When he was not at the Pharoah's side, the spirit spent his days and nights in solitude and prayer. For what yet, he was not quite sure, only certain that there must be ways of communing with the pantheon to be discovered. Himself, a conduit for sun's light, a feeling he had not experienced since that fateful day in the mesa - he desired it above all else.
Well, perhaps not more than a good meal. The smell of fresh fish drew a wiffle and a chuff as the spirit sensed he was not alone. A boy, blessed by some miracle to be alive with such injuries; his gaze traced his twisted leg sympathetically before he swiftly beckoned him to approach. What recognition there may have been in Kheti's eyes was lost on Akhre, and he regarded the nervous onlooker with more curiosity than anything. "Is that for me?"
Well, perhaps not more than a good meal. The smell of fresh fish drew a wiffle and a chuff as the spirit sensed he was not alone. A boy, blessed by some miracle to be alive with such injuries; his gaze traced his twisted leg sympathetically before he swiftly beckoned him to approach. What recognition there may have been in Kheti's eyes was lost on Akhre, and he regarded the nervous onlooker with more curiosity than anything. "Is that for me?"
experimental character, may sound clunky!
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RE: airqud fi salam - by Akhre - January 28, 2025, 05:29 AM
RE: airqud fi salam - by Nokht - January 30, 2025, 04:25 PM