Whoo another pack activity. A lot of new things happening. I'd like to say that joining is mandatory. I will assume everyone is there in Valette post, so we can make it a quick thread with a lot of mentions.
- @Brynn @Greyback @Stream of Creek @Vespera @Steph @Aerasha @Mawk @Alarian @Korei Julia @Outlander @Merrit @Keen -
- @Brynn @Greyback @Stream of Creek @Vespera @Steph @Aerasha @Mawk @Alarian @Korei Julia @Outlander @Merrit @Keen -
Valette stood on the horizontal stone in the middle of their stone circle. It was often the stone she would stand on when she wanted to announce things. They didn't have a pack meeting for a while and quite a few things happened that she needed to make the Easthollow members aware of. Valette howled to everyone in the pack, her howl made it clear that she expected everyone to be there. She waited until she saw most of her members arrive before starting to let all the notifications roll out. Valette looked more serious than she normally would with a meeting. After all, it was not only going to be fun news.
"Please sit down, as I have quite a few updates for you all," she spoke loud and clear from the stone. She would start with the more grim news, then the others news might be able to lift the spirits a bit. But she rather mourn and be sad together than everyone closing off for one another. "A few days ago Cebra passed away. She was a loyal member to Easthollow. This female did not have an easy life. She had many battles mentally en physically which made her a strong woman. Once everyone who wishes said their goodbyes we will bury her in the stone circle." Valette was clear on that, and she had a good idea for her as well.
Cebra was not all they lost recently, they also lost Stark. "As we all can see we have some new faces in our midst. These are Alarian, Korei Julia, and Outlander. Hopefully, they will become our new friends and may they feel welcome in our pack," she spoke and gave them all a quick nod. "Furthermore, there is someone that will rise from the normal ranks into the Beta rank. Steph, can you step forward?," she called out and then smiled at her daughter. "Steph offered me great support not only as a daughter in tough times but also at times when travel for me was mandatory. She stood by me in difficult times I faced recently when my mate Stark vanished." This was for the new members who weren't up to speed.
"I do ask some leniency. I will be Steph's mentor for the following months and guide her in her new role. If you have any objections or problems you can come to me, or me and Steph both. We will see to a solution," she spoke. Valette didn't expect much backlash, and this was also to see for Steph if she liked being Beta. Still, if someone would object she would see to it that a compromise would be found or explain the situation better. Valette glanced over the group and then turned to Steph, not sure if she wanted to add something. But it was clear Valette gave her some space to stay something if you wish.
"Alright, then I have another mention. This one is regarding our stones. After my visit to Morningside and their new pack location, which is in Phoenix Maplewood, I brought back some of my mother's bones." Valette hopped off the fallen stone she was standing on, and then moved towards the stone, the right of Steady's Stone. "I buried them here, and I named it The Mother Stone. May she be a mother to you all and bring you comfort," Valette addressed the group again. "Next to her is, as most of you know, Steady's stone. Unfortunately, none of you that are in the pack now knew Steady. Steady was the leader of Easthollow and founding alpha. Hence why I'd like to rename his stone into The Father Stone. As the tallest stone of the circle, we ask to watch and protect us as a father would," she spoke calmly.
Valette then moved to the stone left of The Father Stone. "I'd like to bury Illecebra, Cebra for friends, here. I want this woman to become the Warrior Stone. Never have I heard of a woman that had to endure so much. The loss of children, the loss of memory and the loss of body parts. However, she never gave up and fought for her family. She would never give up on Easthollow. We should honor her by giving this stone. And pray for the courage and strength she had through life," Valette spoke passionately. There were others buried here as well, Keoni and Murdock, for example. They would not be forgotten, not by those who knew them. She could relocate them to a stone but Valette didn't feel it was her right. With her own mother, she felt she had the right to move her but with the others... Valette would let them be. But they were one step closer into what she believed in, hopefully, the stones would be a comfort to all and not only her.
"A lot of information for you all to process. I want to name one more stone, however, this one shall remain free of deceased bodies," she spoke and then turned her head to a broken and cracked stone. "The stone of Lost Souls. For all the wolves that have been in Easthollow and we do not know where they are. It will be a place to mourn their disappearance. Over time I want to make a trail of smaller stones to our borders. That they can always find their home. If you find a good size rock feel free to place them in line with the rock I've already placed there." She hoped that it would give her children some peace about their father's disappearance. "May it guide our beloved Stark, Yakone, Nikai, Clary, Red, Leo, Kegana, and Sesi back home. To only name a few wolves that we don't know if they are alive and well."
