AI Art & Attribution
44 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
If it's any consolation, even the auto strike scenario of a clear case of art theft always results in some discussion among the CMs. We are absolutely not looking for reasons to issue strikes and it will never be treated like an automated system, it will always still be discussed. The policy addresses the strictest and simplest case, which is yes, if we see artwork with no credit and we cannot verify ownership, it will receive a strike, which will be revoked without question if you provide evidence that the artwork is yours to use. Any strike can be appealed if you feel it was received unfairly or in error. This is no different!

We will not be checking inactive accounts. They will only be checked for credits if and when they are submitted for reactivation. We really aren't looking for reasons to issue strikes and asking folks to go back and update unused accounts wouldn't be fair. This policy update is meant to better protect artists and their work from theft and allow us to more effectively and consistently enforce it, not to punish members for honest mistakes.
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
(August 22, 2023, 06:57 PM)Sylianos Wrote: If it's any consolation, even the auto strike scenario of a clear case of art theft always results in some discussion among the CMs. We are absolutely not looking for reasons to issue strikes and it will never be treated like an automated system, it will always still be discussed. The policy addresses the strictest and simplest case, which is yes, if we see artwork with no credit and we cannot verify ownership, it will receive a strike, which will be revoked without question if you provide evidence that the artwork is yours to use. Any strike can be appealed if you feel it was received unfairly or in error. This is no different!

We will not be checking inactive accounts. They will only be checked for credits if and when they are submitted for reactivation. We really aren't looking for reasons to issue strikes and asking folks to go back and update unused accounts wouldn't be fair. This policy update is meant to better protect artists and their work from theft and allow us to more effectively and consistently enforce it, not to punish members for honest mistakes.

Thank you. <3
25 Posts
Ooc — Admins
Hey all, we're bumping this bulletin as this rule change is now in effect across the site. New characters applying for approval and returning characters looking to reactivate will be denied if there isn't credit for all artwork and photographs used on the profile, including avatars and profile banners. A legible signature on an image is sufficient credit for that image. We will accept a website credit or "photographer unknown, from Google" or something to that effect for photographs if you are unable to track down the photographer, but please avoid using any photographs that are indicated as All Rights Reserved.

Taking player feedback into account, we have decided to handle active accounts that are missing credits by deactivating the account instead of issuing a strike. We will send a courtesy PM for the first few months of enforcing this, but will move to just deactivating in the future. We hope this finds the balance between the need to enforce this rule and not being heavyhanded about doing so.

To go along with this bump, we are doing a skin drive so we can update our skins with credited photography and have added a Skin Banner Photography section to our Credits appendix which will be updated once we have a new batch of credited skins to use!
This account is used for official site communication but cannot receive private message responses. If you have a question or concern about a message you have received, please start a thread in the Contact The Staff forum.
5,264 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
i'm bumping this again as we've noticed some accounts cropping up with uncredited artwork. we will be deactivating accounts with missing credits if we come across them.

pack managers: please remember to double-check for art credits when re-adding members to your pack.

thank you for your cooperation, everybody! we just want to make sure artists are getting proper recognition. ❤️

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.