Moonspear the devil at your door
14 Posts
Ooc —
All welcome. Full moon, overcast, 8°C. Feel free to pp the cougar.

A warbling howl cried out, shattering the haunting silence of the witching hour. It sung a warning for all those sleeping soundly in their hollow dens:


Quietly the messenger paced along the invisible boundary of the stone-carved kingdom; watching, waiting. Jaws clenched tight, her frustration brewing. The feline blood clinging to her whiskers was all that could pacify the raven-cloaked woman, quieting the growl that threatened to rumble up from her chest as seconds turned into minutes.
She licked at it indignantly, and waited with pricked ears for the sound of havoc which was sure to erupt from somewhere deeper inside the dark tangle of trees.
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
On the curtailing of the unfamiliar howl, he heard the cougar scream a rueful reply.

It was distant, but not the way he wished it would be though hardly a surprise that it would draw near. With warming weather, bountiful prey, and growing young within their claim it was perhaps more a wonder that they were not often plagued by them.

Careful quiet steps marked the path that he wove to descend from a familiar ridge; here the forest was thick as it neared their borders and sprawled out beyond. Here, where herds would often skirt across what they hoped was safe passage along the gentle curve of foothills and valleys.

Here, where in the parting seconds between rallying howl and vile, hungry scream came a silence masquerading as warning and abhorrent darkness. He was not a stranger to the feline variety, knew to avoid them. This had always been far easier when he had been able to pass up the threat; the mountain could not simply be moved to avoid.

He breathed out, footfalls creeping to a stop, and rallied his kin to him.

Time to drive out the undesirable.

well this is probably the most interesting joining event i've seen on here. i like it. tags are for visibility but obviously i'm welcoming in the cavalry that isn't laid up to beat on a cougar—@Jarilo, @Lyra, @Osiris, @Antares, @Moriko, @Alya, @Yama, @Vega, @Helios, @Kane Ardelean, @Senua
53 Posts
Ooc — Kate
It was the howl that caught her attention first. Had it been during the light hours she may not have minded, but this one did not sit well with V — the first thing that came to mind were the pups.

Silence passed as she stirred, trying to decide if it was worth the lost sleep to check out whatever was happening. The pups had the entirety of Moonspear to protect them, including their formidable parents.

Then a second call tore through the night — a summons from her father. She sprung quickly into action, slinking through the trees. When she got close enough she could smell the cat and a ripple of fear caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand.

Dad, she whispers, head low, ears back. What next?
my monsters are made of storm clouds, made of lace
11 Posts
Ooc —
The stout she-wolf was lounging across a small outcrop of rock overlooking the valley to the east.
She had been steadily watching the moon climb atop the sky. A rich yellow eye to watch all the world toil beneath her. 

Senua did not know how long she lay there watching, but a howl interrupted the quiet chatter of the night fauna. She was a bit too far to make out what she saying, but the voice was also foreign to her. As was most of the pack's while Senua integrated herself. So she lay there patiently for any further calls to reach her. 

Then another howl ripped through the air after the second faded away. It was a rallying cry from her Alpha. "Yes..." She hissed, a wicked grin splitting her maw. The promise of battle punctuating his aria. And with it the thrum of anticipation buzzed beneath her pelt. Making her senses sharper, cleaner. 

The she wolf lurched to her feet, rolling her built shoulders loosely. Her cropped tail slashing the air like an agitated panther. She moved quickly through the craggy outcrop, intent on steadily moving towards the rich call of Dirge. 

She did not know what foe they would meet. But as she did with any adversary in the past, she would meet them with courage. Her heartbeat played a loud drumbeat in her chest. Without falter and ready for violence.
{Once more into the Fray. Into the last good Fight I'll ever know.}
34 Posts
Ooc — Aislin
The guardian was merely doing his patrols when the call came out. While he wasn't necessarily far away, the call that came from the origin, followed by a second, was more than enough to bring him out. Kane went off in a sprint, getting to where his leader was located at. A few wolves had already gathered together, and Kane stood by waiting for orders. 

The smell hit his nose hard. Cougar. It was either on a rove for it's "territory" or it was hunting. With younger wolves in the midst, and being bitter enemies with such predators, the pack had no choice but to act. Kane sniffed the air and growled a bit. "Rutheless creatures. We must fight and not hold back." Kane said his two cents as he scanned the area. Muscles twitching in the interest of defending the pack, but actually getting in a good fight. 

