The Shàngjiàng stares out over the raging Sea, a smile on his face, the moonlight in his eyes. Fiery eyes which linger over the waters and into the direction of home, the island, Yuelong. In Spring he had joined them, a large foreign man painted in red. A man who spoke not of their language, who knew not of their customs. A wolf who had come from a far different land yet an island all the same, who spoke Greek and worshipped Gods not alike them.
Aiolos could have never imagined they would accept him as their own, their equal. But they had. A man born a basterd and raised into slavery, a nothing. Now he was one of the people but not just of them, their Leader.
He reflects on it now, with Moon Mother high in the sky and as Mother Sea reaches out to him with each swell of water washing over the sands. Aiolos, with out even a family name to pride on, things to his place within the ranks, the relationships he had found in them, the son he had created...
A sigh takes him and he lifts his skull, singing out into the crisp chilly sea breeze. A melody of bittersweet symphony.
Aiolos could have never imagined they would accept him as their own, their equal. But they had. A man born a basterd and raised into slavery, a nothing. Now he was one of the people but not just of them, their Leader.
He reflects on it now, with Moon Mother high in the sky and as Mother Sea reaches out to him with each swell of water washing over the sands. Aiolos, with out even a family name to pride on, things to his place within the ranks, the relationships he had found in them, the son he had created...
A sigh takes him and he lifts his skull, singing out into the crisp chilly sea breeze. A melody of bittersweet symphony.

moonglow daddy
September 26, 2020, 12:09 PM
Wraen's little caravan had spent longer at the Sentinels than she had initially anticipated. The very hard walk from the Sun Mote copse was still vivid in her memory and, even though her heart yearned for a change in the scenery yet again, she did not feel bold enough to be on the road. The weather was treating them nicely up until now, food was still plentiful for her to hunt and sustain herself, and she somewhat guiltily hoped that just maybe this state of little paradise would last all through winter.
Weeks passed and Wraen could not longer ignore the change in the winds. Day after day she observed birds of passage leaving the lands that let them flourish during the spring and summer, she noticed the gradual change in the colour of leaves and, how despite the considerably warm days, nights grew longer and colder. One particular night she woke up to see the first frost covering the grounds and the fact that she was cold. Not wishing to wake up her companions, she left them quietly and walked along the shores to warm herself up.
By the time she had reached the narrow passing over Totoka river, the moon had risen high already, and she wondered, if she should return to her comrades. But a beautiful voice that sang in the night drew her attention, moved something deep within her heart. And she could not help, but tip her head back and reply to this call with a song of her own.
Weeks passed and Wraen could not longer ignore the change in the winds. Day after day she observed birds of passage leaving the lands that let them flourish during the spring and summer, she noticed the gradual change in the colour of leaves and, how despite the considerably warm days, nights grew longer and colder. One particular night she woke up to see the first frost covering the grounds and the fact that she was cold. Not wishing to wake up her companions, she left them quietly and walked along the shores to warm herself up.
By the time she had reached the narrow passing over Totoka river, the moon had risen high already, and she wondered, if she should return to her comrades. But a beautiful voice that sang in the night drew her attention, moved something deep within her heart. And she could not help, but tip her head back and reply to this call with a song of her own.
October 03, 2020, 10:01 PM
Sorry for the hold up! So happy to meet such a long standing character. :)
The night went on, the seaside air crisp and growing colder. The creatures of the world had gone silent for the night- the birds nestling in their cliffs and trees, the rodents tucked in their burrows, the deer huddled together quiet in the thick forests. For now only the predators stirred, the wolf, who howled out to one another, their voices mingling with the crashing of the ocean tides.
Her voice was beautiful, as she thought his own to be. His lonely song lonely no more. As traditional they were, the wolves howled to the brilliant moon above. After a time, Aiolos lifts from his settlement on the shoreline, eager to seek out the woman who had heard his plea of song.
