Two Eyes Cenote do i at least remind you of every girl that made you mad?
460 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"you place far too much faith in love, mazoi," khusobek snapped, suddenly cold, eyes clearing as if he had never imbibed a drop of the potent elixirs. "and you will never bear the weight she will. you cannot know, so do not trust him. keep your eyes open."

he spoke to her as old-guard, as palace guard, as keeper of a thousand secrets. captains in the royal household and scribes alike took to their modest graves the legends that pharaohs had killed to gain. khusobek now remembered some of those with which he had been entrusted to hold — forever.

such things drove a man to drink.

khusobek became pliable once more, soured in throat and belly. "i would not inflict myself on a wife, zaahira," he grunted, pausing for a moment as he thought he might vomit. the sensation passed and he pressed on. "i am a womanizer and a drunkard, not a monster."

not the sort he had been under hatshepsuun.
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RE: do i at least remind you of every girl that made you mad? - by Khusobek - November 01, 2023, 08:42 PM