He had fought them before in the past, but that was during a time where Kane was more youthful and had energy. At a year and a half, he was expected to get into every fight the pack had to be involved with. Now at three, though he was still young, he wasn't as energetic as a youth but that would not stop him from defending his home.
Pursuing MercenaryScout Masteries
"Speaking." | -"Singing & shouting."- | Thoughts.
>>Player Policies & Pawprints<<
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior

Sequestered in the whelping den, the matriarch was nonethewiser to the threat well beyond her whelping den, deep and hidden in the recesses of Moonspears upper reaches. It was nonmarked, and any indication of children here was expertly removed by their three caretakers. Hydra looked over the sleeping bodies of her four cubs, but the peace was broken as a battlecry shattered the silence. She was careful as she rose to all fours, aware now of the nefarious presence beyond but within their home all the same. 

Hydra had just put the children down for their nap, exhausting them with her own fight arena creation. In the ring that was made of her body and the earthy wall of the whelping den, she let them interact and encouraged them to do so with one another. She was silent as she reviewed their interaction, and all too game to learn more about them. She would test them by introducing little obstacles; sticks, a broken antler tine that was dulled and without a sharp edge thanks to her fangs, insects... 

It must have exhausted them mentally after hours of it. So she let them eat, and then sleep, once they began to indicate they had grown bored and there was nothing left, for now, to introduce. 

In any case, here and now Hydra slipped out of the threshold that separated her whelping den from the rest of the world, eyes adjusting to the light. Her eyes sought @Alya and @Lyra who she suspected and hoped to be near (they often were), and she hunkered down just in front of the denmouth with a maleficent look upon her own features. It would take no supernatural strength for her to destroy what was unwelcome here, and her own cry rose lowly to rally Moonspear with Dirge from beyond in this call to arms to protect their own and be rid of this feline scum. Another call, lower, was offered to @Kukutux should she not feel safe by her lonesome and wish to be closer to more teeth toward the cause of protecting their young. As her call quieted, she felt the fierce, angry wardrum cadence of her heart as her nostrils flared to drink in the scents around her. 

It was not near the densite at least. Even still, to come here at all was a fatal miscalculation on the creatures part.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
14 Posts
Ooc —
The ruby blood which beaded upon her whiskers had not been drawn from the feline now prowling Moonspear, but from the two kits she had birthed a fortnight previous. The raven-cloaked woman had stumbled upon their den entirely by accident, and she had slaughtered the young immediately upon their discovery. 
As the cat mother cried out in anguish, the wolves descended. Oblivious to her loss.
Except for the unnamed wolf who stalked the invisible line between pack and wild lands. She knew of the crime comitted, the evidence still stained her lips. She would remain alert and keep herself hidden, ready to spring into action and give chase should the cougar try to turn back around.
574 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Sorry to tag you again <3 Just wanna make sure you see this since she's interacting with Kuku directly. No pressure to respond; we can assume one option or the other happened if you'rebusy.
Alya was nearby, having been hovwring over her sister's children once more. At the sound of the howl and the scent on the wind, she exchanged a horrified glance with Hydra. All at once, she was a tiny girl once more, and a dark wolf was standing over her, ready to die if it meant he could save her. Guilt and fear crashed over her all over again, as fresh as it'd been in her youth.

Then that moment had passed, and Hyrda's howl reminded her of the other vulnerable children. She kissed Hydra's cheek and, knowing that Lyra would be more than enough backup for the time that she was gone. "I'll go to @Kukutux, just in case."

She was quick but wary on the way to the pale woman's den, and arrived a little out of breath in her haste and anxiety. "I can help move them, if you want. We can hunker down here, too, but it would be safer all together."
i can't help but be my own god
3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
no worries, im happy always to participate in IC stuffs <3 tags for ref & feel free to PP her to the densite!

the howl of dirge that rang out seemed to narrow into a single point of sound, one that brought kukutux awake with a start. at her side, one or another of the babes stirred. the duck blinked, gaze sharpening as senses engaged. aatchikkaan. breath held, snowfall ears trembling, kukutux listened. 

hydra's tones rolled out then, a distant clap of thunder that beckoned to her mother's heart. the company of wolves would be welcome, even if kukutux suddenly found herself surrounded by new faces in a clan she had begun to know. she kissed one child and then the other, resisting panic as she considered how best to heed the call of the blackbear.

if jarilo was close, her gaze would shift to him; otherwise it widened at the sight of alya's shadow cast across the threshold, the assuring murmur of invitation. kukutux hesitated only a moment, fear edging her expression, and then she gently took up @Sialuk, and when @Saviguk too had been lifted, she slipped from the den and to alya's side with careful steps.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
677 Posts
Ooc —
Dirge's howl, and the nature of its song, rattled him right out  from his peaceful moment enjoying the company of his family. He perked to listen as Hydra complimented this with a call of her own from her densite, worry rising with him as he began to digest this, an unnerved glance to Kukutux while he fidgeted, suggesting his thoughts on the matter. The pups were far too young for him to be anything except concerned over any wind of a threat.. but it was also this duty to protect that wanted to pull him further down the mountain sooner rather than later. Though he knew others would be joining the alpha soon if they had not already, he was to be among them--but leaving his wife's side now did not bode well either, not with such fresh little lives to watch over here.