The red wolf's head hung between forelegs, sniffing the sands and trotting at an angle upwards to the grass line to scent. He would find her well enough along the coast, causing his head then to suddenly lift high and ears perked with interest as he watched her in the distance. She remined him of a shark, with dark upper portions and silvery tones underneath that took a lovely glow in the moonlight. He lifts his head again, howling out a call to her. Would she allow his approach?

moonglow daddy
October 08, 2020, 02:26 PM
Why thank you very muchly! :)
I am not sure, if Wraen would have been at all flattered, if the first thought that came to an attractive man's mind, when he saw her, was that she looked like a fish. With his background it probably was a compliment. With hers - all she could think of were the amounts of frozen and decaying fish she had eaten during famine. She had had he fill for a lifetime and saw no beauty in it.
But - naturally - she was no mind-reader and this did not deter her from admiring the good-looking specimen she had lured out. "Good evening!" she greeted him in calm demeanor, giving him a friendly smile and encouraging him to come closer so they could talk to each other without raising voices.
October 09, 2020, 12:32 PM
A happy greeting, a happy tone, Aiolos smiled and drew himself further to the woman, his head remaining slightly lower then her own despite the height difference which they shared. His tail swayed, lowered at his hocks as he approached the petite woman.
A pleasure to meet you, miss.He greets and, with a dip of his creamy chin lifts his head up normally to look her over now that he is closer.
I'm Aiolos. Anything I might be able to help you with?A naturally helpful wolf, especially to woman and of course she didnt smell like any pack he knew of so information could be beneficial to his pack as well.

moonglow daddy
October 11, 2020, 02:32 PM
People did not usually offer you to help with something, unless you had unknowingly tresspassed their claim. Wraen looked over her shoulder, wondering, if she had missed a clearly delineated scent margin, but with the changing nature of the coastline you could hardly expect anything to be permanent. Sand did not hold smells well. Neither did saltwater. She turned back to face Aiolos, now understanding that he was one of the rare polite by nature specimens.
"My name's Wraen and you can keep me company," she suggested. "And tell a story. I collect them."
"My name's Wraen and you can keep me company," she suggested. "And tell a story. I collect them."
October 18, 2020, 03:17 PM
Wraen, Aiolos stored the name for her as he watched her curiously, as she speaks that he could help her by keeping her company for a time being. Aiolos fgured that perhaps she was a traveler, lonely in need for a little bit of time with another wolf before heading off on her own again. The red man at the time had more time on his paws to spare then he had just a few weeks prior. His Ruo gone and having taken their son with her, Aiolos felt the need to fill the void of companionship and it just so happen that he had ran into her.
Alas, now placed with a task at hand, Aiolos thought for a moment in wonder.
Alas, now placed with a task at hand, Aiolos thought for a moment in wonder.
Well...He would begin to think, lips pursed as he came to face the oceanside once more and settle himself into a sit with thought. He was not at all much of a story teller, this was certain. But he'd try...
There was once an evil King whom did evil things to which many in the land came to despise.He would start out,
He reigned over the great mountain forest of the land and thought himself invincible. But the King had a brother and the brother was good and banished his evil brother into the mars below.He pauses, tilting his skull into the woman's direction to see if she held interest. He wasnt very good at this.

moonglow daddy
October 19, 2020, 01:51 PM
It was not the best Wraen had ever heard, but she appreciated the man giving an honest try to impress her. Therefore she received the tale with dignity and listened to it, as if she heard it for the first time in her life. And in a way it was - from this man's lips, definitely.
"Does the story relate to your own life in some way or is it a childhood favourite of yours?" Wraen asked, always having interest not only in the plot itself, but the storyteller behind it as well. Usually the choice in genres was tied to life experiences that had particularly resonated within one's soul. Or with problems, big questions in life that one was attempting to solve.
"Does the story relate to your own life in some way or is it a childhood favourite of yours?" Wraen asked, always having interest not only in the plot itself, but the storyteller behind it as well. Usually the choice in genres was tied to life experiences that had particularly resonated within one's soul. Or with problems, big questions in life that one was attempting to solve.
