The Sentinels You got to do, what you should
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
When Dante first woke to his mate's murmured words, they didn't sink in.  As his mind cleared, though, he focused on on her, lifting his head to then look at the children nestled beside them.

A sudden wave of sorrow hit him, surprising in how it pierced his core.  They hadn't told many (if any) of their intentions.  It was as though they could deny the obvious simply by omission.  Yet the thought of losing Osprey struck deeper, and he knew their hope lay in warmer climates.  Even he did not relish the thought of another winter - the last had struck him hard as well, the damage of that fire so long ago never fully healing.

He nodded, nuzzling her back before he made to stand and gently wake the kids. "Any goodbyes?" He asked quietly, somber in the moment.  There was excitement of course - in some ways he wanted this.  But others he'd hoped this day could be pushed off forever, and autumn would simply delay indefinitely.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Messages In This Thread
You got to do, what you should - by Osprey - September 02, 2016, 01:12 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Dante RIP - September 02, 2016, 05:20 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Osprey - September 03, 2016, 03:49 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Terance - September 03, 2016, 04:16 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Constantine - September 06, 2016, 01:26 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Dante RIP - September 06, 2016, 05:48 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Aria - September 08, 2016, 02:01 PM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Osprey - September 10, 2016, 10:09 AM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Constantine - September 12, 2016, 08:13 AM
RE: You got to do, what you should - by Dante RIP - September 18, 2016, 10:53 PM