The Sentinels Whispering words,
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All Welcome 
@Wraen, @Maia, @Arctcurus
but maybe @Lionel and @Knaven 
"I know someone that can help-" vaguely so, however. Though it was the only shot they had, as Umbra struggled to move along with her broken leg, she heavily leaned upon @Sunhawk, as at the moment he was the only one she could truly rely upon. Mentally, and especially physically. Despite all the icy words she would throw at him, he seemed to never left her so.

What an odd man, she thought, but didn't express. Perhaps the seafang grew soft upon him, as this was now the second time he had proven to help her so. She could not easily throw away such loyalties, especially now with her injury. Her stormy eyes glazed down to her broken, dangling and bloodied leg.

She overall, was bloodied from the gray-slated man, and now the cyclopes. Umbra was a simple mess, as the two trudged to the sentinels.
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
gonna make this a cameo unless/until another maycairn shows up :o

another group of wolves in the sentinels.
not their own.
lionel felt unrepentant as he stalked away with gold quivering indignantly in spikes along his shoulders. he went to seek our knaven and bijou; he muttered of what he had seen, and would wait for quorum before striking out again. until then, however, he kept himself tucked into the tangled undergrowth and away from view.
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no man’s an island, no
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Thank god they’d managed to escape Wyclop’s wrath. Sunhawk was sure that crazy bitch would come to collect any moment. He kept glancing behind them, expecting the snarling visage of that single eyed banshee to come howling after them. 

She never appeared, which was well and good considering that he and Umbra were but a stones throw from death’s door. Around them the cliffs gave away to soft lolling dunes and columns of old trees. Sunhawk would not feel at ease until the cliffs were well and gone from the horizon. 

Ahead he saw a shape scurrying off. At first he felt his hackles lift, that this was a wolf from Wyclop’s unique circle of hell come to deal some damage. But the guy was skulking off after he had seen them — hey! Where the hell was he going? HEY, YOU! Sunhawk bellowed into the wind as he leaned against Umbra, supporting her grossly bent leg. HEY, GET BACK HERE AND HELP US YOU YELLOW BACKED WEASEL!! By now @Lionel was a shape in the distance, but Sunhawk had a voice that carried far.
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"Don't bother." The seafang shook her head as Sunhawk called for someone. She had no realized there was anyone near, she was focused on the pain and the movement, simply trying to stay alive. Her only worry was if the cyclope of the coast came back to haunt them, it was the main focus. Her companion at the moment, was far more sharp then herself, and she relied on him to see for enemies.

"We have to find a place- maybe these woods would be ideal." Umbra fainltly remembered there was possibility of another located.. There was a slight hope she could help.
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a shout, ringing out. lionel whirled, thrust his shoulders through the crackling underbrush. a boy there, he looked like shit, sunstained shit. and the woman nearby, a doddering smudge of sunless shadow. the mayfair was intrigued and repelled, but it was the former that won.
he approached on stiff legs, muzzle tucked and murkwater eyes hard with watchful challenge. "do i know you?" came the sardonic curl of his lips. it was to the boy he spoke, but lionel trusted neither of them, wolfbit or no. "a lot of nerve, insulting someone from that far away."
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no man’s an island, no
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Sunhawk would bother. His very existence hinged on bothering. If Sunhawk had one career choice, one trade in which to shill out a vocation, it was bothering. He was great at bothering. The best, even. Ask Anyone (like Bigwig) how great his bothering could be.

Pinning the rangy loner with a squint, Sunhawk had to hide the quailing of his legs as Lionel turned and sized each of them up like they were Chicken Nuggets in a HappyMeal. Sunhawk put on a brave face as he held Umbra up, but he wasn't counting on his face earning him any friends. It was pretty ugly, as a matter of fact, given all the abuse that had happened to it lately.

A challenge glinted in Lionel's gaze - a smarter man might have ignored it or skirted around it. A man like Sunhawk was neither smart nor diplomatic. He saw a hole, and he put his paw down into it. That's just math.

"You're right. How silly of me to forget my manners. Let me try again now that you're nice and close." Sunhawk exchanged an apologetic glance with Umbra, before he pushed her upright and took a step forward. He threw back his head, inhaled Seagull Style, and bellowed: "HEY!! GET BACK HERE AND HELP US, YOU YELLOW BACKED WEASEL!!"

