@Grezig Border patrol so it can be a mercenary thread? Also, back dated to just before the bear attack.
Kavik walked the borders of their land, checking to make sure the scent markers were still adequate. It was the same thing he did every night, but he couldn't rest until it was done. Things had been peaceful since settling on the plateau, and the alpha wanted to make sure it stayed that way. As he came across a grouping of trees, he brushed his large form against them, rubbing his thick, inky coat on the trunks to leave his scent there. He sniffed the area to check his work and with a curt nod, he turned and continued his patrol. As he walked, his mind wandered a bit. He began thinking about how they had recently lost a few members. They still had a decent amount of pack members to sustain them through the winter, but he would feel better if they added a couple more to the ranks. They still had some time to recruit before winter officially arrived, so he had been traveling outside of the borders more often on the chance he might run into a lone wolf in need of a pack. He had not had much luck so far but intended to keep trying. He sighed a little and rubbed his side on another grouping of trees before turning to follow the border north. As he turned, the moonlight glinted off his fur and brought him from the shadows.
I'm no good without you
September 24, 2018, 05:15 PM
(This post was last modified: September 24, 2018, 05:16 PM by RIP Grezig.)
Grezig was also patrolling, as she usually did. Normally she went in the opposite direction of Kavik—not to avoid him, but to cover different ground. Border patrols only worked properly if they covered all of the border. Tonight, however, after much deliberation, she decided to catch up to her friend and alpha and talk to him. Something had been buzzing around in the back of her mind for days now, something that bothered her on a personal level, and she needed to get it off her chest or it would eat away at her forever. Mind racing, and heart hammering, she quickened her pace and saw Kavik turning back towards her, his dark fur flashing strangely in the moonlight.
She cleared her throat and stood her ground, feeling uneasy about the words that were desperately attempting to claw their way out of her mouth. “Kavik,” she began, feeling strangled. “I must speak with you.” She tried to wait patiently for him to return her greeting, but plowed forward in seconds. “We spoke some time ago of pack policies. Does your policy on members other than the alphas having children still hold?” There. The question had been asked. Now to wait for his answer.
She cleared her throat and stood her ground, feeling uneasy about the words that were desperately attempting to claw their way out of her mouth. “Kavik,” she began, feeling strangled. “I must speak with you.” She tried to wait patiently for him to return her greeting, but plowed forward in seconds. “We spoke some time ago of pack policies. Does your policy on members other than the alphas having children still hold?” There. The question had been asked. Now to wait for his answer.
September 24, 2018, 05:34 PM
His beta's greeting pulled him from his thoughts, and he lifted his head from the spot on a tree he had been sniffing. He bowed his head and was about to offer his own greeting, but she moved towards him purposely and asked whether or not the policy about others in the pack being allowed to have pups was still true.
Hello, Grezig,he said first, the side of his mouth drawing up in a small, one-sided smile.
Yes, it still holds. As long as whomever wishes to have children speaks with Liri and myself first, we have no problem sharing breeding rights,he answered.
Why do you ask?he inquired with a raise of his eyebrow. She had never really expressed interest in breeding nor had he seen her with anyone lately, so he wondered why she was so interested in the rule now.
I'm no good without you
September 24, 2018, 05:42 PM
His first words were a return greeting, and she felt her mouth turn downward in impatience. He was not long in answering her question, however. He confirmed that the rule still held, and she could not suppress a sigh of relief. Then, of course, he asked her why she had brought it up to begin with. She turned her head away, staring into the dark forest around them. “Because I want children one day, obviously,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of irritation. Why else would she have asked the question? She sighed again, feeling bad for the tone of her voice. It was only that hearing the answer brought on so many new questions. Like: whose children would she end up having? If not for Liri, she would have already brought it up with Kavik, but she would not destroy their relationship for selfish reasons.
Still… Who else would it be? Corvus, perhaps, though she hadn’t seen him around recently. Certainly not Thorleif. There was no one else. Not yet, anyway.