Valette sounded a soft sigh. Quite the talk and a lot of it had to sink in. It probably was the same for the members of Easthollow, especially the ones that were new. Valette glanced at Greyback and offered him a soft smile. She wondered what he thought about all of this. Maybe she would ask him later. "If anything is unclear you can come to me," she spoke, dismissing the ones that wanted to go, but if wolves wanted to mourn or have a talk Valette was more than open to having them all stick around. Perhaps have a big group cuddle.
Seeing that I wrote a novel feel free to only have one post! But if some wolves want to stick around and thread I would love that as well! <3 Whooo to developing more of a Religion for EH :'D

October 31, 2018, 07:33 AM
While Steph had known this meeting was coming, she was still nervous about how her pack mates would receive her as Beta. She hadn't socialized with a lot of them, but that was something she was going to change. She sat with the group as her mother began speaking. She frowned through most of it, sad that Cebra had passed.
When her own name was said, her ears perked and her wide eyes went to Valette. For a moment, she didn't move. But, then her brain caught up and she stood and walked to the front of the class Valette's side. She sat back on her haunches, and at first, she didn't meat the gazes of the others. But, she knew that was no way for a Beta to act. Squaring her shoulders, she lifted her head, gauging the reaction of the others. Some in her position might not care what the others thought. But, Steph did. She needed them for her success. If they did not support her, it was very possible she would fail.
Then she realized Valette had stopped talking and was looking at her. Her expression was confused for a moment, and then realization shined in her eyes. Oh, she was supposed to say something! She turned back to the members of Easthollow, silent for a moment before she began talking, her voice a little shaky as the blood started to rush through her veins. I realize that some might take this leadership position as an chance to throw their weight around, but that isn't what I want to make this, she began. If Valette has taught me anything, it's that being a leader doesn't mean you're the boss of everyone. It means that you have a great opportunity to guide others, lift them up when they're down, and to help them through troubling times. And that's what I intend to do. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She hoped her voice hadn't been too shaky. Could they see her nervousness? She tried to hide it, but wasn't sure if she was successful.
When her own name was said, her ears perked and her wide eyes went to Valette. For a moment, she didn't move. But, then her brain caught up and she stood and walked to the front of the class Valette's side. She sat back on her haunches, and at first, she didn't meat the gazes of the others. But, she knew that was no way for a Beta to act. Squaring her shoulders, she lifted her head, gauging the reaction of the others. Some in her position might not care what the others thought. But, Steph did. She needed them for her success. If they did not support her, it was very possible she would fail.
Then she realized Valette had stopped talking and was looking at her. Her expression was confused for a moment, and then realization shined in her eyes. Oh, she was supposed to say something! She turned back to the members of Easthollow, silent for a moment before she began talking, her voice a little shaky as the blood started to rush through her veins. I realize that some might take this leadership position as an chance to throw their weight around, but that isn't what I want to make this, she began. If Valette has taught me anything, it's that being a leader doesn't mean you're the boss of everyone. It means that you have a great opportunity to guide others, lift them up when they're down, and to help them through troubling times. And that's what I intend to do. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She hoped her voice hadn't been too shaky. Could they see her nervousness? She tried to hide it, but wasn't sure if she was successful.
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone ~Geothe
Sunny is allowed in all threads, open or private, created by Steph
October 31, 2018, 01:21 PM
With a call so clear and urgent, greyback responded with his own- it's deep tone vibrating through the forest around like a gong. He had a feeling a meeting would be called soon due to the vanishing of Stark, the death of a dear pack-mate, and the naming of the mother stone.
Abandoning his hike through the forest and coming into the bitter breeze of the land, Greyback made his way to the gathering spot. Valette's figure instantly recognizable against the towering stones that gave comfort to her and many alike. He was happy to see her as always, but the air that surrounded the place made him halt all exuberant behavior.
He sat silently, the winds licking at his fur and small drizzle of snow clinging to his pelt only to be brushed off with every gale. His gaze turned downwards, his head bowing as he respected the depth the standing stones stood for. He could smell Steph, and looked to meet her with a softened gaze and smile before looking at Valette. Though his last encounter with the yearling had been bitter he had never stopped believing in her. She looked so much like her mother, proud, powerful, radiant. There wasn't a single doubt in his mind about her new position. He gave her a nod, a symbol of his acceptance towards her new held power.
As Valette talked on about the stones he turned his gaze away from to two to look silently with an awed gaze at the rocks. Such power they held. The Mother Stone and Father Stone were strong suitable names for them, and he wondered if both Steady and Valette's mother were watching over them. He would start off every day now by coming to the stones and sending a small prayer for the pack and those who are lost.
When all was silent between the pack he would raise up, his eyes watching two wolves above the rest with a fiery gaze. "May your paws serve us well, Steph. And may the stones guide the past, present, and future of this pack."
