Duck Lake I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Limit Two 
If you have time! Set sometime just after @Akavir leaves the Blossom thread
Mae had trailed Blossom all the way from the willows, equal parts concerned and curious at her departure. Along the way she'd run across Reverie's scent, though — and that had made her hesitate. They still hadn't spoken since their last argument. Since Mae had said such terrible things to her.

She made it as far as the lake before she decided to turn back. A single glimpse of the pair in the distance was all it had taken. Mae wasn't yet ready to face Reverie again; she wasn't sure she ever would be. So instead she turned back, thinking she might seek Boone if he wasn't too angry with her. Maybe she could ask him how she might go about apologizing. Mae couldn't even remember the last time she'd apologized to anyone at all before Reverie.
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I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed - by Mae - December 20, 2023, 11:06 AM