October 20, 2020, 02:18 PM
Looking over the pretty little 'shark' with apple green eyes, he sheepishly smiles and a nod was offered.
My life.He admitted. But who in the story did she think he was? Only time would find out and he would continue for her.
The King, furious with his plight only became more bitter and in time, another spring of pups like any other, a child was born, not of his own. But his blood, no less, a grandchild yet out of wedlock, not approved by his blessing. A basterd.He explained and his paws shifted over the caked sands of the beach. The wages reached out to them, yet alas they remained out of reach by the tides.
He hated the child, roughed him up, had his lackies torment him. 'To prove his right to be here in the pack', he'd say.A pause, head lifts high, bright amber eyes out to the Sea.
And then the sirens came.

moonglow daddy
October 21, 2020, 03:45 PM
Wraen should have guessed this beforehand, but her lifelong experience had taught her that there was a reason, why "assumptions" had a three letter word in the beginning, which indicated that they could be wrong and you should not trust them wholly. She was glad that she had asked Aiolos to elaborate, because those real life details he poured into his story, made it more believable and real to her.
"He does not sound like a good man or a happy one. Do you know, what made him that way?" she asked, enjoying characters, who were not simply black and white, but had layers to them. "Ah, the sirens - I have heard about them. What happened then?"
"He does not sound like a good man or a happy one. Do you know, what made him that way?" she asked, enjoying characters, who were not simply black and white, but had layers to them. "Ah, the sirens - I have heard about them. What happened then?"
October 27, 2020, 02:18 PM
A single ear atop the red crown of Aiolos turned back. He thought a moment, as amber eyes took to move away from the ocean side and back to little shark near him.
As far as anyone was concerned, he was never a truly good man. Pompous due to his bloodline and made greedy and selfish by it. A royal brat, if you will. But others say he had become far worse after he had founded his mate lying with another...!But would she fine pity for the prince, who thought it was his right to have whatever woman he chose, even if she did not love him?
Alas, he was a rather sexist man after so, taking any and all as his bride he could... and the Sirens...he went on after a pause, intrigued by the fact that Wraen had heard of them.
The Siren were women never to be owned by the likes of a man. So they came out from the sea,from an island, of course,
And they crushed the banished King and any other who threatened them, killing him the way his brother could not. The women were set free to return to the mountains or join the Sirens. And the boy?Yet another pause and his muzzle lifts, sniffing the ocean breeze. Far better then the mucky smell of the bog...
He was taken by the Sirens. To be molded and groomed, to learn that a woman in many ways far outmatched that of a man.

moonglow daddy
October 29, 2020, 03:23 PM
On the whole Wraen liked the story, except for the last part. It echoed with something she had heard before and not too long ago either. There had been a she-wolf, who had offered her a place in her pack as long as all of her comrades were females. Yes, in the context of this particular story, the ending was logical. Still - female ultimate supremacy did not sit with her well. Neither did male supremacy, if anyone had doubts about her view of the world.
It had to do with the fact that she valued people's characters first, looks, gender and titles came second. The longer she lived, the clearer it was to her that the latter three often were superficial patterns that often drove focus away from, what people truly were. "Nicely done - thank you for sharing this with me," she dipped her muzzle in gratitude. "May I know, what happened to the boy, who was raised by sirens, next? Did good things came his way?"
It had to do with the fact that she valued people's characters first, looks, gender and titles came second. The longer she lived, the clearer it was to her that the latter three often were superficial patterns that often drove focus away from, what people truly were. "Nicely done - thank you for sharing this with me," she dipped her muzzle in gratitude. "May I know, what happened to the boy, who was raised by sirens, next? Did good things came his way?"
