Sun Mote Copse the fortune lady came along and walked beside,
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Slowly, her aching eyes reopened to catch his words. Like Wraen, he seemed particularly disturbed by Meerkat's choice of destination. Towhee simply didn't believe Hydra could ever harm Meerkat. It would take a special kind of monster to do that and she did not believe her sister-in-arms to be a monster. She had done monstrous things, so had Towhee. No matter how much Arcturus and Wraen railed against her, Towhee simply (perhaps fortunately, considering her lack of choice in the matter) didn't feel the same. Actually, she was glad it was Moonspear and not some foreign place she didn't know at all.

She knew better than to say that. -"Nowhere is safe that isn't with me,"- came her only acknowledgement of Arcturus's pleading, head falling toward her chest in utter defeat. -"But she's growing up,"- she continued quietly, looking down at the ground, -"and she's with Bronco. If I could tie her to me forever, believe me, I would. I would tie all of them to me and never let them leave my sight. I would happily spend my days protecting them from the world. But that's not fair... or realistic."- And she was still coming to terms with that herself, not only with Meerkat but the others.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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RE: the fortune lady came along and walked beside, - by Towhee - July 29, 2020, 03:04 PM