Bearclaw Valley Where’s the fire? What’s the hurry about?
Call me Fighter
61 Posts
Ooc — Sprout

Mature Content Warning

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Sorry for the delay </3

Grackle had meant through the muck. Had she actually said that out loud? No, of course not. But in her head, it was clear as day, so naturally, she assumed everyone else would know too. So when the pretty golden lady, who Grackle was starting to think she quite liked, mentioned going around, the snake woman could only nod in agreement. Good point. I don’t want to get my paws any dirtier. Her voice dripped with exaggerated disdain. She had already trudged through enough filth to make a pig envious.

Grackle, blissfully unaware of proper social customs, had genuinely meant no offense. In her mind, she’d actually been pretty helpful. So when she glanced back and caught a flicker of… squint... was that annoyance in the woman’s eyes? Oh no. Ohhh no. Not again. She could practically hear the ominous music swell in the background of her life, warning her of yet another failed attempt at winning friends and influencing people. Her tail twitched in discomfort.

Grackle had seen enough people ready to kick her ass to know somewhere she had fucked up. Maybe she’d said something wrong? Maybe she should apologize? The idea was foreign, but not entirely unwelcome.

Grackle opened her mouth to try and salvage the situation, fully intending to spit out something resembling an apology when—

I didn't see one or I wouldn't have gotten close, she stated, large ears flicking back as she glanced warily in the direction the woman had gestured. A glance was all it took.

She barely had a second to register the flash of teeth before they were on her. Both of them. The golden woman moved first, but the hulking brute of a himbo followed close behind. Well, shit. Grackle’s mind raced, but her body acted on instinct. Two against one, but she was big, and the idiot was injured. There was hope yet.

Her lips curled into a vicious snarl, and her bared teeth snapped forward, aiming straight for the man’s torn-up face. If she could get her jaws around him— just how well could he fight with blood in his eyes? She lunged, muscles coiling like a loaded spring, hoping to even the odds with a single bite.

Am I past repair?
Messages In This Thread
RE: Where’s the fire? What’s the hurry about? - by Grackle - September 09, 2024, 08:42 PM