November 03, 2020, 11:58 AM
He would smile to her, a small smile to which he dipped his muzzle in turn for her thanks. As they settled on the beach with the Mother Moon watching over them, he wonders if soon she may leave and continue onward to whatever venture she may take. He had enjoyed her company thus far, feeding the loneliness he had held after Ruo and his son had left him.
Turning back to her, a sheepish grin took his creamy lined mug. For if it wasnt obvious, he was the boy which he spoke of in the story.
Well...He straightened as he shifted in his sit and took a breath, turning his eyes back to the ocean.
Life can be a bit tricky of course when your a servant. But the boy grew to enjoy sparring and as he grew and practiced was not a source for bullying like before. He made a fine guardian for the sirens and was a rather favored consort to them. He enjoyed the structure, the discipline and busyness of it all. He took a scouting mission after some time then, coming to a land not all that far from home but still a stretch. He lost his group, however, and had come to be accepted by a pack far different from the customs he was used to. Time passed and the boy was a man moved on, the world having thrown at him many reasons to believe he was not just some servant. I'd say he was doing rather well now, I think.
Turning back to her, a sheepish grin took his creamy lined mug. For if it wasnt obvious, he was the boy which he spoke of in the story.

moonglow daddy
November 03, 2020, 02:23 PM
Ain't you adorable. Wraen caught herself thinking, while she took notice of the handsome glow the man had, when he spoke about his upbringing and how he had come here. He was not at all that bad-looking, had she met him under very special circumstances, nature, undoubtedly, would have put him on the list of the eligible "mate-material". But then all of a sudden and for no apparent reason she thought about Arcturus and that - perhaps - her train of thought at the moment was a little heretic to say the least. Not that he had to know, of course, but still.
"And now you have joined the Moon Dragons?" Wraen made an educated guess, having encountered Huā beforehand and having a feeling that the two shared scents. "How's life there? Better, different? Or does that boy has new ambitions - perhaps, he wants to achieve more out of his life," she mused.
"And now you have joined the Moon Dragons?" Wraen made an educated guess, having encountered Huā beforehand and having a feeling that the two shared scents. "How's life there? Better, different? Or does that boy has new ambitions - perhaps, he wants to achieve more out of his life," she mused.
November 06, 2020, 02:03 PM
Moon Dragons?He questions curiously, a brow raised and a tilting of his head in complete canine manner. He had never heard of them though maybe she did mean Yuelong after all?
The island is a beautiful place, an island just the same as before but yes, far different, better.He agreed that much so and stole another gaze at the little shark beside him. She held the moonlight well as he did the sun.
Much of the pack at first were females who had a similar upbringing. Not slaves, no, but made to be proper, delicate and hold their tongue. I guess it was fate I came upon them. The boy-A little chuckle then,
I never thought I'd accomplish so much as I have there, especially when it comes to standing side-by-side the Empress herself.There was no judgement by his sex, his lack of family name, his enslaved past.
Enough about me though...He mused, having grown up in a manner which meant he tried not to go on about himself much. Wraen had pulled the secrets from his mind by longing a story from him worthy of her time. But what of her?
What's your story? Do you have a place your proud to call home?

moonglow daddy
November 07, 2020, 02:11 PM
"My story... hmm..." Wraen bid her time to sum up her four years long life in a compact and easy to understand package, where there weren't too many details, but just enough for it to be interesting. Aiolos way of story-telling had been just that.
"Well, there was a girl born alongisde a brother and a sister to two forest wolves. Their home was both beautiful and the best in the world - tall sequoia trees sheltered them from the weather, while there was always the sound of the gentle rush of the ocean waves in the background.
The children were born amidst famine, therefore those first few months were very difficult, making the parents decide to go south in hopes for a milder winter. They travelled extensively during that first year of the girl's life and one of the first things she learned was that home did not mean a certain place, but the people, who surrounded her.
While her siblings had dreams of becoming leaders and warriors, the girl listened to her mother's stories with stars in her eyes. She did not know, what she wished to become in her life, therefore she attached herself to the little family circle and when the next season her younger siblings were born, she involved herself and took care of them," she told.
