Duskfire Glacier through the darkness
mother winter.
232 Posts
Ooc — rue
you will be avenged. the words fill her with more than satisfaction, more than anticipation, because she knows the words are true. her husband would stop at nothing for her retribution, but she did not want to be mourned.

a smile tugs at her lips, subtle as she presses her nose to his "you will," she rasps, voice quiet, "do not cry for me. i am here. the gods watch over us, and he is weak as ever. i have made it so."

her limbs felt heavy, her breath thin, but still she pressed closer. her face buried against his chest, cold skin chasing the heat that rolled from him like smoke.

join darukaal...

speaks fluent norse, common, and valyrian
Messages In This Thread
through the darkness - by Gjalla - March 11, 2025, 12:17 PM
RE: through the darkness - by Blackfell - March 11, 2025, 08:36 PM
RE: through the darkness - by Gjalla - March 11, 2025, 08:59 PM
RE: through the darkness - by Blackfell - March 12, 2025, 09:03 AM
RE: through the darkness - by Gjalla - March 12, 2025, 09:18 AM
RE: through the darkness - by Blackfell - March 12, 2025, 10:57 PM
RE: through the darkness - by Gjalla - March 13, 2025, 07:00 AM
RE: through the darkness - by Blackfell - March 13, 2025, 08:24 PM
RE: through the darkness - by Gjalla - Yesterday, 07:17 PM