She turned back to Kavik. “Forgive my tone. The question has weighed on me for some time.”
Still… Who else would it be? Corvus, perhaps, though she hadn’t seen him around recently. Certainly not Thorleif. There was no one else. Not yet, anyway.
She turned back to Kavik. “Forgive my tone. The question has weighed on me for some time.”
September 24, 2018, 06:06 PM
Her answer was of no surprise. Of course she wanted pups, and he hoped she found someone to help her fulfill that wish. Kavik thought she would make a good mother. He had seen her with Illidan, and if she could nurture a tortured soul like the sad boy, then he had no doubt she would be an excellent mother to her own children. Her tone was a little startling though. She always seemed so calm and collected. She soon apologized and stated that it had been on her mind for some time. He shook his head a little.
No apology needed, friend,he offered.
I'm glad you want children and hope you find someone worthy of being the father,he added. He knew Grezig would would have high standards, but he felt protective of his friend, and any male she chose would have to be worthy in the alpha's eyes as well. Not that he really had any say; she was strong-willed and if she set her mind on someone, he suspected she wouldn't give a shit what he had to say about.
I'm no good without you
September 24, 2018, 06:18 PM
Kavik was not offended by her tone, and she had not really expected him to be. Like her, he was calm about most things. And they were friends, as he pointed out. It would take a lot more than a snappy retort to turn him away from her. She sighed through her nose, giving him a once-over and thinking not for the first time that she would let him give her children if he wanted to. But the thought was so inappropriate and out of place for her that it shocked her to her core. Why did he have to be taken? Him—the only one she’d thought of in this way, besides Corvus, since she had come to the Teekon Wilds. And he was taken by a… a deformed woman.
She hated herself for thinking such thoughts, but it was her upbringing that brought them to her mind. In her birth pack, someone deformed like Liri would have been demoted or overthrown by now. But Grezig was not quite as ruthless as her parents. And she counted Liri as a friend. Besides, the woman could fight, according to Kavik, despite her injury. Grezig had yet to see that for herself, but she had no reason to distrust Kavik’s words—except, perhaps, if he was looking at his mate through a rose-tinted fog.
Throwing caution to the wind because she hated keeping secrets, she tossed her head and said, “There are only two wolves, so far, whom I would allow to father my children. Corvus… and you.” She looked him dead-on in the eyes as she said it, unflinching, challenging. Waiting.
But her conscience could not allow her to be so careless. After a few seconds’ hard stare, she let her eyes flick away from his. “If you were available, that is. But you are not.” It was weak, this amendment. She should have let her previous statement stand, just to see how he would have reacted, but her logical brain told her that it would have implied so many things she didn’t mean. She couldn’t risk it. Now she looked at the space between her paws and had half a mind to run in the opposite direction from him.
She hated herself for thinking such thoughts, but it was her upbringing that brought them to her mind. In her birth pack, someone deformed like Liri would have been demoted or overthrown by now. But Grezig was not quite as ruthless as her parents. And she counted Liri as a friend. Besides, the woman could fight, according to Kavik, despite her injury. Grezig had yet to see that for herself, but she had no reason to distrust Kavik’s words—except, perhaps, if he was looking at his mate through a rose-tinted fog.
Throwing caution to the wind because she hated keeping secrets, she tossed her head and said, “There are only two wolves, so far, whom I would allow to father my children. Corvus… and you.” She looked him dead-on in the eyes as she said it, unflinching, challenging. Waiting.
But her conscience could not allow her to be so careless. After a few seconds’ hard stare, she let her eyes flick away from his. “If you were available, that is. But you are not.” It was weak, this amendment. She should have let her previous statement stand, just to see how he would have reacted, but her logical brain told her that it would have implied so many things she didn’t mean. She couldn’t risk it. Now she looked at the space between her paws and had half a mind to run in the opposite direction from him.