Abandoning his hike through the forest and coming into the bitter breeze of the land, Greyback made his way to the gathering spot. Valette's figure instantly recognizable against the towering stones that gave comfort to her and many alike. He was happy to see her as always, but the air that surrounded the place made him halt all exuberant behavior.
He sat silently, the winds licking at his fur and small drizzle of snow clinging to his pelt only to be brushed off with every gale. His gaze turned downwards, his head bowing as he respected the depth the standing stones stood for. He could smell Steph, and looked to meet her with a softened gaze and smile before looking at Valette. Though his last encounter with the yearling had been bitter he had never stopped believing in her. She looked so much like her mother, proud, powerful, radiant. There wasn't a single doubt in his mind about her new position. He gave her a nod, a symbol of his acceptance towards her new held power.
As Valette talked on about the stones he turned his gaze away from to two to look silently with an awed gaze at the rocks. Such power they held. The Mother Stone and Father Stone were strong suitable names for them, and he wondered if both Steady and Valette's mother were watching over them. He would start off every day now by coming to the stones and sending a small prayer for the pack and those who are lost.
When all was silent between the pack he would raise up, his eyes watching two wolves above the rest with a fiery gaze. "May your paws serve us well, Steph. And may the stones guide the past, present, and future of this pack."
October 31, 2018, 01:49 PM
note for my own reference: gonna say this took place in ali's personal timeline before his thread with ulf
It's been a sluggish sort of day; he hasn't slept well, and it seems each day he pushes himself a little further past his limit. But he's up and about anyway, stubborn as he can be, so he's quick to answer Valette's call when he hears it. He's still not quite as familiar with the territory as he'd like to be, but the stone circle itself is memorable enough — a much more sophisticated meeting place than anything they'd had at Broken Boulder.There are plenty of wolves he doesn't know gathered around, but he recognizes Greyback — with some embarrassment, of course, though he hides it well. His focus turns to Valette quickly as she starts to speak. And boy, does she speak; it's almost too much to take in at once, but there's little else that he'd prefer to occupy his thoughts, so he doesn't mind. That someone has died pretty much as soon as he got here is... discouraging, and his heart aches a little for the pack. The promotion doesn't draw much of a reaction from him, though he offers the new Beta a smile — he just doesn't know her. If Valette says she's qualified, it's good enough for him.
Congratulations,He offers after the girl speaks, trying to sound encouraging; she seems a little nervous, and it's a feeling he knows well.
The bits about the stones are more confusing, but he's pretty sure he gets it. Kind of. He's never been one much for religion, but this doesn't seem... too religion-y, right? It's spiritual. He can get into that — he can do this. He'll just have to stay behind and ask a few (hundred) questions. It'll be fine.
October 31, 2018, 02:35 PM
His mind was cloudy as the call rose, the summon that rang over the trees and echoed in his head as the scout sat there. It took great effort to stand, rising himself stiffly to his paws, but he moved toward the sound with no qualms - there was a stone in his chest, but at least his mate could rest painlessly, embrace the peace that she had so deserved while the air still filled her lungs. The world seemed grey around him without Illecebra's presence at his side, as though the browning of leaves had simply faded, the grass and vegetation a sleepy monochrome ahead of him as he walked; he listened only to the thrumming of his own heart. Wolves were already gathering as he arrived, and the man sucked in a tight breath through his teeth.
"I won't leave your side."
He could hear the words as she whispered, a pool of her last breaths billowing out into the air around him - he could hear her as though the trees themselves were muttering to him, the drizzle of snow guiding him forward. Words of encouragement. Perhaps they truly were from Illecebra; she had said she would walk with him always, even after death, and he had promised the same.
Valette began to speak, and his own lips remained tightly drawn, ears tipped sadly forward. The alphess had started with the announcement of his mate's passing, and Mawk's crown dipped in acknowledgement, respect, despite the sorrow that swirled around his chest and pounded at the surface of his lungs. Sometimes he struggled to breath.
He nodded to the newcomers, and to Steph he presented his best attempts at a smile. She deserved that role. Valette spoke of the stones, and when Illecebra's name was mentioned upon her lips his focus dribbled back toward her, feeling twinges of sorrow climb up through his body. Her words filled his head and tears began to trickle down the surface of his cheeks again, a sob threatening to spill from his muzzle - Mawk's eyes glittered toward the alphess, wide with gratitude.
Illecebra's life would be honoured as the Warrior Stone.
"I won't leave your side."
He could hear the words as she whispered, a pool of her last breaths billowing out into the air around him - he could hear her as though the trees themselves were muttering to him, the drizzle of snow guiding him forward. Words of encouragement. Perhaps they truly were from Illecebra; she had said she would walk with him always, even after death, and he had promised the same.
