Cerulean Cape I think that she knows I'm out of control
1,620 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I remembered something, She breathed, eyes bright with fever as she looked at him. Oh, she could almost see it now — ! He was so beautiful. I saw you - I saw why you were chosen, I - did you know that you used to glow? He almost did still, even now, but...
All the fervency died from her expression then, and fell instead into shame. I - I can't fix this, Reverie admitted softly. But you can. Guilt weighed on her words; she did not want to ask this of him, to put this burden on him, but there was no other way. Reverie had been so focused on herself, on knowing what she was, that she had failed to realize it didn't truly matter. She was only another wayward spirit, one of hundreds; Riordan was like her, and countless others out there too. But Lestan...
There was no one like him.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

Messages In This Thread
RE: I think that she knows I'm out of control - by Reverie - May 17, 2023, 12:04 PM