Two Eyes Cenote sand & lapis
my story's gonna end with me dead
175 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
WOO! Ty for the thread!!!

The fellahin's brow furrowed ever so slightly as Eset interrupted, casting his cool gaze squarely upon amber eyes. Until—

Legend? he breathed, his voice a mere whisper, eyes widening in apparent shock. The word hung in the air like a ghost, an echo reverberating through his mind.

His heart pounded in his chest, a relentless rattle of dread and disbelief. Yet, he did not protest. He did not lash out or demand explanation. Instead, he padded along quietly, his steps as soft and measured as a cat’s, a dove slipping through the dimly lit corridors.

The word repeated itself in his mind, a unending mantra that threatened to consume him. Had something happened? Had she changed her mind about him? Them?

Legend. Legend. Legend.

His thoughts spiraled, each repetition of her name a dagger twisting deeper into his heart. The memory of her bright, mischievous eyes and infectious laugh flashed before him, haunting his every step. His breath hitched, a lump forming in his throat as he looked past the winding tunnels and into the past, seeking answers that eluded him.

Legend. Legend. Legend.

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
Messages In This Thread
sand & lapis - by Khusobek - May 24, 2024, 02:13 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - May 24, 2024, 03:37 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - May 24, 2024, 04:06 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - May 24, 2024, 05:41 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - May 24, 2024, 06:19 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - May 24, 2024, 06:48 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - May 25, 2024, 08:00 AM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - May 25, 2024, 03:52 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - May 27, 2024, 09:12 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - May 27, 2024, 10:18 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Machiavelli - May 28, 2024, 02:59 AM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - June 02, 2024, 06:22 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - June 02, 2024, 06:51 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Machiavelli - June 02, 2024, 11:24 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - June 03, 2024, 01:30 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - June 03, 2024, 10:19 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Machiavelli - June 04, 2024, 02:28 AM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - June 06, 2024, 03:59 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Eset - June 06, 2024, 04:23 PM
RE: sand & lapis - by Machiavelli - June 07, 2024, 12:09 AM
RE: sand & lapis - by Khusobek - June 17, 2024, 11:52 AM