Valette began to speak, and his own lips remained tightly drawn, ears tipped sadly forward. The alphess had started with the announcement of his mate's passing, and Mawk's crown dipped in acknowledgement, respect, despite the sorrow that swirled around his chest and pounded at the surface of his lungs. Sometimes he struggled to breath.
He nodded to the newcomers, and to Steph he presented his best attempts at a smile. She deserved that role. Valette spoke of the stones, and when Illecebra's name was mentioned upon her lips his focus dribbled back toward her, feeling twinges of sorrow climb up through his body. Her words filled his head and tears began to trickle down the surface of his cheeks again, a sob threatening to spill from his muzzle - Mawk's eyes glittered toward the alphess, wide with gratitude.
Illecebra's life would be honoured as the Warrior Stone.
October 31, 2018, 03:44 PM
Korei Julia had followed Alarian right over upon having heard the call. She was just getting herself comfortable now. Once they got there, she sat so close that they were practically right up against each other, Korei always wanted to feel safe and he gave that feeling to her. Korei listened to the alpha, Valette as she got her messages out. And right away, it was sad news. A member had passed.
Korei dipped her muzzle down a bit, thinking what they must have been like if she had met them. And then, the greeting was given out. "Hi..." she greeted quietly, looking about and suddenly feeling very shy.
As Valette continued, Korei frowned a bit at the Stones. They had different stones to represent wolves lost. In her family pack, it had been the stars. But still, she caught onto the meaning. And it seemed they had a few lost, which made her wonder how long this pack had been around.
Korei dipped her muzzle down a bit, thinking what they must have been like if she had met them. And then, the greeting was given out. "Hi..." she greeted quietly, looking about and suddenly feeling very shy.
As Valette continued, Korei frowned a bit at the Stones. They had different stones to represent wolves lost. In her family pack, it had been the stars. But still, she caught onto the meaning. And it seemed they had a few lost, which made her wonder how long this pack had been around.
October 31, 2018, 04:07 PM
He had not been here long and so the prospect of a group setting was not very thrilling to Outlander. In fact, it made him uncomfortable to the core. Yet he arrived and did his pack duty to be a present body with listening ears.
He didn't like being called out but he played along, offering a curt nod to anyone who might have looked in his direction. Although he was pleased that things shifted away from the arrival of newcomers. He stayed silent and listened. The whole stone speech was kind of touching but mostly lost on him. Outlander did his best to stay interested though. He just...couldn't make an emotional connection to anything she spoke. He had just arrived, he did not know these wolves she spoke of, he was entirely disconnected from the feelings that went into this.
But he stayed in the background like a lonesome shadow, not even daring to think of slipping off.
He didn't like being called out but he played along, offering a curt nod to anyone who might have looked in his direction. Although he was pleased that things shifted away from the arrival of newcomers. He stayed silent and listened. The whole stone speech was kind of touching but mostly lost on him. Outlander did his best to stay interested though. He just...couldn't make an emotional connection to anything she spoke. He had just arrived, he did not know these wolves she spoke of, he was entirely disconnected from the feelings that went into this.
But he stayed in the background like a lonesome shadow, not even daring to think of slipping off.
November 01, 2018, 07:52 AM
Vespera soon heard the howl of Valette, and the female got up on her shaky paws and slowly traveled to the stones. Thankfully Brynn has showed her where that location was since their first meeting had resulted in a tour. The female's stride almost seemed staggering, since before, she had a powerful blow to the side earlier. Vespera soon came to the stones, she scanned the area to see that Valette was at the head of all this, the Alpha looked both proud, but there was some grief in her gaze. Vespera's gaze wondered, she saw that her pack mates had arrived, like Greyback, and Steph, and a few others that she had never seen before. The young female hung around the back for she was curious of the new wolves that were here. Vespera had either met or have seen her pack mates, but she have never seen these wolves, they had to have been new. Vespera slowly sat near a tree looking up at Valette, the female gave an introduction, but slowly the tone changed as she mentioned that a pack member had sadly passed. Vespera had met the female named Cebra before, in fact they both got drunk on pumpkins once before. The young female laughed to herself, the two were drunk, however she didn't feel the slightest of grief since she didn't have an emotional connection to the female. It happens, this concept is nothing new to me, I have watched people die right in front of me and in those moments, I have never had the proper time to grieve.
