Heron Lake Plateau i can see a shitfaced brother that i covered for what must've been the last ten years
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Skipping Colt with permission (??I think??). And you can skip me after this. *fades into background* :)

Towhee listened, in her way, as the stranger provided an explanation. It wasn't in the Beta's nature to sympathize with the plights of outsiders, so the tale didn't exactly move her. When Caiaphas concluded her introduction with another mention of her skills, Towhee finally let her attention wander to the three others gathered around her. Her ears shifted restlessly as she eyed the pups, who only reminded her of her own nieces and nephews. Although she took to the role of older sister—and now aunt—like a duck to water, it turned out she didn't much care for youths who didn't share her blood.

But speaking of the newborns, she sensed Raven slip onto the scene and settle beside her, like the burly Beta's shadow. Towhee turned eagerly to her older sister. She had so much to tell her that didn't have a thing to do with the four interlopers. It would have to wait, though she took a moment to sign, -Screech is dead. Niamh and I need some minor medical attention. We can catch up after...- She shrugged in the direction of Caiaphas, her cohort and the pair of puppies, X bobbing gracefully on her shoulder.

Out loud, the Beta said, "I am Towhee, the Redhawks Beta, and this is my sister and Alpha, Raven. The decision belongs to her." She paused, considering. -I would turn them away,- she confessed to her sister alone before dipping her muzzle to say, "But I defer to your judgment." She was glad she wasn't in charge anymore. She didn't envy the medic the heavy decision she needed to make, how she must weigh her family's well-being, including the days-old pups, against the needs of these strangers. Towhee would support whatever decision she made, of course, upholding the choice she herself had made the day she'd passed the crown to Raven.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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RE: i can see a shitfaced brother that i covered for what must've been the last ten years - by Towhee - June 28, 2018, 08:31 PM