"Eventually time came, when the older siblings left and circumstances were such that the girl left her home too," Wraen said. "And it turned out that the world had still much for the girl to teach. She moved from pack to pack - thinking every time that this would be it, the final place, where she would live for the rest of her life," she explained.
"It did not happen for one reason or another. She thought - maybe there was something wrong with her - but then... she realized that every time she had learned something new about herself and that her journey of self-discovery had not yet come to an end. All through this she learned not to believe in gods or ideas, but to believe in people and herself," Wraen said.
"For gods are fickle and their will has many interpretations. Ideas that are put before people do more harm than good," she explained. "And here she is now - the world is her home and she is still learning," she finished.
"Well, there was a girl born alongisde a brother and a sister to two forest wolves. Their home was both beautiful and the best in the world - tall sequoia trees sheltered them from the weather, while there was always the sound of the gentle rush of the ocean waves in the background.
The children were born amidst famine, therefore those first few months were very difficult, making the parents decide to go south in hopes for a milder winter. They travelled extensively during that first year of the girl's life and one of the first things she learned was that home did not mean a certain place, but the people, who surrounded her.
While her siblings had dreams of becoming leaders and warriors, the girl listened to her mother's stories with stars in her eyes. She did not know, what she wished to become in her life, therefore she attached herself to the little family circle and when the next season her younger siblings were born, she involved herself and took care of them," she told.
"Eventually time came, when the older siblings left and circumstances were such that the girl left her home too," Wraen said. "And it turned out that the world had still much for the girl to teach. She moved from pack to pack - thinking every time that this would be it, the final place, where she would live for the rest of her life," she explained.
"It did not happen for one reason or another. She thought - maybe there was something wrong with her - but then... she realized that every time she had learned something new about herself and that her journey of self-discovery had not yet come to an end. All through this she learned not to believe in gods or ideas, but to believe in people and herself," Wraen said.
"For gods are fickle and their will has many interpretations. Ideas that are put before people do more harm than good," she explained. "And here she is now - the world is her home and she is still learning," she finished.
November 10, 2020, 10:23 PM
Aiolos shifted his weight on the sands, readying himself for the story the little gray woman would offer him. She spoke of herself in a third person, as he had which caused a smile to linger over his features.
It was sad to hear how quickly the pups had to move from their beautiful forest home not far from the ocean. He wondered why the parents decided to breed during a famine, not the smartest idea though he only expected that the lose of prey happened after pregnancy.
The man listened on, content to flicker his ears as he captured her story as he turned his eyesight to the ocean view before them. Their life was a hard one as traveling young pups but he was happy in hearing how they were so close to one another, a happy family of which he never had the pleasure of having. ...Not even now, really. But little it Aiolos life was so 'picturesque'.
Soon, the pups would grow, they would disperse and all the while the little girl, Wraen, as she sat next to him now, had a life of traveling as she had always known, learning not only the world around her and all it held, but learning more and more of her own self in the process.
It was sad to hear how quickly the pups had to move from their beautiful forest home not far from the ocean. He wondered why the parents decided to breed during a famine, not the smartest idea though he only expected that the lose of prey happened after pregnancy.
The man listened on, content to flicker his ears as he captured her story as he turned his eyesight to the ocean view before them. Their life was a hard one as traveling young pups but he was happy in hearing how they were so close to one another, a happy family of which he never had the pleasure of having. ...Not even now, really. But little it Aiolos life was so 'picturesque'.
Soon, the pups would grow, they would disperse and all the while the little girl, Wraen, as she sat next to him now, had a life of traveling as she had always known, learning not only the world around her and all it held, but learning more and more of her own self in the process.
I like your story much more.He speaks with a bit of a laugh.