Despite his poor condition, his voice was loud and carried. Inhaling again, Sunhawk delivered Lionel a broad and staggeringly cheeky beam. "So, would ya help? Name's Sunhawk -- and this here frightening lady goes by the name of Umbra. Got a name, besides Weasel? Maybe Skulking Badger or angry-eyed Eagle?"
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Umbra inhaled sharply with a sigh, as she hobbled over to straighten herself upwarwds and let Sunhawk call out. Unable to get used to working with only three-legs, at times she would put down and winced at the pain. Her upper leg was completely broken, and it was hard to keep it off the floor. It was safe to say when she was against Sunhawk, it was easier.. So the weakened kraken leaned against a tree, as she watched their little..


The seafang was silent at the matter. Unwillingly her name was given, so a short glare was given to her companion.
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"doesn't look like she wants my help, you fucking gull," lionel shot back, eyes surveying the damage to them both. interest won over his own arrogance; he let out his breath and arched a brow at the glowering sunlit boy. "she your grandma or something?" he snickered, tongue lolling.
lionel turned toward the blackfurred she-wolf now, daring to approach only a foot or so. "so what do you think? give this a go?" if she told him to fuck off, the mayfair would do just that. no sense in endangering himself for this sunhawk. "lionel," he added, an afterthought.
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"Shut your mouth insolent rat." As Umbra was only the age of two, she didn't appreciate being called Grandma, by some stranger. Originally wanted to stay out to whatever conversation the two were having, but didn't enjoy being insulted. Her fangs hissed out as she snarled at the stranger.

However even the kraken knew it was foolish to try so while injured, but could not stand the insult.

"Give what a go?" She didn't understand what he meant, but with with fur riled up and fangs stretched, she didn't know if he proposed something good in her state.
no man’s an island, no
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Gull? Grandma? Sunhawk's ears turned full mast ahead, his eyes widening.

His grin split into a high-headed laugh, which resolved into a whimpering wheeze as his ribs sharply reminded him that such efforts came with hard repercussions.

While he was laughing Umbra was fuming. That's about typical of what he's come to expect of the kraken, but any nudge he might have aimed her way was quickly shelfed when she scathingly replied to Lionel. Oh, this could be good - but Sunhawk wasn't ready to rally for fight number three.

What was with Umbra and fighting? It was like she had a scuff-finder attached to that big old snozz of hers. Sunhawk shifted and prepared to fire his retort. "No, she's your fuckin' babysitter." Grin. They were just joking around anyways, right? Except for Umbra, maybe... Gal was wired pretty tight, alright. "Anywhoos.. pleased to meetcha, Lionel. As you can see, we've gotten [b]pugilistically pummeled to the nineteenth degree. You aren't the type that keeps a medic around, are ya?"[/b]
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
pummeled was correct. you both look like shit, lionel thought meanly to himself, though he snickered at sunhawk's bawdiness. the other boy was a good sport despite being banged up to shit. "unfortunately, no," he grunted, wheeling away from the man. "but the best thing is rest. could help you find someplace?"
the offer was for both of them; the mayfair looked at the savage woman again, at her glinting teeth and the fel energy powering her darkened countenance. disinclined to move closer, he looked at sunhawk, waiting for a reply. they might figure it out afterward.
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She was less inclined to accept the strangers help despite Sunhawk asking so, "these woods seem fine." They had large trees to cover them so, and far away from that coast. A place to heal so far- as they were, in fact very pummeled. Even more-so herself with a broken leg.

Umbra fur shuffled downward as a gaze toward Sunhawk.


Let him do the talking. This 'Lionel' had no intention to talk to her so. Her body very, very carefully hobbled, or attempted to look like she was walking, to a tree to lean on. Her leg-pain was getting a bit too much to continue of the charade of a kraken.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I MISSED this tag.  if you don't want new I can peace her out, but omg

Someone was here, and boy, were they LOUD.  Maia was touseled from where she'd been taking a nap, and blearily she wandered in the direction of the yelling voices.  She knew that some other wolves had been hanging around in the woods, but since she knew they were here only temporarily, it wasn't a big deal.  Right?  She couldn't imagine what they wanted with it; there were loads of prettier places.  But maybe some places were inexplicable... like Wraen and this one.

