Sleepy Fox Hollow hayride
22 Posts
Ooc — honey!
colosseum huffed softly, the sound more contemplative than dismissive. ain't led many, he admitted, rolling his shoulders as he shifted his weight. a good thing, i think. leadership, after all, was a burden, and the weight of many was not always one he envied.
gaze drifted past fancy, out toward the vast stretch of the valley before them. herds, though— not big for boasting, but i've run with plenty. some settled, some always movin'. his voice was steady, reminiscing without sentimentality. had foals in a few of 'em. they're safe. a pause. as safe as they can be. the wild had no guarantees, no promises, but he had done his part to make sure they had a future.
he flicked an ear toward her, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. don't know how much of it is worth tellin', but i can spare a few stories. long as you're willin' to sort through the horsefeathers yourself.
Messages In This Thread
hayride - by Colosseum - February 01, 2025, 12:53 PM
RE: hayride - by Fancy - February 01, 2025, 05:44 PM
RE: hayride - by Colosseum - February 01, 2025, 08:04 PM
RE: hayride - by Fancy - February 02, 2025, 08:57 PM
RE: hayride - by Colosseum - February 02, 2025, 09:04 PM
RE: hayride - by Fancy - February 02, 2025, 09:40 PM
RE: hayride - by Colosseum - February 02, 2025, 11:04 PM
RE: hayride - by Fancy - February 14, 2025, 10:53 AM
RE: hayride - by Colosseum - February 15, 2025, 05:38 PM