September 24, 2018, 06:45 PM
They walked in silence for a few minutes. The beta appeared to be lost in thought, so Kavik didn't pry. Instead, he marked a few trees as they passed them; they were close to the border and smelled like they were marked frequently by many of the plateau wolves. She eventually broke the silence by admitting that he was one she would allow to father her children. He stopped walking and met her gaze.
When she dropped her gaze and added that she knew he wasn't available, Kavik sighed. Despite the fact that he wanted her to be able to tell him things, the whole situation still felt awkward. He also felt guilty because he didn't like letting others down and felt like he had let his friend down in some way.
Grezig, you are my friend and beta, and I appreciate your honesty, but I love Liri,he replied, brow creasing in concern. Kavik didn't want things to be weird between them, and he didn't want to lose her friendship; he trusted her more than anyone aside from his mate. That was all it was for him, though--friendship. He didn't think he would ever feel about anyone the way he felt about Liri.
When she dropped her gaze and added that she knew he wasn't available, Kavik sighed. Despite the fact that he wanted her to be able to tell him things, the whole situation still felt awkward. He also felt guilty because he didn't like letting others down and felt like he had let his friend down in some way.
I'm sorry...I wish I could be that for you,he offered, looking away as well. He wished it not because he had romantic feelings, but because he wanted her to be happy.
I'm no good without you
September 24, 2018, 07:07 PM
(This post was last modified: September 24, 2018, 07:10 PM by RIP Grezig.)
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Sexual references.
Kavik stopped walking after her words, halting in place. She stopped, too, and turned to face him. As awkward as she felt in the moment, she knew running would not actually solve anything.
’Grezig, you are my friend and beta, and I appreciate your honesty, but I love Liri.’
“Of course,” Grezig said, nodding. She completely understood why he felt uncomfortable with her request. For her, sex was purely for procreation, but she understood that others saw sex as something romantic. She had no idea that Kavik thought she wanted him to be her mate. In her head, everything had been perfectly clear. She’d said she wanted him to father her children—as in, get her pregnant. She was not in love with the alpha. She merely wanted him to mate with her, physically, for the sake of creating pups.
But Kavik, being the loving wolf that he was, had thought she meant that she wanted to be mates with him.
Ah, misunderstandings. Aren’t they great?
’I’m sorry… I wish I could be that for you,’ Kavik said, looking away from her.
Here was where she drew her brows together in confusion. If he wished he could provide her with children, then he wasn’t morally opposed to it, or… Was he still, and he was just sad that his relationship with Liri was preventing it? Perhaps if they spoke to her about it, and explained that their relationship was, aside from procreation, completely platonic, she might be okay with it.
“Maybe… maybe we could speak to Liri about it? As long as we made sure she understood that it was purely for the sake of having pups, she might… be all right with it.” Grezig paused. “Although, maybe not. I know other wolves view sex as something romantic and… whatever else. Personally I do not understand that. Unless I am in heat, I have no interest in such things.” She shook her head, realizing she was rambling. “No matter. It is your choice still. I completely understand if you think it could cause problems between you and Liri.” She turned, then, and was about to start walking again, assuming the conversation was finished…
’Grezig, you are my friend and beta, and I appreciate your honesty, but I love Liri.’
“Of course,” Grezig said, nodding. She completely understood why he felt uncomfortable with her request. For her, sex was purely for procreation, but she understood that others saw sex as something romantic. She had no idea that Kavik thought she wanted him to be her mate. In her head, everything had been perfectly clear. She’d said she wanted him to father her children—as in, get her pregnant. She was not in love with the alpha. She merely wanted him to mate with her, physically, for the sake of creating pups.
But Kavik, being the loving wolf that he was, had thought she meant that she wanted to be mates with him.
Ah, misunderstandings. Aren’t they great?
’I’m sorry… I wish I could be that for you,’ Kavik said, looking away from her.
