Sunbeam Lair vicariously I live while the whole world dies
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
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He was not hard to follow. A trail of smell that led her to footprints that led her to the sound of jagged breaths and a figure shrouded in shadow. A cavern, a spacious nook hidden in the ridgelines, was where she found him. 
Hey, she is soft, small as she approaches him, head held low. There is so little light, and yet in the dingy glowing bluelight that breaks in from cracks in the ceiling, she can see his eyes. I'm sorry. I know. I'm sorry. 
She offers an outstretched paw that touches his shoulder that melts into an embrace, should he accept it. And it's then that she falls silent, allowing him the chance to break it when he is ready. 
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RE: vicariously i live while the whole world dies - by Wren - June 20, 2023, 03:44 PM