their own eventually. Exhibit A: Towhee Woodley Redhawk.
She was totally rambling, she realized. She shot Killdeer a sheepish smile, then fell silent. Hopefully he could make sense of it.
I know,she said quietly.
And I know he’ll be okay. But will I be okay?Towhee huffed a laugh, though she wasn’t entirely joking now either.
I was a lot like Pie when I was her age. I was fiercely loyal to this place,she said in the next breath, glancing around at the caldera before meeting his eyes.
Look at me now. It’s not necessarily that I want to live here—or anywhere, really—but it’s only a matter of time before my body makes that call for me.
She was totally rambling, she realized. She shot Killdeer a sheepish smile, then fell silent. Hopefully he could make sense of it.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 13, 2025, 10:00 PM
(This post was last modified: February 13, 2025, 10:01 PM by Killdeer.)
It was clear recent events were weighing on Towhee, even if she tried to laugh and shrug it off. His eyes were soft upon her as she spoke, and when silence fell between the two of them again, he lifted a foreleg and placed it gently upon her shoulder—in half-embrace, but with enough distance that he could look her in the eye.
Killdeer smiled, though there were tinges of sadness at the corners.
After everything—Bronco and Caracal dying, Fennec wandering, and all the rest—Towhee was the main constant in his life. He would do anything to ensure her safety and well-being, and that meant staying put at her advanced age—her wanderlust be damned.
Promise me this, Gramma,he intoned gravely—and then realized that he had lacked ptero throughout this entire conversation. Sheepishly, he dropped back to all fours and then began signing again.
-Promise me that, if I start a new chapter here, you'll come and stay for good.-
Killdeer smiled, though there were tinges of sadness at the corners.
-I need you by my side,-he went on.
-For advice, but really just—I want you around. For my children, and me, too.-
After everything—Bronco and Caracal dying, Fennec wandering, and all the rest—Towhee was the main constant in his life. He would do anything to ensure her safety and well-being, and that meant staying put at her advanced age—her wanderlust be damned.
February 14, 2025, 09:47 AM
His plea gave her déjà vu. Her lips parted as Towhee stared at him, taken aback by Killdeer’s request. Didn’t he know she didn’t want to settle anywhere again? Didn’t he realize that she had a contentious relationship with this specific place? No, she reminded herself, her grandson couldn’t know these things, which meant she was facing the unpleasant task of informing—and rejecting—him. Again.
Towhee hesitated, for a lot of reasons. Hadn’t she just admitted that she needed to park somewhere, regardless of her wishes? She licked her lips, glancing away at the caldera again, her brow scrunching. Maybe she could make up for her refusal the last time. And though part of her hated the caldera, part of her loved it too, and would feel truly fulfilled if her grandson reclaimed it.
Towhee hesitated, for a lot of reasons. Hadn’t she just admitted that she needed to park somewhere, regardless of her wishes? She licked her lips, glancing away at the caldera again, her brow scrunching. Maybe she could make up for her refusal the last time. And though part of her hated the caldera, part of her loved it too, and would feel truly fulfilled if her grandson reclaimed it.
It means a lot, that you’d ask,she said, turning back to face him, eyes weighing on his face.
If you go through with it—if you take the caldera back—then I’ll come home too,Towhee said,
with the caveat that I will travel freely if and when I’m able to again. I want to make the most of the time I have left, you know?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 17, 2025, 10:33 PM
Of course, it would never be simple with Towhee. He gave his grandmother a long, measured look, nodding slowly at her response. Once it had absorbed, he spoke again.
He approached Towhee and pressed his muzzle into her shoulder, still laughing.
Towhee was gonna Towhee. The least he could do was give her a landing place.
-Okay,-Killdeer said, and then chuckled softly.
-Sure. Just know that wherever you go, if I set claim here, you'll always have somewhere to stay.-
He approached Towhee and pressed his muzzle into her shoulder, still laughing.
You are so stubborn,he remarked into her fur, even though he knew she wouldn't be able to decipher that. Maybe that was for the best.
Towhee was gonna Towhee. The least he could do was give her a landing place.
February 19, 2025, 11:16 AM
Killdeer accepted her terms, following a contemplative pause. Towhee gave him a small grin, which grew when he closed the distance between them and pressed against her. Her grandson’s hugs were always welcome, even when he muttered unheard things against her shoulder.
She let herself savor the embrace for a moment, eyes slipping shut. Perhaps it made sense to spend her final years in the place where she’d been born. Maybe she would die here and end up buried near her parents. As if in response to that thought, her mind produced an image of another place—and a face to go with it—and Towhee knew that if she had any choice when the time came, she would not die here.
Are you shit-talking me?she teased, then proved she was not really interested in an answer by slinging her forelegs around him and keeping him close.
Thank-you, by the way. It really does mean a lot.
She let herself savor the embrace for a moment, eyes slipping shut. Perhaps it made sense to spend her final years in the place where she’d been born. Maybe she would die here and end up buried near her parents. As if in response to that thought, her mind produced an image of another place—and a face to go with it—and Towhee knew that if she had any choice when the time came, she would not die here.
If you have a couple of hours to kill, we should do a walkabout,she said to Killdeer, finally releasing him and stepping back.
It’ll be a slow one,she warned, frowning at her leg,
but it’s more about who’s with me than where we’re going anyway, right?
Wanna fade here?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
February 23, 2025, 10:53 PM
love them <3
Killdeer burst out laughing at her question, but kept close, enjoying the embrace. She was old—old enough to consider the potential of her death. After all, others had died much younger.
When he pulled away, he nodded, slit-eyed and smiling.
Let's do it,- he remarked. -
Show me your old stomping grounds, if they're different from mine. I don't care how slow you go.-
It was true. They could move at a snail's pace, and he would savor every moment with Towhee.
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