Here was where she drew her brows together in confusion. If he wished he could provide her with children, then he wasn’t morally opposed to it, or… Was he still, and he was just sad that his relationship with Liri was preventing it? Perhaps if they spoke to her about it, and explained that their relationship was, aside from procreation, completely platonic, she might be okay with it.
“Maybe… maybe we could speak to Liri about it? As long as we made sure she understood that it was purely for the sake of having pups, she might… be all right with it.” Grezig paused. “Although, maybe not. I know other wolves view sex as something romantic and… whatever else. Personally I do not understand that. Unless I am in heat, I have no interest in such things.” She shook her head, realizing she was rambling. “No matter. It is your choice still. I completely understand if you think it could cause problems between you and Liri.” She turned, then, and was about to start walking again, assuming the conversation was finished…
September 24, 2018, 07:29 PM
Initially, she appeared to understand why he couldn't be with her. Still, there remained some awkwardness for him. Could they still be friends when she had unrequited feelings for him? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable for her? He was about to say something about how he hoped they could still be friends and run the pack together without issue, but she started rambling.
He listened quietly to her words, and blinked a few times, unsure he was hearing her correctly.
He listened quietly to her words, and blinked a few times, unsure he was hearing her correctly.
Wait. So you don't have feelings for me?he asked. If that was the case, he would be beyond relieved. He should have known, though. Of course she was only interested in having sex strictly for the purpose or procreating.
I apologize,he added a second later.
I seem to have misunderstood what you were asking,he stated, shaking his head. The alpha considered her proposal for a minute. He honestly wouldn't have a problem with what she was asking.
I would have no issue fathering children for you as long as you understand I would still want to be involved as their father.He couldn't have offspring running around not knowing who their dad was.
I'm not sure how receptive Liri would be, but we can certainly speak to her about it. It would only be possible if she on board as well,he added. He wouldn't agree to anything unless Liri was completely comfortable with the situation.
I'm no good without you
September 24, 2018, 07:50 PM
’Wait. So you don't have feelings for me?’
Grezig stopped, with her paw halfway to the ground. She closed her eyes. Opened them again. Turned to face him. She pulled her head back and looked at him sideways. She blinked and looked around, and then turned back to look at him again. “Nnnno?” she said, her voice raising towards the end in confusion. “Is that—is that what you thought I—?”
’I apologize, I seem to have misunderstood what you were asking.’
“Clearly,” she agreed, blinking at him a bit owlishly, unsure of what else to say at this point. How on Earth could he think she had feelings for him? “I only wanted you to… father my children. As in, physically. I do not—I do not love you. We are friends, as you said, but… you can have Liri. I do not want you.” She cracked a small grin, still unsure of the situation.
’I would have no issue fathering children for you as long as you understand I would still want to be involved as their father.’
This confused Grezig a little. “You do not wish to be my mate, but you do not mind fathering my children. Yet, despite not wanting an intimate relationship with me, you do want an intimate relationship with your offspring?” She shrugged. In the end, it didn’t matter to her, and she supposed it would be better for her children’s mental health if they grew up with two parents instead of one.
As for what Liri thought of the whole thing… “Yes,” Grezig agreed. “We only do this if Liri is one-hundred percent on board. I do not need hard feelings between the alphas and beta of this pack. I do not intend to destroy any relationships or any trust between the two of you—or the three of us, really. I only want to have sex with you for the babies that would come of it. You would still be Liri’s mate—not mine. And whatever children Liri bore from your relationship would not be mine. Although we would have to explain to them that they were siblings to prevent any kind of in-breeding, of course.”
Grezig stopped, with her paw halfway to the ground. She closed her eyes. Opened them again. Turned to face him. She pulled her head back and looked at him sideways. She blinked and looked around, and then turned back to look at him again. “Nnnno?” she said, her voice raising towards the end in confusion. “Is that—is that what you thought I—?”
’I apologize, I seem to have misunderstood what you were asking.’