However her attention was drawn at the new wolves, Valette introduced them as new members of East Hollow, Vespera scoffed to herself and rolled her eyes, she looked towards the other direction, it wasn't by any means jealousy, but the female really didn't seem to care, but her insecurity and resentment to meeting new wolves had really made her look the other way. But the next bit of news caught her attention, the naming of the new Beta. Vespera looked forward at Valette with straight ears. Vespera knew the importance of the Beta rank since they were the next in line to be the Alpha of the pack. The Beta has to be someone capable of leading the pack, the next in line, someone who is worthy of that title, It could be anyone... Vespera watched and listened to see who could be the next in line. When Valette said who the next Beta was, Vespera frowned a little, she herself never wanted to be the Beta, but she could only laugh to herself of the choice, I should have guessed that the Beta would be her own daughter, I mean if she is as good as Valette says then fine, makes no difference to me, but it was a little predictable, got to keep the leadership in the family I guess. Vespera really didn't care or bother about the situation anymore, but she did listen to what Steph said.
The next and final thing was the mention of these stone things and where Cebra would be buried. Valette mentioned about these stones like the warrior and soul stone, and the female's ears faced towards Greyback when he spoke a few words about it. Vespera could only raise an eyebrow for she had no idea what those stones were, but she could guess that it was part of the East Hallow culture, more questions flooded her mind and she needed to ask Valette later. However the name Steady came up a lot, she could only guess that he was either the previous Alpha, or Valette's mate. But what caught her attention was the mention of her mother bones. Vespera got a sudden chill down her spine as the female tried to shrug it off, for she never found her mothers bones. Vespera shifted her paws uncomfortably, but she did notice the way she looked at Greyback which made Vespera do a cheeky grin to herself, but she tried to restrain her expression as she continued to look at Valette, and stayed at a distance she was more comfortable with.
However her attention was drawn at the new wolves, Valette introduced them as new members of East Hollow, Vespera scoffed to herself and rolled her eyes, she looked towards the other direction, it wasn't by any means jealousy, but the female really didn't seem to care, but her insecurity and resentment to meeting new wolves had really made her look the other way. But the next bit of news caught her attention, the naming of the new Beta. Vespera looked forward at Valette with straight ears. Vespera knew the importance of the Beta rank since they were the next in line to be the Alpha of the pack. The Beta has to be someone capable of leading the pack, the next in line, someone who is worthy of that title, It could be anyone... Vespera watched and listened to see who could be the next in line. When Valette said who the next Beta was, Vespera frowned a little, she herself never wanted to be the Beta, but she could only laugh to herself of the choice, I should have guessed that the Beta would be her own daughter, I mean if she is as good as Valette says then fine, makes no difference to me, but it was a little predictable, got to keep the leadership in the family I guess. Vespera really didn't care or bother about the situation anymore, but she did listen to what Steph said.
The next and final thing was the mention of these stone things and where Cebra would be buried. Valette mentioned about these stones like the warrior and soul stone, and the female's ears faced towards Greyback when he spoke a few words about it. Vespera could only raise an eyebrow for she had no idea what those stones were, but she could guess that it was part of the East Hallow culture, more questions flooded her mind and she needed to ask Valette later. However the name Steady came up a lot, she could only guess that he was either the previous Alpha, or Valette's mate. But what caught her attention was the mention of her mother bones. Vespera got a sudden chill down her spine as the female tried to shrug it off, for she never found her mothers bones. Vespera shifted her paws uncomfortably, but she did notice the way she looked at Greyback which made Vespera do a cheeky grin to herself, but she tried to restrain her expression as she continued to look at Valette, and stayed at a distance she was more comfortable with.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
November 01, 2018, 06:35 PM
(This post was last modified: November 01, 2018, 06:35 PM by Aerasha.)
Aerasha, as per usual, was relaxing around the stones, minding her own business for a catnap. She was out in the open too- despite being glanced at, and on a previous day looked at in disgust for laziness. Though as comfortable as she was, she was quite bored. So when the female heard the call, she sashayed herself over toward the crowd, only giving a carefree look toward the seriousness that the Alpha held. She took a seat, and half-heartedly listened toward what was to be announced.
Though she had the whole death slip at the back of her mind, she didn't comment on it nor' think at all on the subject. Aerasha's blue and brown gazed wandered toward the newcomers with a curious glint, and smiled directly at them, "heeeey.~" She didn't know if her greeting would be met, but she tried nontheless. The cream wolf was curious on them, as one was full of interest scars despite looks skittish, and another had a unique name. Then the other was even more skittish, looked like a bag of bones. Ooohhh, the questions she would aasskk. Buuut, they were over theeree, and the Alfafa was still taaalking. It was another addition to the long list that she should do eventually, but of course the usual list was simply sunbathing, despite the coldness and rain that reached over. Bathing under a shadow is nice too at times.
