Duck Lake I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,258 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She wanted him to show it sometime—but he felt this rhetorical, at least, for now. What he hadn’t expected was the olive branch that was extended—an invitation to visit her in her new home. A willow forest… on the mountains, closer to the ocean.

Reverie’s home.

He didn’t revel in the thought of coming across the golden woman again, but it wouldn’t stop him from fully accepting this potential moment between him and his daughter. “I’d really like that, Mae,” he offered—it was stiff between them now—but he wanted very much to bridge that gap between them. “I need to get my permission slip signed by Arric, first,” he offered, a rueful smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. “But I’ll try to come out before the winter fully melts away.”
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I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed - by Mae - December 20, 2023, 11:06 AM
RE: I never listen, but I see it with my eyes closed - by Akavir - February 13, 2024, 05:11 PM