“Clearly,” she agreed, blinking at him a bit owlishly, unsure of what else to say at this point. How on Earth could he think she had feelings for him? “I only wanted you to… father my children. As in, physically. I do not—I do not love you. We are friends, as you said, but… you can have Liri. I do not want you.” She cracked a small grin, still unsure of the situation.
’I would have no issue fathering children for you as long as you understand I would still want to be involved as their father.’
This confused Grezig a little. “You do not wish to be my mate, but you do not mind fathering my children. Yet, despite not wanting an intimate relationship with me, you do want an intimate relationship with your offspring?” She shrugged. In the end, it didn’t matter to her, and she supposed it would be better for her children’s mental health if they grew up with two parents instead of one.
As for what Liri thought of the whole thing… “Yes,” Grezig agreed. “We only do this if Liri is one-hundred percent on board. I do not need hard feelings between the alphas and beta of this pack. I do not intend to destroy any relationships or any trust between the two of you—or the three of us, really. I only want to have sex with you for the babies that would come of it. You would still be Liri’s mate—not mine. And whatever children Liri bore from your relationship would not be mine. Although we would have to explain to them that they were siblings to prevent any kind of in-breeding, of course.”
September 24, 2018, 08:21 PM
She very clearly stated that she did not have romantic feelings for him, and his shoulders released the tension he wasn't even aware they were holding.
She questioned his wanting to be apart of their children's life, and it confused him a little.
He wondered how best to bring this up to Liri. Kavik would never forgive himself if she was somehow hurt by them proposing he father Grezigs children. He was a little worried, but he would see this through.
Good. I'm glad we cleared that up. I was worried I would lose a friend,he said as he began to walk again now that he wasn't feeling so uncomfortable. He found some moist ground to leave his giant paw prints in as a scent and visual marker to any outsiders that lurked too near their borders.
She questioned his wanting to be apart of their children's life, and it confused him a little.
I wouldn't be able to watch children that were half me grown up thinking they had no father,he explained resolutely.
I know it would be an unusual dynamic, but I think if we were honest from the beginning, it would save a lot of future grief, especially if any children we had together later found out I was their dad and never told them,he added. The thought was too much. He could never hurt anyone like that, and finding out your dad who you've never known was actually the alpha of the pack you were born into was sure to be confusing and hurtful to anyone. Was it really that surprising that he felt that way?
He wondered how best to bring this up to Liri. Kavik would never forgive himself if she was somehow hurt by them proposing he father Grezigs children. He was a little worried, but he would see this through.
Yes. We do not need any hard feelings between the leaders. That would not be good for pack health or longevityhe agreed. He stopped walking again to look at the beta, uncertainty in his emerald gaze.
I'm unsure of the best way to bring this up to Liri. I don't want her to get the wrong idea and get hurt.Kavik sighed and shook his head, the guilt of even the thought of hurting his mate causing his chest to tighten.
I...wouldn't be able to live with that guilt,he added quietly. He didn't want the deter her from going forward with their plan, but he wanted to also be honest with her about how he was feeling. It would also help to work out any possible issues before they proceeded any further.
I'm no good without you
October 01, 2018, 03:32 PM
Grezig nodded as Kavik spoke. Everything he’d said so far made perfect sense to her, and she heard nothing to disagree with. She smiled for a brief moment when he said he hadn’t wanted to lose her friendship. “I would do anything to prevent that,” she said quietly, and then moved on quickly before this whole situation grew too sappy for her.
“Of course we will tell them who their father is. I would explain it as best I could as they grew older. I suppose they would see Liri as… an aunt, perhaps? That might be easiest.” She shook her head, unsure. “That would imply that she and I were siblings, but if we were clear that it was only a title, I think they would understand. As for how to bring it up to her…” Grezig sighed. “Honesty is the best policy, as they say. We could… or you could call a meeting between the three of us.” Grezig imagined this meeting in her mind. “Sit near her, not me, so it doesn’t look like we’re… ganging up on her.” She paused, trying to think of the words to say. “Tell her… tell her you love her. Make that very clear. And then you and I, together, would explain that I want children of my own, but that you seem to be the only available male—aside from Corvus.”