Then slowly did Aerasha's bicolored eyes travel toward Steph, whome she has not met, but she offered a warm, "congratulations,~" nontheless. It seemed important, but her lack of information on Pack Ranks made it clear she had no idea what a Beta was. Sounded cool, though, so she thought. So did the stones, it sounded like a cute pair, despite the meaning behind him. Like a papa bear and a mama bear, but in stone form. With bodies under them but that was a different factor that she could slide away in her mind. Except for that ooneee stone with a lot of unfamiliar names, but it sounded cool too.
What a neat meeting, but it wasn't as fun as she hoped. Thoough Aerasha held one and hoped with this many people, perhaps somethiing could happen.
Though she had the whole death slip at the back of her mind, she didn't comment on it nor' think at all on the subject. Aerasha's blue and brown gazed wandered toward the newcomers with a curious glint, and smiled directly at them, "heeeey.~" She didn't know if her greeting would be met, but she tried nontheless. The cream wolf was curious on them, as one was full of interest scars despite looks skittish, and another had a unique name. Then the other was even more skittish, looked like a bag of bones. Ooohhh, the questions she would aasskk. Buuut, they were over theeree, and the Alfafa was still taaalking. It was another addition to the long list that she should do eventually, but of course the usual list was simply sunbathing, despite the coldness and rain that reached over. Bathing under a shadow is nice too at times.
Then slowly did Aerasha's bicolored eyes travel toward Steph, whome she has not met, but she offered a warm, "congratulations,~" nontheless. It seemed important, but her lack of information on Pack Ranks made it clear she had no idea what a Beta was. Sounded cool, though, so she thought. So did the stones, it sounded like a cute pair, despite the meaning behind him. Like a papa bear and a mama bear, but in stone form. With bodies under them but that was a different factor that she could slide away in her mind. Except for that ooneee stone with a lot of unfamiliar names, but it sounded cool too.
What a neat meeting, but it wasn't as fun as she hoped. Thoough Aerasha held one and hoped with this many people, perhaps somethiing could happen.
![[Image: 5df50311c5b389af25e22caf808989af.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/5df50311c5b389af25e22caf808989af.png)
November 01, 2018, 09:25 PM
Brynn was predictable and dependable, so of course she was patrolling when she heard the summons. She wasted no time making her way to the stones, and when she arrived she sat down with the rest of the pack and silently waited for Valette to begin speaking. She had noticed a few new faces and had yet to meet any of them aside from noting their unfamiliar scents during her patrols.
She first began by informing them that Illecebra had passed away. Brynn did not know the female very well and had unfortunately had some ill feelings towards her in the beginning thanks to Howl and his bullshit, but she had put those feelings aside a while ago. She was a victim just as much as Brynn was, and so she only held Howl responsible for that mess. Now, she mourned the loss of a packmate and hoped that the woman had now found some peace.
The alpha next introduced their new pack members, and Brynn matched faces to names so that she could later formally introduce herself to all of them. She was glad to have had an influx of new members before winter; they could always use the help.
Valette then informed the pack that her daughter, Steph, would be stepping up as beta. Brynn thought it was a little odd to have someone so young help lead a pack, but she would trust her alpha's judgement. she nodded respectfully towards the new beta but said nothing else, preferring to stay silent around large groups unless absolutely necessary.
Brynn listened as Valette discussed bringing her mother's bones back to bury here, feeling sad for the alphess and understanding all too well the sorrow of losing a parent. She stated that she would be naming a mother stone in honor of her as well as a father stone in honor of a past leader steady which Brynn thought was a very nice thing to do. Illecebra would be receiving a warrior stone, and Brynn thought that was fitting for a wolf who had been through so much. Their alpha then pointed out the stone for lost souls and stated that she wanted to leave a trail of stones to the border for them. It reminded Brynn of how much she missed Kegana and how she often wondered if the woman was still alive. She hoped she would find her way back to them some day.
After all was said Brynn nodded and stood back up, ready to return to her patrol where she could process everything on her own. Large groups made her uncomfortable and she wouldn't be able to think clearly until she was on her own again. With a look around, she respectfully made her way from the group and back to the borders.
She first began by informing them that Illecebra had passed away. Brynn did not know the female very well and had unfortunately had some ill feelings towards her in the beginning thanks to Howl and his bullshit, but she had put those feelings aside a while ago. She was a victim just as much as Brynn was, and so she only held Howl responsible for that mess. Now, she mourned the loss of a packmate and hoped that the woman had now found some peace.
The alpha next introduced their new pack members, and Brynn matched faces to names so that she could later formally introduce herself to all of them. She was glad to have had an influx of new members before winter; they could always use the help.
Valette then informed the pack that her daughter, Steph, would be stepping up as beta. Brynn thought it was a little odd to have someone so young help lead a pack, but she would trust her alpha's judgement. she nodded respectfully towards the new beta but said nothing else, preferring to stay silent around large groups unless absolutely necessary.