Its happier.Once of hope, acceptance and wonder for all of which the future would hold. He learns she is not a believer in the Gods or Fates, only ones self. Aiolos did believe in Gods, of the two Goddess for that matter. They had guided him well enough thus far since he brought them into his life. But whether Goddess, or whether just a moon and sea, either way he loved them still.
So you've been quite the well versed traveler then, since childhood...He mused, turning his attention back to her then and admiring the brightness in her green gaze.
Do you find home in others that travel with you now?He would have liked to hope through it all she had not ended up now alone.

moonglow daddy
November 12, 2020, 02:57 PM
"Happier? Maybe. But there is also a lot of pain and hurt, and dark moments too. They make the good times shine brighter. Like stars in the night sky. You do not see them in broad daylight, do you?" Wraen said, not feeling entirely sure that such ultimate happiness existed at all. Even now she could not tell, if she was constantly happy. Content most of the days. Sometimes nostalgic about times gone forever. Curious about, what future would bring her. Rarely anger flashed like a bright flame. More often smiles she had given to other people effortlessly collected like colourful flowers in a vast green meadow.
"I do at present, though I know that one day our lives would diverge and I would either have to walk my path alone or find home in other people. Though I have to admit - as the years go by, it gets harder to let new people in. That is - have them close to your heart," she mused. "What about you - ever thought about travelling yourself? Or does life among your current comrades fulfill your wishes and needs."
"I do at present, though I know that one day our lives would diverge and I would either have to walk my path alone or find home in other people. Though I have to admit - as the years go by, it gets harder to let new people in. That is - have them close to your heart," she mused. "What about you - ever thought about travelling yourself? Or does life among your current comrades fulfill your wishes and needs."
November 19, 2020, 02:07 PM
I guess you have a point there.He spoke, his front paws tipping up on their toes and offered the soot and salt woman a shrug.
Life always has to have a balance.Good and evil, harsh times and happy times. It was the way of life, the way nature intended and for the man who believed in the Gods, the way they intended too.
Then she spoke of being happy though with a knowledge that all good things come to an end. A single ear turned back to Aiolos at this. She was optimistic or perhaps, maybe not... Wraen fully accepted that nothing ever lasted though wondered if because of it she sidnt bother to get attached and wondered through life completely disconnected and aloof? The Greek man didnt know and while he too knew life was fleeting, he hoped one day he might find someone he knew he could spend the rest of his days with, friend or otherwise, where only death would be what parted them.
I can understand that. The more you love and loose makes it where when new ones come in, it's hard to get close, to trust, when knowing that this new relationship also has an expiration.He spoke a bit grimly yet after a deep sigh, answered her question.
I think I've done enough traveling for now. I am a scout and guard to my pack, so often visit the neighboring areas on this mainland which is plenty for me. This is my fourth home and hope for it to last some time...Alas, like Wraen, he could not predict what the future would hold.
And where do you stay now, with your group?

moonglow daddy
November 19, 2020, 02:32 PM
"I think that it is harder, because you have to start all over again. Get to know that other person, learn to trust them and build a friendship of it. You get older and lazier. More set in your habits, less open to the diversity of people out there. But at the same time I enjoy that process far more than I let myself think about, when and how it will end. I try to make the best of the time I have with that person and I remember the good times afterwards. The person may be gone by then, but that memory can never be taken away from me," Wraen tried to sketch and insight in, what it was to be like her.
"This was my fourth home too and I thought that it would be the final one, yet it did not happen. I hope for your sake that your fourth draw will be the lucky one," she replied. "We stay in the forest near the coast. It's called The Sentinels and once was a glorious forest with tall sequoia trees, until it burnt down. I was born there and spent my first months of life there too. I may not remember much of it now, but the place is dear to me, because it is, where I feel the closest to my parents. They are deceased and yet, whenever I am here, I have a feeling that I am closest to them than anywhere else."