Feeling pulled in a few directions, Alya's arrival was a relief he had not known he needed and all the anxieties aside, his tail waved for her. Soon enough after, the pups were plucked and carried on, despite the worry it inspired in him then as well. But, as he told himself, they would all be more secure together. With his trio of sisters, and likely adding in his nephews looming nearby the densite (if not lured by their father's summons), Kukutux, Sia, and Savi would be well-guarded, even without him. I'll keep watch.. until I go, he rumbled, assuming a hovering post close to them on the short trek over, eyes darting to the woods, and beyond.

Only when he knew they were within Hydra's sights would he leave them, and once he shook the hesitation off, then it was a mad dash down the slopes to join the others--hopefully, before anything could escalate.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
First, Hera had called, and the mountain cat replied with a yowl. 
Then, Dirge had called, and Osiris replied with a howl—indicating that he was on his way. 

Spurred into action, and further motivated by Hydra, Osiris raced to where his packmates congregated. Although he wasn't entirely sure what to expect, anxiety and fear had already begun to gnaw at his stomach. Moving with haste, he climbed down the mountainside. 

The stench of cougar befouled the foothills, causing his neck-fur to stand on end. Once Osiris had joined the others, he slunk to Vega's side. Despite everything, namely his fear, Osiris was ready to heed Dirge's command.
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
His pack rallied to him, a retinue that would surely be enough to drive the feline out and away from them. Provided of course, they didn’t simply corner it and kill it outright—the thought crossed his mind as the pack filtered through the trees; he was satisfied with the headcount made, though willing to receive more.

Among them were two of his children who hastened to his side. Vega’s words reached him but he had no words to make a plan with, and could only nudge her with a reassurance that all would be well. Just as well that Senua and Kane arrived too; Dirge had certainties that he could make use of them here and now.

“Scout ahead,” he addressed them with a click of his teeth, urging them on. “We’ll cast a net not far behind you. We need to find it—and our messenger—before it finds something to sink its claws into.” His gaze shifted to his eldest children, his tone just as stern: “Both of you stay close to me.”

The others beyond that he presumed would fall in line somewhere in the mix.
53 Posts
Ooc — Kate
Wolves came from every direction; each one caused her to shrink back in fear that they might be the cat. When Osiris emerged, she crouched at his side. Whatever braveness was in her chest had deflated to leave her crumpled and afraid.

She wouldn’t let herself look back on this with shame.

She sturdied, planting her feet wide and even to keep her balance. A feral snarL ripped from her maw; it was go-time.

At her father’s behest, the other packmates were to spread out while she and her brother remained here. Good. Stand still for a moment? She could do that.

feel free to powerplay Vega reluctantly moving forward w Osiris and Dirge
my monsters are made of storm clouds, made of lace
11 Posts
Ooc —
Senua emerged from the shadows then, her night vision leaving members of her new pack in crisp relief from the moon high above. The night was thick with the soft musings of insects and wildlife alike. Toiling away in the their nocturnal lives. Oblivious to the tension that left the air static wherever it touched the vixen's pelt. 

Her gaze solemn and trained on Dirge as he spoke to them. His instructions a catalyst to the frenetic energy trying to claw it's way out of her. 
She nodded her confirmation to his instructions and  slunk up to the other wolf that Dirge had indicated. 

She wagged her ruined tail in greeting to the agouti male. Realizing he was another pack member she had yet to meet. No matter, he was pack and she was determined to protect any of her new family with her life if needed. 

With the weight of battle on her tongue, she softly said, "Let us stick together and scout ahead as he commanded, yes? I would hate for us to be caught at a disadvantage should that cougar begin to stalk one of us while we're on our own.
{Once more into the Fray. Into the last good Fight I'll ever know.}
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Feel free to skip me in future rounds!

Sialuk, still small, felt the twitch of her mother and whined a short, soft whine. The next thing she experienced was rather an odd feeling. The ground below simply ceased to exist as her mother lifted her from the floor with her mouth. She was still so young, so small, and so weak that there was little protest from the silvery child. She hung limply in her mother's jaws, blind and deaf to the world around her.
Atkan Aleut
14 Posts
Ooc —
The commotion erupting up from within the dark tangle of trees caused a surge of excitement in the raven-cloaked woman. She could hear the pack, rallying to their leader's call, and could hear their yips and growls echoing through the trees as they fanned out in preparation to hunt the big cat down.
No doubt the cougar could hear them also.
The raven woman remained on high alert, her ears pricked and her nostrils flared as she paced back and forth along the borders. She expected that the noise of the pack would drive the creature back towards the borders. It would be stupid to run right into their trap.
In the dark her nose picked up on the cougar's scent, which had suddenly grown more pungant with the changing direction of the wind. The dark colour of her pelt worked to her advantage as she concealed herself amongst the shadows and listened carefully for the sound of approaching footfall. The cougar was heading back in her direction and she was ready to strike.
The moment the cougar appeared from the trees, Hera lept out to surprise it. The big cat snarled and lashed its claws. The raven female kept her distance and circled around it, snarling and growling at it as it swiped at her face.

