Rosewater Oasis sebayet
53 Posts
Ooc — orion
The spirit had become acquainted, as the Pharaoh had asked. He had mapped their kingdom as best he could, and now he deemed it was time for his first lesson. Excitement quickened his steps as he sought @Samirseti in the God's oasis, finding a recent trail with ease. The man was never far from his domain, and for that Akhre was grateful, for the longer he remained in his sights, the more the spirit could be sure that he would not disappear.

"Pharaoh," tail stirring gentle, he dipped his head upon his approach. "What do you have in store for me today?" 
experimental character, may sound clunky!
heir of the golden sun
183 Posts
Ooc — grim
samir is basking near the oasis’ edge when he is found, midnight frame stretched long, soaking in ra’s final light. his ears twitch at the boy’s approach, though he does not move until akhre speaks.

at last, the pharaoh rises, a shadow draped in gold.

your lesson has already begun, he murmurs past a smile serpentine in its grace.

tell me, akhre, a reverent hymn. what does this oasis teach you?

he gestures to the pool before them.
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egyptian“ · common
racharra is welcome in all threads.
it is as Ra wills it.
samir is rated 3-3-3. samir is a villainous character whose opinions 
and actions do not reflect my personal beliefs.
53 Posts
Ooc — orion
His Pharaoh lounged as a panther does but the spirit kept his gaze firmly to the sand at his feet until words broke the quiet between them. It had begun already? He had not even time to prepare!

Swallowing a nervous lump in his throat, a befuddled expression twisted the boy's face as he came to sit besides at the water's edge. For a moment he was quiet, sandstone face peering to look at himself in the glittering pool. Was there some divine meaning to be seen here?

"It's a reflection," voice thoughtful, "of the Gods, perhaps. I see stars in it sometimes, and myself too." The pantheon. "But I don't know what it's teaching me." Eyes flick to Samirseti. For guidance.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
heir of the golden sun
183 Posts
Ooc — grim
pharaoh watches as akhre leans forwards, a shadow of ra's beautiful light. peering down upon the sandstone pool, looking upon glittering waters, his reflection captured in a mirror of peace.

the boy's words bring him amusement. with a soft sigh, samir leans up, pressing himself upon lithe legs.

it is both reflection and truth, head tilts lightly as eyes sweep from boy to waters, and he moves to rise, coming closer.

the oasis offers life to those who honor it and death to those who take without faith. balance. wisdom. the gods speak through such things if you listen.

his gaze softens but does not lose its weight. now, pharaoh finds himself thinking back on days where he was but a boy, wide-eyed, tall-eared, eagerly listening to what hem-netjer learned him of. samir leans a head closer, peering into his own reflection alongside his. to see yourself is to confront your purpose, akhre. perhaps we should ask not what the oasis teaches, but what you are willing to learn.

he lowers himself beside the boy, ears sweeping forward. and what do you seek to learn?
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egyptian“ · common
racharra is welcome in all threads.
it is as Ra wills it.
samir is rated 3-3-3. samir is a villainous character whose opinions 
and actions do not reflect my personal beliefs.
53 Posts
Ooc — orion
The spirit feels the sand shift, gaze holding the obelisk's figure in sight as he nears, as he speaks of the water's truth. Life and death in perfect balance: "So it is Ma'at then?" The Gods had told his pharaoh so, but how? 

He wished dearly to know!

Lost in thought, Akhre returned focus to the pool where a dark shadow had joined him. A moment of unfocused eyes saw himself in eternal flame, though it was gone in an instant. "Everything. I'm willing to learn it all - everything." For Samirseti was a well of knowledge and he an ephemeral spring just beginning to grow. But first came a burning question. "How do you know what the Gods speak to you? I listen but I hear...nothing. Just the sound of the wind on the sand."
experimental character, may sound clunky!
heir of the golden sun
183 Posts
Ooc — grim
samirseti watches him where a flicker of approval gleams behind gilded eyes.

you are young yet, his voice an ebbing tide as he pulls away, to bring a paw to settle on the boy's shoulder. the gods do not whisper to those who do not know how to listen. with time, with patience, you will hear.

pharaoh then casts eyes around the oasis, to the palm fronds that sway, to the gentle ripple of water where the breeze disturbs its glassy surface.

they speak in the shape of the dunes, in the flight of a hawk, in the way the river bends. the gods do not use words, akhre. they use the world.

a pause. then, softer.

look and you shall see. the gods send the message, but it is up to you to interpret.
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egyptian“ · common
racharra is welcome in all threads.
it is as Ra wills it.
samir is rated 3-3-3. samir is a villainous character whose opinions 
and actions do not reflect my personal beliefs.
53 Posts
Ooc — orion
So it would take time. Thankfully, the spirit had plenty of it.

He must keep an open mind then, for it was not just in sound that the gods relayed their wishes. Samirseti spoke of other, mundane things, and Akhre resisted the urge to question his Pharaoh once again as a firm paw brought him back to reality. This, he already knew - had seen it in the way the sun had set aflame the mesa. To get confirmation was enough to stir his tail softly against the sand.

"They have shown themselves to me once before. The day I left to come to you, I'm sure of it." But to tune into the world surrounding the oasis would take practice, and a seed of doubt began to burrow itself into the spirit's mind. "I'm scared of being wrong, Pharaoh. What if what they want to say is not what I hear?"
experimental character, may sound clunky!