Maia blinked as she came upon the scene and saw not two, but three wolves.  She caught the tail of the conversation and stopped near a tall, broken shade of a former tree.  Umm... look.  I was... abruptly she broke off into a wide, huge yawn.  ...j..just trying to take a nap, but y'all are, like, amazingly loud.  Who needs to find a what?  

She stifled another yawn, then looked first to the other two, then Lionel.  One looked hurt... and two were real cute.  REAL cute.  Suddenly terribly, terribly aware of her disheveled fur, Maia perked up immediately, focusing in for real on the situation as she awaited a continuation.
no man’s an island, no
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Lionel was right on the nose. They looked like shit. They looked like cat litter in a blender; smelly, disgusting, and so unappetizing he himself might have hurled (like that one time when he'd felt Wylla's eyejuice splatter him). At least now, the tension had ebbed away on his and Lionel's behalf. Umbra was a different story.

He flashed an encouraging beam Lionel's way. "Alright, come on grandma," The Endore tittered, getting ready to hoist Umbra up when he saw another wolf arrive. This one, thankfully, did not have the intimidating complexion of Lionel. It took Sunhawk two seconds to decide he liked her immediately. Of course, it didn't hurt she was beautifully patterned and still carried with her the fresh face of one who had just woken from a nap. Hell, Sunhawk loved naps - they already had things in common!

Sunhawk dialed the wattage of his smile up to ten-thousand kilos of Sirus A level starlight. He didn't even care he looked bedraggled and stank. "Well, pardon us miss...." He waited for Maia to offer her name before continuing in a tone that was dreadfully polite, and dreadfully so very apologetic: "M'name's Sunhawk, but you can call me Sunny if it pleases ya--" You too, Lionboy - "My friend and I here got into a bit of a scuffle over by the cliffs yon. Some lady off her rocker attacked us. We'd no choice but to flee, and I'm not exactly the brawling type. My friend here needs a medic, if you know any. I'd be happy to do whatever I can in exchange for resources."
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lionel tried to keep the amusement from his face as sunhawk approached the wounded she-wolf. umbra was not truly that old, only moreso than both he and his loud compatriot. it stood to reason, then, that in the eyes of a boy with but a single year beneath his crisp new belt, the breadth of her tangible experience might seem grandmotherly.
but the mayfair had little time to explore this. a new wolf on the scene, this one a lovely girl with a muzzy expression and inquiring eyes. round-cheeked and sweet-voiced.
though lionel knew he looked the better-groomed of the two, he was not as swift as sunhawk's charming spiel. instead, the boy and his murkwater eyes offered their new feminine counterpart a matching smile, standing silently as he waited for her to answer.
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She only grunted when Sunhawk was preparing to hoist her up. It simply felt embarassing to be forced to rely on him so, but had to let it be. She knew once she was healed, Umbra was going to get somesort of payback to just being tossed around by his whims. However the movement seem disrupted by a random lady- yet another intruder.

"This place is crowded," the kraken muttered in irritation as she glared at the intruder. However, nothing was to be said. 

Let Sunhawk deal with pests.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia looked from one to the other, then at the woman, who seemed less than thrilled.  Oh, right, she was probably hurt... not that Maia could help.  Shoot.  Umm, maybe?  My sister might be able to, or her friend.  Was Arcturus a healer? Wraen wasn't, but surely between the.... five... of them they could figure something out.

Wait, are you all, like, living here?  Her tone was a little incredulous.  They were hanging out here, sure, but this place was far from what Maia would choose to, like, claim.  At least the glade had been kinda pretty.
no man’s an island, no
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Crowded was an understatement. This place was like the line out of McDonald's when it was the only one a 30 square mile radius after a PAC-EAST fest. Sunny was amazed more nerds didn't come out of the woodwork.

He could tell Umbra was becoming less and less enthused. Okay, probably time to go soon. Lionel, on the other hand, seemed quietly interested. In the pretty lady, no doubt. Sunhawk couldn't blame him - she was exactly the type of gal he'd be okay splitting his spicy McNuggets with.

