For any! Can even just be a few replies. Arrluk is seeking permission to hunt in this forest & along the edges of the glacier for part of his bride-price to obtain: 6 stout and 3 white ermine.
At the gate of his sister's claim is where the young Arrluk makes his first stop. His sea-green eyes lifting slowly up to the towering peaks of evergreen trees, holding the weight of winter in their limbs. Arrluk could not see much beyond the thick forestry and a world of secrets lie within. Secrets which he was happy to not know. His sister had drown in the lake there. Her lover at her side the same. Father thought it cursed, in all the years he had come to know it and it brought no excitement to the young whale-wolf to come here. Yet, he loved his sister, trusted her faith in this place and he had a mission which lie within this forest's depths.
![[Image: 7nCi.gif]](
February 05, 2025, 12:12 PM
sólhárr stood at the edge of forneskja’s land, broad and steady, a wall of flame and earth. he watched the young man approach, his posture relaxed but unreadable, gold eye sharp beneath the low winter light.
there was no hostility in his tone, but there was scrutiny, a quiet assessment of the wolf before him. moonglow blood, sea in his veins, kin to his wife. that alone earned him passage, but sólhárr was a man of tradition—respect must be given, lines must be drawn.
arrluk,he greeted, the name rolling off his tongue with a weight that suggested recognition, but not familiarity. his tail gave a single, slow sway behind him, an acknowledgment.
you come for callyope?
there was no hostility in his tone, but there was scrutiny, a quiet assessment of the wolf before him. moonglow blood, sea in his veins, kin to his wife. that alone earned him passage, but sólhárr was a man of tradition—respect must be given, lines must be drawn.
við erum öll undir sama himni.

February 09, 2025, 08:42 PM
(This post was last modified: February 09, 2025, 08:43 PM by Arrluk.)
The King - erm, Hárkonungr, comes as a behemoth, his remaining eye sharp. Arrluk is a relatively tall wolf, but this wolf is taller, bigger all around just the same. His strength was evident, yet was there more to the man other then a brute force which demanded respect?
Hárkonungr.Arrluk dips his white chin in respect to the other leader, the word for his leadership horribly butchered on his tongue, yet he does try.
I would enjoy to see my sister.It is not an untrue statement and yet the sentence lingers, hinting at another reason for his visit. The predominant one.
However my visit comes with a need that you not all that long ago had been asked to fullfill. A bride-price. I come to ask permission to hunt for ermine and stout in your forest.
![[Image: 7nCi.gif]](
February 09, 2025, 10:05 PM
sólhárr’s ears flicked at the title, the attempt at his language bringing a glint of amusement to his eye. there was respect in it, and that much he could appreciate.
a slow smile unfurled across his scarred muzzle, followed by a deep, rumbling laugh.
he studied arrluk for a moment, weighing the request. the young man was not unfamiliar to him—callyope’s blood. for that alone, he would be granted favor. but it was more than just that. he saw something in him, something that reminded him of his own younger self.
he shifted, gesturing lightly with his muzzle.
a slow smile unfurled across his scarred muzzle, followed by a deep, rumbling laugh.
not so long ago, i was the one making such a request,he mused, voice thick with mirth.
and now you stand where i stood. the cycle continues.
he studied arrluk for a moment, weighing the request. the young man was not unfamiliar to him—callyope’s blood. for that alone, he would be granted favor. but it was more than just that. he saw something in him, something that reminded him of his own younger self.
hunt as you will,sólhárr granted with a nod, his stance loose, welcoming.
but let it be known—you take what you need, no more. the forest is generous, but she is not endless.
he shifted, gesturing lightly with his muzzle.
tell me, arrluk,his eye glinted, lips twitching at the edge,
who is the woman worthy of such a price?
við erum öll undir sama himni.

February 09, 2025, 10:36 PM
A crinkled smile on scarred lips, a bellowed laughter to follow. The hardened northerner softens at the younger wolf's words and is accepting of the respect which Arrluk offers.
It does. As it should.He had already known the deaths of two of his sisters. One from the season prior to his own, the other a twin of his parent's first litter. Arrluk hoped that with new death, continued new life. That his family would continue to prosper and grow. It was the reason for them all to keep pushing forward. Soon, with hope, his sister Callyope would bring a part in continuing the cycle too.
As you command.Another dip of his muzzle and back up again, his ears sweeping back for a moment as he did so. When he is gestured, Arrluk steps forth, following the steps of Solharr as he is so guided.
She has the name @Ajei. Daughter of @Shikoba. She was a powerful woman of Moonglow, it's Star Hunter.He speaks of her, though he does not think this man has met Ajei. At least not that she has mentioned. He would one day, surely.
I am to hunt six stout, three white ermine, a wolverine, a seal and an elder otter... and fish from the pools of Moontide and bring back the roots of a willow tree.
![[Image: 7nCi.gif]](
February 09, 2025, 10:42 PM
sólhárr listened, nodding along as arrluk spoke of his bride-to-be, of the price he must pay to claim her. the names were foreign to him, but the weight of tradition was not.
his single golden eye gleamed with approval.
he stepped back, shifting his weight in the frost-laden earth.
it was an old blessing, one he had heard given to men seeking fortune before him. one he had once coveted for himself.
his ear flicked, and then he turned, stepping away, allowing the younger wolf to begin his task.
his single golden eye gleamed with approval.
a worthy price,he mused, voice deep, edged with something knowing.
the best things are never given freely.
he stepped back, shifting his weight in the frost-laden earth.
hunt well, arrluk. may your fangs be swift, your paws sure.a pause, then a small, knowing smirk.
and may the seals gather thick around moontide's shores.
it was an old blessing, one he had heard given to men seeking fortune before him. one he had once coveted for himself.
his ear flicked, and then he turned, stepping away, allowing the younger wolf to begin his task.
við erum öll undir sama himni.

February 13, 2025, 11:02 PM
Arrluk would dip his white chin in agreement. @Ajei was worth every bit of the price he must pay and more. He couldn't imagine there was much that he wouldnt do for her. Even if she never became wife to him, they had been friends as soon as they could leave their birthing dens. Lover or not, he did love her dearly.
Thank you.He said only then, nodding his head to the firey-brown coated man as he took a side step and began to leave Arrluk to his business. Arrluk would take his own turn, making a path his own way quietly through the forest. He would make sure to catch up with @Callyope before he left.
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