Brynn listened as Valette discussed bringing her mother's bones back to bury here, feeling sad for the alphess and understanding all too well the sorrow of losing a parent. She stated that she would be naming a mother stone in honor of her as well as a father stone in honor of a past leader steady which Brynn thought was a very nice thing to do. Illecebra would be receiving a warrior stone, and Brynn thought that was fitting for a wolf who had been through so much. Their alpha then pointed out the stone for lost souls and stated that she wanted to leave a trail of stones to the border for them. It reminded Brynn of how much she missed Kegana and how she often wondered if the woman was still alive. She hoped she would find her way back to them some day.
After all was said Brynn nodded and stood back up, ready to return to her patrol where she could process everything on her own. Large groups made her uncomfortable and she wouldn't be able to think clearly until she was on her own again. With a look around, she respectfully made her way from the group and back to the borders.

Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear, and I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
November 02, 2018, 02:33 PM
Just like Brynn, the stone colored wolf would be making her way to the stones a bit later than the others due to being further in the territory. It did not take long for her to notice the extra bodies that had gathered before her eyes flicked to her Alpha. The first thing announced was the death of a packmate, one Ira had never officially met, but she did notice as the female quickly grew weak. It might be horrible to say out loud, but Ira had purposely avoided her recently due to her condition. She was no medic and had no way to help, the best she could do was provide support for the pack elsewhere and avoid growing sick herself, so that is what she did.
Quickly after the new faces were addressed. On one hand, this meant more mouths to feed, but it also meant more paws to help supply. Perhaps they would be good additions to Easthollow, but only time would tell. The same could be said about the new Beta. Ira had seen the dark pelted female before, but she did not know her too well. Nervousness carried in her voice, but it was clear she was young and being thrust into a leadership position. She had plenty of time to learn and with Valette's guidance, she could be a wonderful leader. She would trust her Alpha's judgment, even if she did pick her daughter.
As Valette moved on to the stones, her gaze slowly wandered to each newly named rock. She never knew the names associated with each pillar, but she could appreciate the sentiment. To carry on the memories of those who are long gone was to carry on their spirit. Those who work hard in life deserved to be remembered. Maybe, in turn, she would find a connection to the rocks one day, but for now, her past lay elsewhere. As Valette wrapped up she noticed the look she gave her father, a small frown forming. She had nothing to add, however, so as soon as Valette had finished, she would be turning to leave and continue her work.
Quickly after the new faces were addressed. On one hand, this meant more mouths to feed, but it also meant more paws to help supply. Perhaps they would be good additions to Easthollow, but only time would tell. The same could be said about the new Beta. Ira had seen the dark pelted female before, but she did not know her too well. Nervousness carried in her voice, but it was clear she was young and being thrust into a leadership position. She had plenty of time to learn and with Valette's guidance, she could be a wonderful leader. She would trust her Alpha's judgment, even if she did pick her daughter.
As Valette moved on to the stones, her gaze slowly wandered to each newly named rock. She never knew the names associated with each pillar, but she could appreciate the sentiment. To carry on the memories of those who are long gone was to carry on their spirit. Those who work hard in life deserved to be remembered. Maybe, in turn, she would find a connection to the rocks one day, but for now, her past lay elsewhere. As Valette wrapped up she noticed the look she gave her father, a small frown forming. She had nothing to add, however, so as soon as Valette had finished, she would be turning to leave and continue her work.
November 02, 2018, 10:54 PM
He had been snaking through Fox's Glade when his mother's call went out, and he dropped his pursuit to follow without hesitation. But even with his lengthened strides, a distance was still a distance, and when he finally reached Stone Circle, Merrit found most of the pack already gathered, and his mother already beginning to talk. He was late, and he ducked his head with embarrassment and apology as he slipped along the fringe of the throng.
Merrit glanced around the crowd for an opening he could steal through, but every empty space seemed to open in front of someone shorter than him, and eventually, he just gave up and settled at the back, shoulders hunched as though uncomfortable with his height. But as his mother announced his sister's promotion (since he'd missed everything in between...), the boy found himself straighten with a swell of surprise. Merrit had never given thought to another leader besides his mother, but this made sense - and he tipped his chin to receive his sister with the proud turn of a smile. He didn't know how Steph would be received by the other members of the pack, but if they had a problem with her, then they would have more than his mother to deal with.
But the meeting shifted after Steph's address, and Merrit felt the weight of Stark's absence sink against him again as he turned his face toward the Father Stone. His mother's words were sentimental, and he could tell they meant a great deal to her - but Merrit couldn't stand behind them. A rock couldn't do what Stark could do; a rock couldn't comfort or protect. A rock was a rock, and not his father.
