Raven's Watch of endless possibilities controlling 935
56 Posts
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"coward!" came black hawk's war cry. a thunderous exclamation, soon followed by the rear of her body into a heady sprint. she was not built for such speed; but the tartok man was. she would call upon him as she tore off after the woman. he had been watching, waiting, and now was his relinquish. "get after her!" the lanzadoii hound would roar, commanding. the man would listen; it was his nature.

uncaring of where the path led, hawk surged forward. lungs aching, gasping for breath, but her strong legs would carry her far. tartok man would be quicker, and this was good. she hoped he would cross the woman before she met the water, cut her off. box her in, where they could make their attack. together, they would conquer.

together, they would earn the trust of sun eater. all it would take was the woman's head.
Messages In This Thread
of endless possibilities controlling 935 - by Sobeille - March 10, 2025, 04:22 PM
RE: of endless possibilities controlling 935 - by Black Hawk - March 10, 2025, 09:02 PM