Sun Mote Copse As if some magic, like a staff found a burning bush
20 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Had no plans for this character coming in. Did not expect her to be so sad immediately lmfao.

Faded olive eyes took in the mother and son, and a pang of some negative emotion--anger, jealousy, sorrow--sliced through her for a moment. She knew their relationship for what it was because this was how her own mother had acted around her siblings. Her bigger, better siblings. But never her. She watched the mother tuck her son behind her legs, stand farther forward protectively.

Food, Auburn said at the woman's question, her voice coming out husky as woodsmoke from lack of use. Then, because she knew she was in no position to make demands, nor had that been her desire, she added, Please, and lowered herself down to the ground, prepared to beg, prepared to roll to her back, expose her tan belly. I... What could she offer? What good was she? She could not hunt, nor track, nor did she know the uses of medicinal herbs. As the runt, she had not been given the same training, the same attention growing up. I'll do anything, she whispered, half-lying, half telling the truth. She would do anything--even hunt, even as the memory of blood-scent turned her empty stomach--if they would just take her in. She was so hungry...
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RE: As if some magic, like a staff found a burning bush - by Auburn - May 13, 2024, 04:16 PM