"Oh god, no we're not living here." Sunhawk found the place more than just crowded. Miserable? Terrifyingly too close to the harpy Wyclops and the orney old general that had chased him right off the cliff? Somewhere between Elephant Graveyard and the crazy lady's house down the road. It had all the charm of a graveyard, and none of the cool epitaphs. "We're trying to find a healer, though. So.. uh. It was nice meetin' y'all.. Any way you can point us where we're not likely to run into more crazy people?"
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
brokeleg grandma gruffed a line that soured lionel on the meeting, but he was not about to offer helpd and then take it back. the girl was speaking again — he wondered if her sister was as easy on the eyes as she was — but his attention moved to sunhawk then. "we aren't staying either, just passing through."
the royal we he meant for bijou and knaven, neither present, but the mayfair did not seek clarification. "maybe we should take her near this sister," he suggested quietly to his male counterpart, assuming that would be the best course of action to both avoid crazies and get his ... relative ... fixed up.
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"I would not choose such a place to claim. I only desire what is rightfully mine." There was a hint of scorn within the krakens voice, remembering the cliff. What was rightfully hers would not be given, for instead a broken leg was instead thrown to Umbra. She gritted her teeth in bitterness.

Then she turned her head away- now so ignoring them. Whatever Sunhawk chose would be what she would follow for now.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, okay.  Uhhh.  The woman made Maia deeply uncomfortable.  She was intense.  Maia couldn't tell if she was friendly or absolutely hated her, and that lack of open friendliness always put her in a tailspin.  Especially when it seemed like hate was the side winning out.

The other two were friendly enough, and the one guy was more than welcoming.  She focused on them.  Well, there's a pack that way?  She indicated the vague direction of Firebirds.  Their healer is amazing, but it's a little bit of a trip.  We used to live there, actually.  But now we are staying just right over here.  Wraen isn't a healer, but she's suuuuper smart, and she has helped me loads of times when I was sick!  I'm sure we could at least help some.
no man’s an island, no
73 Posts
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Three cucumbers and a sour potato - that's how Sunhawk would describe this meeting. He glanced from Umbra (GRUMPY AF) to Lionel (distant, but I like your style) to Maia (you're super cute, what are you doing later girl???). It was a strange union, but he wasn't complaining.

He tried to grin off Umbra's intensity because he could feel it was pushing against them all. He didn't like the idea of hiking very far so maybe 'Firebirds' was out of the question, but this 'Wraen' person seemed promising. Sorta. Mostly because Sunhawk couldn't be bothered to walk another mile without some seriously strong black coffee and a good meal. Grumba wasn't palatable for many. "I don't think we should travel too much. I like the idea Lionel's got - seems good to me. Less walkin' the better, my hide is tanned and tired as an ox."
83 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lionel tried not to show his gloating pleasure as sunhawk sided with him. maia's suggestion was kind; he would have liked to travel with her, if only to look at her pretty face a longer time. but the surly wounded woman was in no position to go any further than up a few more trails, if he had to guess.
"he's gotta rest his bones anyway," the stag smirked, unable to resist taunting sunhawk a bit due to the boy's good nature. "lead on, maia." a nice name, rounded and promising and feminine. 
also he had wanted to say it, before sunhawk did. he could not help his inward rivalry.
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'Lead the way,' as the group seemed to decide, she only flickered a ear and moved her body in a way that simply described as so. She didn't care, at this point Umbra's leg was hurting and she wanted rest. Face was a perfectly cool persona as pain was not a foreign subject, but she could feel sweat forming from trying to keep it from seeping out.

Weakness was not an option to be showed.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
last for me! I figure we can just assume they rested a while and hung out before moving on <3

Great!  She was flustered by the attention from now the second guy who was also very, very pretty.  And who addressed her by name on a way that made her pause dreamily for a split second.  Lead on, Maia.  Oh yes sir, she would indeed.

Follow me!  With a flounce and a wave of her tail she turned, precious weariness forgotten as she started off towards their temporary resting place.  She couldn't wait to introduce them! And to get to know these interesting wolves tonight.  Maybe they'd like to even hear some stories tonight! This was going to be amazing.

WC: 100