grandfather tusk wandered, kukutux at his heels. he said nothing, but swept a broad limb toward the horizon. she stepped forward, a gasp rising in her throat. uncomprehending; the thick sea ice was afire! the girl shrank back, turned, began to run, even as cold caught first at her toes, then her ankles, thighs, shoulders, swallowing swallowing swallowing.
with a shudder the duck came awake. flakes of snow and ash filled the air; she herself had curled tightly into a carpet of grey for the evening. this woodland spoke of spirits who would never rest, condemned to wander after the fire that had eaten the forest. it was not a comforting place, and yet it felt familiar to the girl.
kukutux shivered, pulling the edge of her thinning rabbit-skin around her shoulders. @Agana would be close; her lips curved to know that she was no longer alone in the thrumming world.
with a shudder the duck came awake. flakes of snow and ash filled the air; she herself had curled tightly into a carpet of grey for the evening. this woodland spoke of spirits who would never rest, condemned to wander after the fire that had eaten the forest. it was not a comforting place, and yet it felt familiar to the girl.
kukutux shivered, pulling the edge of her thinning rabbit-skin around her shoulders. @Agana would be close; her lips curved to know that she was no longer alone in the thrumming world.
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
October 25, 2019, 09:07 AM
apologies for late (and kinda messy) response !
Agana had been awake for a while now. After saving the pearl from drowing, she agreed to call her “traveling companion”. They stopped at the the Heartwood, a forest that burned a long time ago.
The woman padded along the dark trunks, thinking; insomnia gave her trouble resting for a long time. And so, instead of waking Kukutux, she just left to clear her clouded mind.
Autumn would soon be over, and the world would be covered in a thick blanket of snow. This thought made the female smile; a genuine smile.
Agana returned from her walk to discover an awake Kukutux; her smile did not fade even a little bit. ”Sleep well?”
„common” — „romanian”
October 26, 2019, 05:13 PM
not long had she been in the waking world when the ukallisugruk returned. hare-woman, rabbit-soul; for her cunning and silver eyes had kukutux given agana a spirit totem. it was only to be known to her, however. the duck unfurled herself to greet her companion with a brush of slim muzzle.
"were you hunting?" kukutux murmured, gleaning scents from beneath the fragrance of ash. "it is a pity there are no seals here, with good fat." oh, how her mouth watered for the flesh of the great water-creatures! it had been far too long, and longer still since she had eaten more than rodents and the odd late berry.
"were you hunting?" kukutux murmured, gleaning scents from beneath the fragrance of ash. "it is a pity there are no seals here, with good fat." oh, how her mouth watered for the flesh of the great water-creatures! it had been far too long, and longer still since she had eaten more than rodents and the odd late berry.
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
October 27, 2019, 01:00 PM
“I have, yes.” Silence, moving her lean body to the pearl’s side. “But I could not find anything.” Golden gaze glacned to the trees in front of them. “This forest.. is dead.” And it was, truly, dead. The beige woman sighed, half face turned to Kukutux, a faint smile forming on her lips.“Seals, you say? I do not think I have ever tasted a seal before,” Agana questioned her past experiences. Did she eat before seal meat? She could not find any memory that linked to such an experience. “Who knows, one day I may taste one.”
„common” — „romanian”
November 02, 2019, 07:53 PM
"it is rich meat. they live upon the sea," kukutux murmured, gesturing in the direction of the great salt she had seen close only twice now. "perhaps when the land settles, we can go back. and then i will catch a seal for you, agana," the girl declared with a haughty toss of her head only meant to tease.
"did you ever want to be a wife?" kukutux asked suddenly, perhaps abruptly. a true curiosity resounded in her gaze, however. her own time as mate to the seal-killer she had kept to herself, but perhaps ... perhaps it might now be time to share such things.
"did you ever want to be a wife?" kukutux asked suddenly, perhaps abruptly. a true curiosity resounded in her gaze, however. her own time as mate to the seal-killer she had kept to herself, but perhaps ... perhaps it might now be time to share such things.
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
November 05, 2019, 10:22 AM
A low chukle, followed by a smile, “Ah, I would appreciate it, Kukutux,” silence, a glance to the pearl beside her, “But I am able to hunt for myself.” In fact, Agana could hunt for her, for she was older, taller, stronger than the ivory girl.
The question was unexpected, something she had never thought about in her life, not even once. “Become a wife? I..” she glanced down, unsure of what to answer. “I never thought about it.” Another chuckle, “Have you?” why did you ask me this? But perhaps it was rude to ask this, even if she needed an answer.
The question was unexpected, something she had never thought about in her life, not even once. “Become a wife? I..” she glanced down, unsure of what to answer. “I never thought about it.” Another chuckle, “Have you?” why did you ask me this? But perhaps it was rude to ask this, even if she needed an answer.
