Herbalists' Cache let the drum speak
277 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He felt as if he was a drawbridge, linking two warring companies together. Having spilled no blood himself, he supported both sides- but soon felt himself ready to buckle beneath the weight of it all. He feared Sun Eater might see his softness, and burn him for it; Ridgeback knew the man had the power to do so. Even now, he had an assistant at each shoulder to brace him, pressing into sticky, dark fur. 

Ridgeback listened as Sun Eater spoke, and tried to see truth in his words; it was difficult to believe that a man drenched in a woman's blood truly did not want for war to come. Ridgeback had to wonder if Sun Eater knew the difference between war and justice; either way, it seemed both came, and Sun Eater wanted none of it. 

He named traitors, and he named Darukaal. He spoke of events which had passed, and of his wife. Ridgeback burned at the mention of her name, but was glad that Sun Eater did not pass a sentence. 

He found the Chieftan's wording confusing, and was silent for several moments as he tried to figure out the man's intention for himself. Ghelan spoke up, but Ridgeback didn't understand what the yearling said, aside from catching the word river. Feeling a bit guilty, he raised a paw to catch the leader's attention. 

I, uh, have a couple questions? He began, and swallowed. He set his paw back down, hoping that the rest of the Saatsine- those who spoke the language fuidly, didn't resent him for speaking in the common tongue. With Ice Diver gone, his learning had come to an abrupt halt. He was aware that it was for the sake of Ridgeback, and a few others, that the leader had been forced to speak in the common tongue. 

So...You want for us to go away, to a safe place, he said, with a light bob of his head, his tone agreeable. We have...Two new mothers, with...H-how many kids? But- we're bringing them with us, yes? He asked. He had always known that if the caribou moved, the Saatsine would as well- and that the children would be left behind. This time, he suspected, was different- the caribou weren't moving, only the caribou people. 

But he had to be sure. 

But I- do you mean....The pack is dividing? Like...Some of Sun Clan goes somewhere safer, and some stay here to fight? Orrr..... He asked. Leave it to him, to not know what was going on.
Messages In This Thread
let the drum speak - by Sun Eater - March 13, 2025, 08:14 AM
RE: let the drum speak - by Ghelan - March 13, 2025, 08:26 AM
RE: let the drum speak - by Morwenna - March 13, 2025, 08:36 AM
RE: let the drum speak - by Sulukinak - March 13, 2025, 11:00 AM
RE: let the drum speak - by Ridgeback - March 13, 2025, 01:39 PM
RE: let the drum speak - by Dark Fang - March 13, 2025, 05:02 PM
RE: let the drum speak - by Meleeys - March 14, 2025, 08:50 AM
RE: let the drum speak - by Ishmira - Yesterday, 12:40 AM
RE: let the drum speak - by Sun Eater - Yesterday, 05:30 PM