Stone Circle Out on the main streets, completing your mission
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
This is all welcome but please let @Lestan and @Bjarna post first!
This was it. Kvarsheim. Her heart started to race at the sight of it; Bjarna was here, she would see Bjarna again! And Lestan would get to meet her!
She sent up a call for her well before the borders, confident that it would carry far enough to reach the pale girl. Come on, She urged Lestan with a smile, more lively now than either Bjarna or Lestan had seen her so far. Too excited to wait for Lestan's response, she took off toward Kvarsheim at full speed. This time she was mindful of the scent markers, but more for Lestan's sake than her own. He was from somewhere else, and she took that to mean that he wasn't meant to be here. But he'd come anyway. To take her back. She definitely wasn't going to leave him out here, even if she was excited to see Bjarna.
She stopped just before the borders, and turned to see if Lestan was close behind, or perhaps even arrived before her. She was fit to burst with excitement and impatience. I think Bjarna will like you; you're both wonderful. I'm glad you came here with me, A smile warmed her features as she looked at him, but her eyes were soon drawn back to where she expected Bjarna to appear at any moment.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

Messages In This Thread
Out on the main streets, completing your mission - by Reverie - December 20, 2022, 05:09 PM