I have skipped @Kane Ardelean for the sake of keeping the thread moving. Feel free to jump back in whenever <3
99 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
skippable unless directly interacted with

There was a howl, a stranger—then a cry of foreign sounds. Yama’s ears perked with curiosity, an interest in the ongoings that she knew not how to properly express. Then came another howl, the pack being summoned, and she wondered how best to react. Tentatively, she followed the sound of the calling, each step more cautious than the last as she found herself creeping closer and closer yet to the outskirts of the territory; last time she left her homeland was the first time she tasted the blood of another wolf, an event she was still trying to come to terms with. But she could not turn tail and run, despite how desperately she wanted to. So rather than that, she hung back, stalking after Dirge and his children, gaze frantic and searching.
77 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Saviguk had been dozing contently, having just slipped into the outer reaches of sleep. Then the familiar comfort of his mother moved, and not in a way she had done before. He may be blind and deaf, but already the newborn had a sense of when something just wasn't quite right. And this was one of those times, likely his first. Hoisted up gently in unfamiliar jaws, the oil-black boy was jolted rudely awake. Stubby legs flailed, seeking purchase on a floor that was no longer there beneath him. His tender face scrunched, he let loose a pitiful little whine of protest, helpless.
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
The group progressed further through the timber, neither his children nor his scouts were too far from view. Silence was an aid, but that same quiet felt heavy as it blanketed the world around him. It had a certain weight to it that seemed to grow heavier by the second; his senses were finely tuned enough to know that they were not far off at all.

Something moved ahead of them, followed by snarls both feline and canine.

Dirge sprang into action now that they had located the cougar, a snarl rising up from him in his encouragement to help drive it away. Against one it may have been brave to attack, but it would against many? This was not a cornered part of territory, not backed against towering stone. The woods were open and broad and the sloping terrain would lend them speed.

also keeping this moving; my apology for the wait @Hera, work and current events have my time snared up.
parts of stars, parts of legends
677 Posts
Ooc —
Finally stepping beyond the anxiousness roiling in him over moving the young pups, down the mountainside he lengthened his stride, churning through the woods. It was Dirge's scent he sought first, with all of the others a welcome addition along the way. Focused most on getting there, tallying them as he went was only done in part, but he was not going to discredit them any for the showing made ahead of himself--which, good. Though more lives to look out for, they were more brawn on the situation too.. and he went into this with confidence towards Moonspear's strength.

In all of his rush, he finally caught glimpse of the motion moving ahead of him. He had found Dirge and his near-yearlings, but just as he came on them from behind, the distinct sound of a feline snarl hit the winds--albeit distant still, enough to raise his hairs and keep him on his momentum, forward, as that identified where their issue was exactly. Jarilo gave the group a low woof to announce himself on his way, but swiftly veered off wide around them to head on towards where Senua and Kane scouted just beyond--coming with the intention to bring a different vantage point to the table, one in-between the groups, and maybe from a different side of things too to potentially surprise their foe. As for what the mountain's forest would granted him, paired with timing, he would have to see once he got there.

Shrouded in the darkness and comfortable with the land underfoot, he went hastening on his widened route and was able to close in stride by stride. He smelled the cat stronger than before, and a stranger of a wolf engaging it--Jarilo would not be able to descend on the scene first thanks to his late start, but he went streaking after it all the same and poised to swing as soon as he got the last visual confirmation he needed.
i dunno order but
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Osiris refused to publicize his anxiety about their mission, as there were far more pressing matters to address. He chose to redirect his energy as he waited, opting to focus more on the task than his concern. 

A short nod from Osiris followed Dirge's instructions. The direction provided was easy enough for him to follow, and he was thankful to stick by his father's side for a moment longer. After their packmates dispersed, Osiris, Dirge, and Vega followed—but only after they had heard the feral cries of both feline and canine. 

Urged into motion, Osiris followed after Dirge with motivation burning in his belly. Now that they were moving, all of his previous concerns had vanished. As they neared the scene, he growled ferociously as a warning to the intruder—if it failed to leave, they would do everything in their power to drive it away.