Otatso Wetlands and if i catch it coming back my way, i'm gonna serve it to you
188 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
He had always been a man who wished to live his life quietly. For years he'd lurked in the shadows of better wolves, serving and guarding and hunting long enough until he felt the familiar pull of attachment. It was then that he'd withdraw, pulling away until he could taste freedom once more - the reminder that it was not safe to love.

Then, looking at Akavir as he raged and ached, Viinturuth wondered if things would've been better on the road for his brother. There would be no ties but that to one another, no need to worry over offspring or companions who relied on his guidance. He blinked, considering how vastly different they'd each come to exist, and felt conflicted.

The mention of Ibis' name speared him, more so with guilt than anything else. She had held his heart once before - or so he believed. Viinturuth had removed himself from whatever affection he'd harboured for Ibis and chose Akavir, as he knew he always would. What happened to Ibis could never have been your fault, he told the ebony leader gently, a glint of sorrow in the burgundy of his gaze. It pained him that Akavir felt responsible for him even after she'd betrayed him, after she'd rejected him and cast him aside. Viinturuth made no mention to remind his brother of how deeply she'd wounded him, fearful that he would open those that'd since scabbed over.

He stared at his brother for a long moment, then carried on to take the lead. We keep going, he answered, resuming their hunt through the swamp. We look until there's nowhere else to look, then we make a decision based on what we do - or don't - find.
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RE: and if i catch it coming back my way, i'm gonna serve it to you - by Viinturuth - September 12, 2023, 01:20 PM