Here, she paused. “I suppose I could simply ask Corvus first.” It was a thought she’d had a long time ago, but not recently. “Perhaps we could avoid all this awkwardness in the first place if he agreed to help me. That way you would not have to risk your relationship with Liri.” Grezig wondered what it said about her—and her relationship with Kavik—that she’d asked him first, and not even thought of Corvus until afterwards. Perhaps there was an inkling of a romantic feeling in there somewhere, after all… That thought was… unsettling.
“Of course we will tell them who their father is. I would explain it as best I could as they grew older. I suppose they would see Liri as… an aunt, perhaps? That might be easiest.” She shook her head, unsure. “That would imply that she and I were siblings, but if we were clear that it was only a title, I think they would understand. As for how to bring it up to her…” Grezig sighed. “Honesty is the best policy, as they say. We could… or you could call a meeting between the three of us.” Grezig imagined this meeting in her mind. “Sit near her, not me, so it doesn’t look like we’re… ganging up on her.” She paused, trying to think of the words to say. “Tell her… tell her you love her. Make that very clear. And then you and I, together, would explain that I want children of my own, but that you seem to be the only available male—aside from Corvus.”
Here, she paused. “I suppose I could simply ask Corvus first.” It was a thought she’d had a long time ago, but not recently. “Perhaps we could avoid all this awkwardness in the first place if he agreed to help me. That way you would not have to risk your relationship with Liri.” Grezig wondered what it said about her—and her relationship with Kavik—that she’d asked him first, and not even thought of Corvus until afterwards. Perhaps there was an inkling of a romantic feeling in there somewhere, after all… That thought was… unsettling.
October 02, 2018, 10:55 AM
Kavik listened as his friend thought out loud about the dynamics of telling the pups who their father was and then about the best way to ask Liri if she would even be okay with all of this. Her suggestions were sound, and he thought it sounded like the best way to approach his mate with this and hopefully avoid hurt feelings if at all possible. When she suggested asking Corvus, he nodded his head.
Maybe you should feel him out first and see how he would feel about that,he answered. He wasn't sure Liri would be okay with all of this, and as much as he wanted to help out his friend, he didn't want it to be at the expense of his mate and her feelings.
If he doesn't think he can do that for you, then come talk to me and we can discuss approaching Liri with all of this,he added. He didn't know that male all that well, but he thought he seemed like the type that would do that for someone unless he had someone of his own by the time winter ended. He supposed he was probably borrowing trouble, though. For now, he would let Grezig decide what she wanted to do.
I'm no good without you
October 02, 2018, 02:18 PM
Kavik agreed with Grezig that she should ask Corvus first, and she nodded silently. Yes. That made more sense. Still, she was happy she had brought it up to Kavik, and that doing so had not ruined their friendship. Kavik then told her that if Corvus couldn’t or wouldn’t agree to impregnate her that she could come back to him and they would talk about going to Liri. “Mm,” Grezig grunted, showing that she had heard his words. She just hoped that if it came to that—no matter what Liri decided—that it would not destroy whatever friendship she and Liri had. That it would not destroy her friendship with Kavik. That it would not destroy his and Liri’s relationship. Basically, Grezig hoped to the Gods that she would not become a homewrecker. She supposed only time would tell.
October 03, 2018, 02:33 AM
With all of that settled, Kavik began walking again. He still had some patrol left to do, and the Beta was welcome to join him if she wished. He stopped to mark another tree before sniffing some bushes and marking those as well. He marked so many things near the border, that there was no doubting where their territory started, and that's exactly how he wanted it. He continued to move, glancing back at his friend after a few more steps and lifting his head in invitation to finish his patrol with him.
I'm no good without you
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