„common” — „romanian”
November 14, 2019, 10:21 PM
of course agana could do more things better than kukutux, more easily. she found it endearing for reasons she could not articulate. presently, however, the girl's ears cupped forward, then fell back with her usual genteel shyness. "i was a wife, once," the duck uttered softly, wondering how agana would accept such things.
"but he is at the dancing lights." a pause; her companion's inquries would be accepted, though kukutux prepared herself to suffer beneath the weight of them again. "i came to this land to find a husband, to be a second wife if i must. and now," the girl sighed, breath spiraling into a plume of steam, "now i do not know."
"but he is at the dancing lights." a pause; her companion's inquries would be accepted, though kukutux prepared herself to suffer beneath the weight of them again. "i came to this land to find a husband, to be a second wife if i must. and now," the girl sighed, breath spiraling into a plume of steam, "now i do not know."
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
November 15, 2019, 03:33 PM
To be widowed at such a young age was a tragedy; Agana heard before of arranged marriages, even betrothals between children. She felt sorry for the pearl, who had to endure such a pain; even if may not have been any love between them. Golden gaze searched for her jade one, a certain pain filled her mind; jealousy, to some extent, yet never truly reaching to her.
“May he rest in peace,” she whispered, finally, under heavy sighs. “I have never been a wife, but I suppose you are already aware of it,” silence, “And I do not wish to vow myself to someone, for now.” Perhaps her views were to be judged and not shared by the girl, but this was how she felt. Golden gaze finally set upon her, “But I will support your decision if you want to search for a husband,” and this was all she could do.
“May he rest in peace,” she whispered, finally, under heavy sighs. “I have never been a wife, but I suppose you are already aware of it,” silence, “And I do not wish to vow myself to someone, for now.” Perhaps her views were to be judged and not shared by the girl, but this was how she felt. Golden gaze finally set upon her, “But I will support your decision if you want to search for a husband,” and this was all she could do.
„common” — „romanian”
November 22, 2019, 10:54 AM
agana was kind, her voice gentle. she did not judge kukutux for having been a wife so young, at least not to appearance, and for that the duck was grateful. the offer of aid would have elated the girl who once lived in shadewood keep, but kukutux had been along long enough to question the tenets of her upbringing
"i thank you," she murmured, dipping her muzzle in gratitude. "but," and here her jadestone gaze lifted shyly, searching the knowingness of agana's features, "i do not think it must be that way."
stupid girl! the spirit raged. how could it be another way? you would not bear children to give your husband happiness from where he lives now? unable to close her inner ear to the ranting, she fell silent, pensive.
"i thank you," she murmured, dipping her muzzle in gratitude. "but," and here her jadestone gaze lifted shyly, searching the knowingness of agana's features, "i do not think it must be that way."
stupid girl! the spirit raged. how could it be another way? you would not bear children to give your husband happiness from where he lives now? unable to close her inner ear to the ranting, she fell silent, pensive.
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
December 10, 2019, 01:24 PM
apologies for late response ! <3
Her words seemed to comfort the girl; Agana eyed her soft features, too soft for a girl to experience such sorrow. The beige woman let out a sigh, falling silent under the heavy atmosphere. Golden gaze turned to face Kukutux; “Then it is not,”
Ever since she saved the girl, Agana felt the need to protect her, to keep her safe from harm. Her tragedy was eating her from the inside, the beige woman could see that clearly; but she needed to let go. With a slow move, she pulled the pearl close, towering over her. Agana let out a sigh, “One day you will know,” silence, “You will know what way is the right way.” And maybe, I will know too.
„common” — „romanian”
December 12, 2019, 11:01 AM
wanna wrap up and have another? also absolutely no worries i love agana <3
the duck was warmed through by agana's regard, and allowed herself to lean into the embrace of the fawn-hued woman. there rose something in her heart now; the spirit whispered that even though the hunter of seals had been gentle, he had never engendered this sensation within kukutux.
confused, perturbed, the pearl met agana's pensive gaze with a playful look she mustered up from somewhere within her pale chest. "do you want to go and see where the ... red birds make their nests? what are they called, agana?"
confused, perturbed, the pearl met agana's pensive gaze with a playful look she mustered up from somewhere within her pale chest. "do you want to go and see where the ... red birds make their nests? what are they called, agana?"
![[Image: pSj9vo4.png]](
December 12, 2019, 01:57 PM
ofc ! <3
The girl welcomed her warm embrace; Agana felt at peace, even for a short moment. It was one of those moments that warmed her heart made of ice. The right corner of her lips rose a little, glancing away to grey forest. She sighed, then turned to face the pearl;
“I do not know; but maybe I will find out on the way there.”
„common” — „romanian”
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