Ankyra Sound some things follow you anywhere you go
24 Posts
Ooc — Van
She’d taken up as sentry in the sound. Not out of obligation, or with specific intent, but it came natural to her all the same. And this wasn’t to say she felt particularly protective over this slab of cold, salt-sprayed earth. In fact, she cared very little for its mythic views and its ancient, upswept trees, all with more secrets than branches.

More simply put, Stelmaria was nosy.

From afar, she spied the ambling wolf, studying his uneven prowl with bare interest. Pale eyes scrutinized him further as she made her pantherine approach, taking in more and more of his features the closer she came. The huntress stopped at a healthy distance, her tail swishing slowly as she tried to determine his mood for company.
Messages In This Thread
some things follow you anywhere you go - by Catamaran - January 08, 2024, 08:03 PM
RE: some things follow you anywhere you go - by Stelmaria - January 12, 2024, 12:22 AM
RE: some things follow you anywhere you go - by Catamaran - January 13, 2024, 12:29 PM