Duck Lake I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Mae wanted to believe him. She did. I've always cared; was that not what she'd wanted all along? Yet she felt no better hearing the words. That same sense of fatigue crept further into her bones, and she could only think of all the times she had needed him and he had not been there.

You could try showing it sometime, She grumbled after a moment, eyes dropping as she continued. I live in the mountains now. Place called Hearthwood, big ass willow forest near the sea. I'm not always there. But uh... you could visit. If you want. Her eyes found him again, searching this time. It wouldn't fix everything. But it would be a start. And maybe one day she could come back home.

For now, Mae didn't dare let herself hope too much.
Messages In This Thread
I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed - by Mae - December 20, 2023, 11:06 AM
RE: I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed - by Mae - February 09, 2024, 11:27 AM