Yet he was drawn from his thoughts when a familiar word tasted the air and he flicked his gaze back to his mother, until he found the Stone she mentioned just beyond the strength of her presence:
The Warrior Stone.
Merrit had hardly known Illecebra, but now, he wished he had. She had been a warrior, and he had never known. Not until now - but Illecebra was gone, taken by an illness that had snuffed out the fight in her, no matter how strong she'd been in life. The similarity between her and Stark was striking: they had been strong, but they hadn't been able to stop their sickness from ripping them away. And Merrit wondered - he could learn to protect his family, he could learn to fight for them, but if all the training in the world couldn't help him protect his family from this beast he couldn't fight with tooth and claw...
His gaze had since drifted toward the final stone: the broken beacon, meant to guide his father and their lost ones home. There had been a time Merrit might have believed that the power of this Stone was real and enough, but he was not a child anymore. The Stones brought comfort to his mother, and he let her feel that; he would never speak against them, and he would never take that from her, but he knew the rocks did nothing to protect. They did nothing to heal, and they did nothing to bring any lost one home.
Only wolves could do that.
There were no words to what he felt - but he remembered the river rocks he'd brought to his father when he had been around, and he wondered if anyone had moved them, or if they still lay abandoned in the hollow where Stark had lain. They weren't big, but they would be enough to start a trail from the Stone of Lost Souls to the border beyond. They wouldn't bring his father back, but laying them down would give him something to do. They would give him time to think, and they would give his mother comfort until the day Stark found his way home.
Merrit glanced around the crowd for an opening he could steal through, but every empty space seemed to open in front of someone shorter than him, and eventually, he just gave up and settled at the back, shoulders hunched as though uncomfortable with his height. But as his mother announced his sister's promotion (since he'd missed everything in between...), the boy found himself straighten with a swell of surprise. Merrit had never given thought to another leader besides his mother, but this made sense - and he tipped his chin to receive his sister with the proud turn of a smile. He didn't know how Steph would be received by the other members of the pack, but if they had a problem with her, then they would have more than his mother to deal with.
But the meeting shifted after Steph's address, and Merrit felt the weight of Stark's absence sink against him again as he turned his face toward the Father Stone. His mother's words were sentimental, and he could tell they meant a great deal to her - but Merrit couldn't stand behind them. A rock couldn't do what Stark could do; a rock couldn't comfort or protect. A rock was a rock, and not his father.
Yet he was drawn from his thoughts when a familiar word tasted the air and he flicked his gaze back to his mother, until he found the Stone she mentioned just beyond the strength of her presence:
The Warrior Stone.
Merrit had hardly known Illecebra, but now, he wished he had. She had been a warrior, and he had never known. Not until now - but Illecebra was gone, taken by an illness that had snuffed out the fight in her, no matter how strong she'd been in life. The similarity between her and Stark was striking: they had been strong, but they hadn't been able to stop their sickness from ripping them away. And Merrit wondered - he could learn to protect his family, he could learn to fight for them, but if all the training in the world couldn't help him protect his family from this beast he couldn't fight with tooth and claw...
His gaze had since drifted toward the final stone: the broken beacon, meant to guide his father and their lost ones home. There had been a time Merrit might have believed that the power of this Stone was real and enough, but he was not a child anymore. The Stones brought comfort to his mother, and he let her feel that; he would never speak against them, and he would never take that from her, but he knew the rocks did nothing to protect. They did nothing to heal, and they did nothing to bring any lost one home.
Only wolves could do that.
There were no words to what he felt - but he remembered the river rocks he'd brought to his father when he had been around, and he wondered if anyone had moved them, or if they still lay abandoned in the hollow where Stark had lain. They weren't big, but they would be enough to start a trail from the Stone of Lost Souls to the border beyond. They wouldn't bring his father back, but laying them down would give him something to do. They would give him time to think, and they would give his mother comfort until the day Stark found his way home.
with quiet words I'll lead you in

November 04, 2018, 10:24 AM
She's late. Late, and very tired. The changes happening within the pack have more or less slipped by the slight girl, lethargic as she's been — she can't bring herself to care that much. Still, she's fairly ashamed of herself and her lateness, so she slinks in trying to keep as low profile as she can manage. She seems to arrive at the same time as Merrit — there's some relief in the realization, and she immediately beelines for her brother. Even though she finds him near the back of the crowd, where she can't see a thing, she moves to settle next to him. If she weren't so tired, being among a gathering of wolves this large might just terrify her to death; as it is, she feels only mild, muted anxiety. It's still a stronger feeling than most lately.
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