Porcupine Ridge our lady of sorrows
56 Posts
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It was the last time that name for him would be uttered, by Agrippa's tongue and by anyone else. It escaped in a feeble croak, past lips dressed in foamy saliva. The once vibrant, playful blue gaze was empty, now; if he hadn't spoken, Hex would have assumed his lover's soul departed the body long ago.

But, no. That parting word, like a blow to the chest. His heart shattered with the man's last breath, but he couldn't stop staring at that handsome face.

Death had relieved Agrippa's pain. Hex would get no such reprieve.

This was the place. There were glens running through the various ridges, full of trees and prey and life. Water, shelter—

And, most importantly, away from others.

@Osleya would continue to scout, he knew, and @Dirtwater Fox would be about. But he sent up a howl anyway, letting them know his first choice.

As the call faded, echoing across the valley below, Agrippa entered his mind once more. They had dreamed of a place like this. Spent sleepless nights talking of paradise, tucked away in the mountains, safe from the world.

Perhaps his lover would live on, in some way, if he saw that dream through to reality.
Messages In This Thread
our lady of sorrows - by Hex - June 27, 2024, 08:07 PM
RE: our lady of sorrows - by Dirtwater Fox - June 28, 2024, 10:02 PM
RE: our lady of sorrows - by Hex - June 29, 2024, 11:02 AM
RE: our lady of sorrows - by Dagur - June 29, 2024, 05:24 PM