"This was my fourth home too and I thought that it would be the final one, yet it did not happen. I hope for your sake that your fourth draw will be the lucky one," she replied. "We stay in the forest near the coast. It's called The Sentinels and once was a glorious forest with tall sequoia trees, until it burnt down. I was born there and spent my first months of life there too. I may not remember much of it now, but the place is dear to me, because it is, where I feel the closest to my parents. They are deceased and yet, whenever I am here, I have a feeling that I am closest to them than anywhere else."
November 20, 2020, 11:27 PM
She went onto explain herself further, that she treasured the moments she could with those that were in her life. That the memories, painful or loving, could not be taken from her. He smiled, yet almost forced. She had a good outlook on things and yet he hoped one day she could find someone she thought not only to trust wouldnt ever leave her but that they truly wouldnt. Someone she could count on to be there for her besides her own self.
Life however, was fickle, tender, delicate... one might never think to leave her side by their own accord and yet be it fate, mother nature, the Gods or otherwise, would be forced from her.
The sentinels. He knew them, knew them quite well enough actually though with often how she visited he could only imagine she had a better connection with them. She was born there and though she had been forced to leave at a young age, the place stuck with her regardless.
Then, a lighter tone at least,
Life however, was fickle, tender, delicate... one might never think to leave her side by their own accord and yet be it fate, mother nature, the Gods or otherwise, would be forced from her.
The sentinels. He knew them, knew them quite well enough actually though with often how she visited he could only imagine she had a better connection with them. She was born there and though she had been forced to leave at a young age, the place stuck with her regardless.
I've been through there quite often enough. I once lived on the plateau before joining Yuelong.Alone he had lived there with the dead woods to his east. He had hunted for 'falling stars' there and explained to Ruo about fire and the deviation it caused...
I'm so sorry...He frowned deeply, his own fiery haze softening. The dead woods were a mess and those trees that remained were as it were, 'dead' and hollow, the crack and thuds of their continuous falling a reminder of the past destruction and its grip still on it.
Then, a lighter tone at least,
Its not far from the island you know...Surely she did,
I'd hope we can keep in touch.

moonglow daddy
November 21, 2020, 12:51 PM
"Oh, don't be sorry - it does not really matter to me, how bad it looks now. My memory lets me travel back in time and see it for, what it once was. And I also believe that fire has a dual nature - it destroys mercilessly, but it also leaves an open place for something new to begin. I may not be there to witness it, but, who knows. One day it may stand tall and proud again," Wraen liked stories with good endings. Or one's that weren't exactly happy, but held a promise for a better future.
"Well, I hope that we meet each other again sometime and update on the status of things," she rose to her feet and arched her back to stretch away the stiffness that had set in, while she had sat during the conversation. "I have enjoyed your company greatly this evening and I thank you for that," she dipped her muzzle politely to emphasize this.
"Well, I hope that we meet each other again sometime and update on the status of things," she rose to her feet and arched her back to stretch away the stiffness that had set in, while she had sat during the conversation. "I have enjoyed your company greatly this evening and I thank you for that," she dipped her muzzle politely to emphasize this.
Last one from me. Thank you! :)
November 22, 2020, 07:53 PM
Thanks so much for the Kudos! I have really enjoyed this.
Wraen was true to herself and in that one day the forest would revive itself again, whether by large and towering trees of sequoia once more or by another kind. Still, it would be a very long time before it would revive itself again in such a matter, as for where not moss and fern would cluster the lands for a little woodland of sorts then a full blown forestry. It would be long after their time, though Wraen was happy enough with knowing it would be so once again. A rebirth, just not one for either of them to enjoy.
Fiery eyes watched as she lifted herself up off the sands and in turn so did he, leaning back on his limbs to stretch in similar manner.
And I thank you for having me.He spoke, a smile lingering over his creamy mug as he looked the woman over, placing her scent, her voice, and he figure to good memory should time separate them far longer then intended.
Safe travels, Wraen.And with a dip of his muzzle he would begin off towards the sandbar not far from their placement in order to return back home of which he belonged.

moonglow daddy
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