Stavanger Bay or if i'll see you again?
34 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Anger and a determination to prove herself had drove Fleur outside of the Sentinels. But, a cold sweep chilled her veins and snuffed the fire as she thought of Andr.

Why did he leave her? Was she too forward? Wait—did she stink?! Her petite nose sniffed hard, checking every nook and cranny for any bad smells. An unknown smell hit her, she wasn’t quite sure how to describe it; it was so foreign. Was that it? Maybe she could wash it off in the waters of the Bay?

It caused her a great amount of fear to think of being back in those waters again. What if it took her back out to sea and she ended up in another unknown land? And, what if an unknown, yet handsome man found her, only to desert her the moment she tried to return his kindness? Just like that, the anger returned. He left her alone after he promised to assist her.

Fleur growled to herself, infuriated that she had to rely on someone else to care for her needs. “Ugh, stupid me. Why can’t I know things?!” She yelled that last into the sky, frustration billowing out in puffs of hot breath. She WILL learn things, damn it!

The skies above had grown dark, and, at the very least, Fleur needed to find shelter. The washing of her scent in the bay could wait; staying warm and out of the nighttime elements was top priority. After careful steps, she made her way into the arms of the Bay to avoid the winds that threatened to chill her once again. A gorgeous, crystalline waterfall revealed a mouth in the rock face, similar to the one she and Andr had shared.

With the need to stay warm, she loped to the mouth and stopped short at the entrance. A feminine scent had tickled her nose; it was unfamiliar. But she couldn’t see into the cave for it was dark, and she wasn’t quite sure how far the cave dug itself under the waterfall. 

“Hello? Is someone in here? I’m sorry to intrude! I’m just cold and need a place for the night…please?” She wasn’t sure if anyone even heard her words, but she paused anyway.
Messages In This Thread
or if i'll see you again? - by Iaghe - January 15, 2024, 09:29 PM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Fleurette - January 18, 2024, 09:37 AM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Iaghe - January 18, 2024, 08:13 PM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Fleurette - January 19, 2024, 10:16 AM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Iaghe - January 21, 2024, 12:05 AM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Fleurette - January 22, 2024, 02:32 PM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Iaghe - January 25, 2024, 01:43 PM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Fleurette - January 26, 2024, 10:35 AM
RE: or if i'll see you again? - by Iaghe - January 28, 2024, 04:48 PM